The facts were slow to come, but here it is, an update May 30, 2022: "Shireen Abu Aklen cannot possibly be a “martyr” – a term reserved for Muslims who die fighting the Infidels. Nor could she possibly be 'in Heaven', a place reserved for Muslims." She was a Melkite CHRISTIAN. (Who Knew?)
Why a Slain Palestinian (Christian) Journalist is Not a Martyr
"Much of the Muslim world has been engaged in denouncing Israel for what the Muslims describe as Israel’s deliberate killing of journalist Shireen Al-Akleh. The Israelis say they do not know who was responsible for the death of the Al Jazeera journalist, who at the time of her death had been covering, from 150 meters away, the battle between IDF soldiers and violent Arabs in Jenin. Israel has requested access to the fatal bullet so that its own forensic experts can study it, most likely with American experts also taking part. The palestinians have adamantly refused. When two sides are in dispute, and one side refuses to produce the evidence it holds, while the other side wants only to engage in a thorough examination with oversight by a third part (the U.S.), we know which side is hiding something and which we can trust." [Front Page Mag]
Ignoring many facts, Shireen Abu Aklen was labeled a palestinian martyr:
“I never knew that Shireen was Christian (a Greek Melkite) and it never mattered. She was a symbol of palestinian unity in her lifetime and in her death...'' [Al Jazeera]
May 13, 2022, the N.Y. Times protest where the pali protestors demanded "Justice For Shireen". Held outside the NY Times, the main topic of protest, without proof: they claimed Israel murdered - assassinated - al Jazeera reporter, Shireen Abu Akleh. An inconvenient truth omitted this day: Shireen was a Christian, making her a convenient, by omission, talisman for 'palestinian "martyrs" everywhere.
TAKE NOTE:They NEVER mentioned that Shireen was a Christian. (Whenever mentioned, that is the clarification of this writer)
This day, the palis were very unhappy with the N.Y. Times and their "misleading" headline of her death.
The outrage centered on one word, did she DIE or was she KILLED.[]
"They have charged, without a shred of evidence, that Israel deliberately targeted Ms. Akleh (a palestinian) for assassination." (avoiding any mention of the fact she was a Melkite Christian) [Front Page Mag]
FACT: "Al Jazeera’s palestinian-American correspondent Shirin Abu Akleh, 51, was shot to death on May 11th during clashes between armed palestinians and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the West Bank city of Jenin. (HOWEVER) Hamas, the palestinian Authority, and their enablers have exploited the journalist’s tragic death as fodder for a malicious propaganda campaign against Israel. " [Front Page Mag]
"The haters declared Israel guilty -- without evidence or investigation."
.At 5 pm, outside the New York Times building (across from the Port Authority) on an intermittently rainy evening, the usual anti-Israel, pro 'pali' protestors played to crowds of commuters rushing home. (most of whom were uninterested) while demanding "Justice For Shireen".
Never letting an opportunity to bash Israel go to waste, this protest may have been slow to build, but their amplified anti-Israel screeds (including the N.Y. Times) filled the air with demands for "Justice" for an al Jazeera reporter ( a CHRISTIAN), claiming she was murdered, in-the-field, by ISRAEL.
But, was it murder? Or an unfortunate accident of her risky war-reporting profession?
Video 1 -The pali protestors gathered in front of the N.Y. Times building with a small crowd waving pali flags while an uninterested crowd of commuters hurried passed to Port Authority and home.
Only a few stopped to listen to their chants of "Free Free palestine; 1,2,3,4 we don't want your bloody war. 5,6,7,8 Israel is a terrorist State; 1,2,3,4 open up the prison door. 5,6,7,8 Israel is a terrorist State. And a new chant for the occasion: New York Times you can't hide, we charge you with genocide."
Video 2 - "...collective organizing ... against the Zionist entity and its supporters cause we know ... resistance by any means necessary is the solution for a liberated palestine. We are here today on this memorial, honoring our hero ... our martyr Shireen Abu Akleh, palestinian.
FYI: "As a non-Muslim .... Abu Aklen ( a Christian) cannot possibly be a “martyr” – a term reserved for Muslims who die fighting the Infidels. [Front Page Mag]
They claimed: "She was targeted for spreading awareness. She was silenced for exposing Zionist (.....) ... doing what she would have done, defending
Video 3 - What I wanted to say is , 'Feel your emotions. It's okay.' Shireen ... in 1997 she began working as journalist. First as a field correspondent, becoming well-known as a reporter on Arabic channels. She often reported on funerals for palestinian (...) She was the first (Christian) Arab journalist allowed into .... prison to interview incarcerated palestinian prisoners. So, what is she, she's a trail blazer.
AMENDED Headline: [The N.Y. Times headline, "Trailblazing Palestinian Journalist (Dies) was amended eventually to (Killed) in West Bank"]
"Today, as occupation forces brutally attack
The fact that they [the churches] all united so quickly to celebrate her legacy and bid her farewell, shows how big of a symbol and meaning Shireen (a Melkite Christian) was for all Palestinian Christians.
She's quoted as saying, 'I chose journalism to be close to the people. It might not be easy to change the reality but at least I can (send) their voice to the world.' This weekend, is the 74th commemoration of the institutionalization of the nakbah, the 74th anniversary of the nakbah of the palestinian people. And so this weekend ... get active. Go to a rally. Be loud. Be heard. Show love. Fight. Fight because she fought for ... palestinians. and I promise you, I will fight for her." (again, aggressive guttural cheers and an Arabic chant that mentions Shireen)
Video 4 - Brief video of a memorial flag for Shireen (on the ground) that could be signed. Also, as I filmed, a 'fan' --- an UWS lefty, I'm sure .... flipped me off to the chants of 'palestine' will be free.
Video 5 - Is she or isn't she "Lamis Deek", muslim attorney? Whoever she is, her powerful voice got my attention during the many chants.
"Free Free Falestine"; ...killed by terrorist; an Arabic chant re Shireen; Shireen is a journalist killed by a Zionist; Justice for Shireen; Free, Free Falestine; No Justice, No Peace and Israel Out Of The Middle East."
Video 6 - "We are gathered here today in front of the N.Y. Times building to expose their complicity in Israeli colonial violence, murders and systemic prejudice of palestinians."
"Most recently the murder of
++ So, who was responsible for the death of al Jazeerah journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh? The Who and How is up for debate, but NOT by these anti-Israel, palis sympathizers.
They hold-fast to one meme: ISRAEL MURDERED (implied muslim) Shireen Abu Akleh and of course: ISRAEL OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST.
They complain that the N.Y. TIMES mislabeled her MURDER as just "dies" (perhaps).
"New York Times has a history of toning down conflict reports, and often omit crucial details while reporting on terrorism related events. For example, in a 2019 article, the paper had written that the twin towers were taken by aeroplanes on 9/11, choosing to not mention that those aeroplanes were piloted by trained terrorists. The NYT often blames guns, knifes, cars etc for killing and hurting people, not the actual perpetuators behind the attacks."
After much chanting against the N.Y. Times, and Israel, they marched to the Israeli Consulate, ending with more speeches and chants decrying the murder of Shireen (they claim) by Israel. Always the VICTIMS, fed by their twisted hatred for Israel ... and the Jews.
More, May 29, 2022 update on Jerusalem Day: "Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that "flying the flag of Israel in the capital of Israel. Amid frenzied rioting Arabs, Jews ascend the Jewish holiest site to celebrate Jerusalem Day, marking 55 years since the capital of Israel was liberated from a 19 year illegal Arab occupation." [Israel Hayom
Am Yisrael Chai!
[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]
++ Update links on Shireen's unfortunate death ++