Thursday, August 26, 2021

“Globalize the Intifada” anti-Zionists outside NYC Israeli Consulate

 August 16, 2021. 4 pm. NYC."Go to Hell Israel" was chanted by a few dozen "palestinian" anti-zionists protesting outside the Israeli consulate. Their goal today was “Globalize the Intifada”. "Show the world that while corrupt governments normalize with the enemy, the people continue to rise up against normalization and in defense of "palestine"!

There was a smaller but equally robust counter-protest as they chanted Hamas Kills Kids and Am Yisrael Chai!#JewsFightBack and #EndJewHatred


 "Zionists unite across the street from the Israel Consulate. Our voices MUST be loud and strong. OUR voices must drown out the demands of the Jew-haters who call for death to Jews by calling for "Intifada". Our Jewish pride and strength must be heard and seen from NYC to Jerusalem. Send a message to Jews around the world: Stand up! Be seen! Be heard!  Send a message to Jew haters to End Jew Hatred! "

 Flickr Slide Show

Jews Fight Back vs Globalize the Intifada

Video 1 : Nerdeen Mohsen Kiswani. (the passing traffic was loud) "palestinian stolen land. 70 years and they continue to steal "palestinian" land. "palestinian" cities where people have to be kicked out ... stolen or demolished ... We have the solidarity of the people with us. You hear people honking ... different countries supporting the people of "palestine"... global.

Law student, community activist & "palestine" legal client, Nerdeen Kiswani, has faced a barrage of attacks for her campus and local organizing for "palestinian" freedom, alongside @CUNYLawSJP and @cunyjlsa . The law office of Lamis Deek is representing Nerdeen in conjunction with "palestine" legal.

Video 2 : Watched a young Marxist Jew stomp on Israeli flag ...  across from the Pro-Israeli,End Jew Hatred protestors.

His flag with hammer & sickle represented the Communist Party of Israel ...  Marxism-Leninism and Anti- Zionism.

Video 3: Sadly the Jew Hatred continues, built on LIES spewed from the 'palis' and Marxists outside the Israeli Consulate..

The lies and the hatred must be challenged: Globalize Jewish Pride.

Am Yisrael Chai!

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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