Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Woke Abortion Rally "4 Reproductive Justice" by the Misinformed - Foley Sq

 The usual hard-core left came out out for this rally, propelled by hysteria and disinformation they  claimed the "supremes" had not only made abortion ILLEGAL, but gay rights of all kinds would be next.

While those in Foley waited for the marchers to cross the Bklyn Bridge, many here were busy setting up their (mostly) ABORTION-on-demand displays.

Guesstimets of 10,000 protestors marching across the bridge are just that, a guess, but whatever, their arrival would not happen for a couple of hours,

 So  ... no use hanging around after I got my pictures of the signs: "my job was done".


Yes,  Foley Sq. was "alive" with the visual clutter of killing-the-babies activism.

Once the march  arrived  with their signs promoting Gay rights, Black rights, Trans rights as well as abortion rights, it was going to be a very big party.


Remember, those who aide-and-abet abortion-on-demand are the Good Guys.

"Abortion Pills"  treated like candy (as in the kiddy pool)

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The message this day - and still : FUCK the Supreme Court!

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Oh, and lots of Peace Doves, hanging every where, cause we all know how 'peaceful' the left can be.

The police were very visible, but only on the perimeter of Foley Square.


 They just seemed to hang while I was there since the march hadn't come over the bridge yet. (Their presence must have been for the march- not the "party")

And those Food Trucks. I've been to many Foley Sq protests but this was the first time I've seen any food trucks lined up like that.

Flickr Slide Show:

Foley Sq Rally For Reproductive Justice NYC

.With all the amplified speakers lined up in front of the stage, it was going to be a VERY LOUD event, so my decision to leave ahead of the crowd was easy.

Short video of the stage with the message-heavy projections : Wokeism Hypocrisy prevails ...

 BUT, this isn't the 60's. Abortion is not illegal. Abortion has just been thrown back to the States to decide, as it should have been in 1973. 

NOT OUTLAWED across the country, it is a  State's issue ...


So, the fear factor ruled ... Ignorance prevailed

As their OUTRAGE ... GROWS.


[Where indicated, pictures and video property of Pamela Hall-VSB] 

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