Saturday, April 2, 2022

NYC Leftist Teens "Global Climate Strike" 2022 Demand Climate Justice!


On March 25, 2022, a crowd of mostly teens that some estimated to be a thousand- (maybe, maybe not) poured into Foley Sq, after marching across the Brooklyn Bridge. Except for the few Rise And Resist senior citizens (perhaps reliving their youthful activism) peppered amongst the under 21 protestors.

Rabidly committed to the idea that Mother Earth is going to BURN ("I want to die, but not like this")

these climate activist TEENS demanded elected officials address the climate crisis NOW.... the Climate Clock is ticking....

“What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now!”
And "Climate Justice is Racial Justice"!

The Marxist agitprop drummed in their impressionable skulls has made quite an impression; these kids honestly believe they have No Future.

However, in spite of the doom and gloom messages ,the prevailing emotion was PARTY-Time.No weeping nor rending of garments was observed from this obedient crowd. Students told to Stand. Stood. Sit. They Sat.

Sadly, these are the Future AOC Marxist/Socialists of America.

    From "Fridays for the Future", Face Book:

More from a Rise and Resist Face book observer: "It was a thrill to be with Rise and Resist as we volunteered to be marshals for Fridays for a Future, a youth-led and organized Global Climate Strike movement that started in August 2018 when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for climate.

Their three demands are:

1. Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels. (34.7 F)

2. Ensure climate justice and equity.

3. Listen to the best united science currently available.

.... exuberant young people participated in a powerful march and rally ... from Borough Hall to Foley Square. "Our oceans are under attack. What do we do? Stand up fight back." ACT UP Lives on. Our souls were lifted."

Slide show 1

 Global Climate Strike Part 1

Slide Show 2

 Palis outside IDF Office NYC

.VIDEO 1. A crowd of mostly teens poured into Foley Sq. after marching across the Brooklyn Bridge, except for the few Rise and Resist senior citizens peppered amongst the under 21 protestors. Clearly, this is still the TEEN movement of Greta Thunberg.

VIDEO 2 : Obediently, the children SAT DOWN, when ordered, so they could listen to a poet, chants of climate justice is racial justice and to the horrors of the Bklyn pipeline. Clearly, this is still the TEEN movement of Greta Thunberg.

Their knee jerk ignorance .... sadly disturbing.

[Where indicated, Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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