Tuesday, March 29, 2022

NYC War Resisters in Times Sq on 19th Anniv of U.S. Invasion of Iraq


Sat, March 19, 2022, Times Square
Leftist War Resisters observed
19th Anniversary U.S. Invasion of Iraq

March 19, 2022 , found familiar anti-war Commies gathering in front of the Times Square Recruitment Station, demanding an end to the IRAQ war; to all wars.  The U.S.War machine must end.

Attacking and invading a country is a crime.

The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against humanity.  We are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of exploitation.

At first,  Grannies For Peace serenaded passersby, briefly, followed by Debra Sweet of World Can’t Wait … obsessing on Iraq and the Bush Regime with a perfunctory acknowledgement of Ukraine; what mattered to her was U.S. war crimes in IRAQ.

"War with Iraq: No WMD; not a part of the WTC. It was based on a lie. Unjust. The Bush regime began it. it was a War Crime. Immoral. 45 million people displaced by this war of aggression by the U. S. Creating a huge  refugee crisis across Europe and the Middle East; by the U.S. invasion and occupation.  It is our responsibility to do everything we can to  STOP U.S. War. Re Ukraine: every decent person should get off the band wagon to use more violence in Ukraine. Possible repercussions are enormous. NO U.S. intervention. NO NATO intervention.As for Iraq. After 20 years there must be many stories from people in Iraq/Syria who were affected by this war."


It was a Vigil, a March, a Demonstration protesting the 19th anniversary of the "unending U.S. war in Iraq" that has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands civilians and combatants, and cost more than $2 trillion. But also warning not to support WAR in Ukraine.

The "End the 19-year-old U.S. War in Iraq, Ban Killer Drones" protest was sponsored by NYC War Resisters League, the World Can't Wait  as well as  Catholic Worker, Kairos Community, Pax Christi New York State, Brooklyn For Peace, Veterans For Peace/NYC Chapter 34, New York City Raging Grannies, Granny Peace Brigade NYC, Peace Action New York State, Peace Action Manhattan, Pax Christi Metro New York, CodePink NYC. (Facebk LINK]

Flickr slideshow They stressed that as citizens of these United States, we should Resist All War.

 Leftists Resist All War in Times Sq 2022

Found this comment re the protest from Face Book:

"On yesterday's 19th anniversary of the endless U.S. war in Iraq ...the war in Ukraine grimly highlights the United States doesn't have a monopoly on raining terror down upon civilians, but does make clear the hypocrisy of media's wall-to-wall coverage of Russia's war while downplaying or even not covering similar horrors in Iraq and other Middle East countries perpetrated by the United States for the past two decades." Ed Hedemann

NEXT on their agenda- Monday, April 18th, 2022
Noon – 1:30 pm

 "We will protest at the IRS, calling for refusal to pay war taxes, and on Wall Street — starting at one location then marching to the other in order to make connections between U.S. tax dollars and war contractors who rake in profits as a result of arms sales and the constant promotion of war."

How to Refuse to Pay Taxes for War. (Introductory Workshop)

TOPICS INCLUDE which taxes go to war; how to resist; risks, joys, and consequences of resistance; federal budget basics; resources and support; plenty of time for Q & A.

“Let them march all they want, just so long as they continue to pay their taxes.”
—Alexander Haig, U.S. Secretary of State, responding to the 1982 March for Nuclear Disarmament

The American Communist orgs never rest.
Neither should we.

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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