Sunday, September 17, 2017

New JDL - NY says "Honor the Victims not the Killer, Rasmea Odeh

At 4:30 pm, Monday, August 14th. The anti-Israel Left held a rally to CELEBRATE murderess Rasmea Odeh (an ICON of Resistance) in Union Square Park.

"We urge all to join us on 14 August in NYC to show our love and support for Rasmea Odeh before her sentencing in federal court three days later in Detroit. This will be her last court appearance and Rasmea is planning to make a statement.

Rally to support Rasmea Odeh Hosted by
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

The plea agreement that has already been reached states that Rasmea will not get additional jail time – but she will have to leave the U.S. This rally will express our support for a legendary former political prisoner and beloved community leader. 


This rally will express our support for a legendary former political prisoner and beloved community leader. This rally will express our support for a legendary former political prisoner and beloved community leader. Gather on the steps in the southern plaza." [Face Book]  

They were endorsed by an obscenely LONG list of puppet and ghost organizations:

1916 Societies
Anakbayan New Jersey
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
American Muslims for Palestine - NJ Chapter
Brooklyn For Peace
Brooklyn Revolutionary Collective
Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Freedom Socialist Party - U.S.
International Action Center
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
International League of Peoples' Struggle - ILPS US
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Labor for Palestine
Majlis Ashura -Islamic Leadership Council- of New York
Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition
NYC Jericho Movement
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine
NYC Shut It Down: The Grand Central Crew #blacklivesmatter
New York Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP)
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
Party for Socialism and Liberation - PSL
Peoples Power Assemblies
Radical Women - U.S.
Release Aging People in Prison - RAPP
Saoirse Palestine
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
United National Antiwar Coalition
Workers World Party

BUT, the New-JDL had a counter-demonstration to "Honor the Victims NOT the Killer, Rasmea Odeh".
They were there to counter the Samidoun LIES with FACTS: Rasmea Odeh is a terrorist convicted of the murder of two young Jews, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner on Feb. 21st, 1969.

They were killed in an explosion in an Israeli market. Odeh murdered them, yet she was being honored  at a rally in Union Square Park.

"The public must be made aware that she is a convicted murderer and not a victim. The public must be made aware that Edward and Leon are the victims. Please join us and help fight the lies of radical Islamics and their supporters." [Face Book]

The JDL gathered "at the steps in the southern plaza"
before the Samidoun arrived, creating a dilemma of sorts for the anti-Zionists. Now they couldn't display their signs on the steps as planned.

Video 1

But, did they have a Plan B? Perhaps not, as the Samidoun stood around laughing, smirking and pointing at the JDL while they pondered what to do next.

A decision was finally made to walk in a circle (they love going round and round) and that they did while chanting "Racists go Home".

Eventually, some of the younger terrorist-lovers did the predictable, standing in front of the JDL signs.Then some of the younger JDL's became more vocal as they two sides edged closer and closer  finally coming nose to nose just as the NYPD arrived.

Video 3

 The JDL counter-protest was VERY successful proving it does NOT take an army to weaken the resolve of these radicals - even though that may be brief - it was FUN to watch their confusion. They were obviously expected only SUPPORT for their murderous darling, Rasmea Odeh.

Interestingly, the NYPD officers seemed almost bemused as they placed barricade after barricade between the two groups, building a Wall to keep the PEACE.

Maybe there's something to be said for walls, PEACE and safety from the violent animus of WAR-mongers like Samidoun and Hamas.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas share certain goals and values. To each, it is not a question of whether a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is possible. It never will be acceptable. What is acceptable is violence against civilians. [investigative project]

 SO, Goodbye and Good Riddance to Rasmieh Odeh

The creation of a state of terror, instability and panic in the souls of the Zionists" is a goal spelled out in the Islamic Jihad's internal bylaws [...] Hamas unveiled an updated charter this year [...] it remains committed to never recognizing Israel's right to exist and demands "the full and complete liberation of Palestine : "from the river to the sea". 
In other words, no peace while Israel exists.

Rasmieh Odeh bombed that grocery store before either group was created [Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad] so America has lost a pioneer in Palestinian terrorism. Take note of who grieves for that loss more than the loss of life she caused. [investigative project]

Flickr Slide Show of both sides

FAKE NEWS UPDATE:  Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network can't handle the TRUTH: the JDL hung in there and RAINED on the Samidoun Parade. NOBODY LEFT!
David Jamesnovitch August 14 ·  "Racist scum from JDL just showed up to the anti Trump event waving a "blue lives matter" and were shouted down by the crowd and left abruptly."
We Say: Goodbye and Good Riddance to RASMEA ODEH!

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

 == UPDATE on Reparations PAYBACK 2017==
Norway Demands Palestinians Repay Funds and U.S. Congress Cheers. No moneys can be  used to HONOR KILLERS like Terrorist and Murderess, Dalal Mughrabi

A total of 38 Israelis, including 13 children, were killed and 72 were wounded by Dalal Mughrabi [eight other militants died as well as Mughrabi]

Leaked photos of Dalal Mughrabi’s remains in a Palestinan propaganda leaflet which purports to show former PM Ehud Barak taking a suicide belt off of Mughrabi.

Members of the US Congress are hailing Norway’s recent actions and calling for Washington to take similar steps.

Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recently introduced an amendment to an appropriations bill that would have prohibited US funds from being used by the PA to publicly honor terrorists. The amendment was disqualified by the House Rules Committee on a technicality, but Sarah Stern — the president of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) — said that she and her colleagues will be working with members of Congress to reintroduce a similar amendment “at the earliest opportunity.” [Pamela Geller, Jewish Breaking News]

NEXT: THE LIES CONTINUE.  SEPT 19, 6 PM – 8 PM - Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza - outside the U.N. "From the US to Palestine" #BuildMovementsNotWalls. Hosted by American Muslims for Palestine – NJ Chapter and Jewish Voice for Peace-New York City.


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