Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ben & Jerrys boycott Jews in Israel : STOP Jew Hate

 Aug 12, 2021 - On the steps of the NY Public Library on Fifth Avenue. A protest against Ben & Jerry’s Jew-hating decision to boycott Jews in Israel.

Activists handed out free ice cream, t-shirts, and flyers explaining how Ben & Jerry's de-legitimizes Jewish self-determination and encourages Jew-hatred. By talking face-to-face with members of the public, they were able to make the case against Jew-hatred and explain how Ben & Jerry's bigotry in Israel harms Jews.

Flickr Slide show

Ben & Jerrys Serve Ice Cream Not Jew Hate 

Supporters of the 'End Jew Hated' movement gathered at the New York Public Library entrance with signs reading, 'End Jew Hatred' and then marched to the Ben and Jerry's store in Times Square (which was CLOSED )

They marched through midtown Manhattan protesing ice-cream giant Ben and Jerry's decision to stop sales of its products in  Judea and Samaria (aka East Jerusalem),  the West Bank Settlements.

Video 1 - short excerpts: Intro speaker. Then  Second speaker, David Weprin, NY State Assemblyman. "Shame on you, Ben and Jerry. Shame on Unilever. If you support hate, we will boycott you." Next speaker, a young woman (one of the organizers) and lastly the blowing of the shofar. "End Jew Hatred Now!"

Video 2: The 'End Jew Hated' movement gathered with signs reading, 'End Jew Hatred'. LATER dozens of these pro-Israel supporters marched through midtown Manhattan to protest ice-cream giant Ben and Jerry's decision to stop sales of its products in Judea and Samaria (aka East Jerusalem) - the West Bank Settlements

B&J's announced on July 19  that it would no longer sell ice cream in the 'Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)' due to inconsistencies with their values, and they would stay in 'Israel through a different arrangement.' COWARDS.

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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