Monday, September 11, 2017

Tell Roger Waters "No BDS Here!" at the Belasco Theatre

"Music is intended to transcend political barriers and promote cultural exchange, pluralism, and diversity. Instead, Roger Waters is promoting hate. The Jewish Defense League will continue to take actions against Roger Waters until he renounces antisemitism in all of its forms, including the unjust boycott of the Jewish state." [Face Book]

Video below of Waters arriving to a chorus of "Shame on you" at the  Sept 10th protest :

The Belasco Theatre, where the equally despicable, Michael Moore is appearing in  his failed Broadway show, "THE TERMS OF MY SURRENDER".

Roger Waters has been a vocal advocate for BDS and anti-Israel rhetoric making it imperative that organizations like the JDL and AFSI hit the streets in opposition to his anti-Israel, anti Jewish animus.

Still, many of the passersby outside the Belasco had never heard about the anti- Jewish, anti-Israel agit-prop supported by Waters (and Moore). 

Many, like this woman, were sorry they had tickets for the Barclay Center.

Roger Waters may be a giant to some, but this is one despicable human being coming to Brooklyn's Barclay Center on September 11th and 12th.

dvocates FOR Israel will be outside the Center NOT welcoming him:  "WE DON'T NEED NO ROGER WATERS!"

They will carry signs like, "BDS NOT WELCOME HERE!",  "HELL NO! ROGER MUST GO!" and "Say NO to Roger Waters" and ENOUGH!

Silence equals complicity.

Silence permits anti-Semitism to grow.

We must be SILENT NO MORE!

[See Flickr Slideshow for more of the protest]
[Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]

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