Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Occu-Evolve Protest Trump the "Real Predator"

predator-facebook screen-shot-2016-10-28-at-10-34-28-am
October 28, 2016. Trump gets no respite from the protesting Left. From
Nasty Women (two days previous) to Super Predator. Anarchists & Leftards,
the true NASTIES and Predators-lurk, smirk and snarkily assailed those
who passed by Trump Tower with lies, lies and more lies.
 "From Sexual Assault to stirring up racist, sexist,and misogynistic emotions, Donald Trump has proven time and again that he's the SUPER PREDATOR that he claims others (like the Central Park Five) are. Take the fight to his doorstep (Trump Tower) before he's at ours."
It was quite a show. Hard-core Leftards of Occu-Evolve verbally sparring with Gary Phaneuf, the Staten Island Heckler. Gary usually hands out  China Daily  - the official “state-owned enterprise” of the People’s Republic of China while hawking the glories of Che and the Red Chinese.
However, this day he was pretending to support Trump/Pence while handing The Hamiltonian - Voice of the Lyndon Larouche Political Movement - to the "angels unaware".
The casual observer had to be a bit confused by Gary, his signs, his newspaper and the heckling between him and the Leftards. Street theatre meant to confuse.
Seems the deception is what camera-darling, Marni Halasa, enjoys.  No apologies or explanations necessary. Smiling. Blowing kisses. Posing with her "Make America HATE Again" sign. She brings smiles to the faces of those passing by. ( the cops, too)
If you just glance you might think Marni, like Gary, is in the pro-Trump camp.  Surely some of have to see sparks when they look at their pictures (LATER) and see what her sign really says.

The first sign of activity when I arrived was "Mr Turd" guy - selling his Turd buttons.  A familiar face who always hawks something, cashing in on the moment

Compared to the "Nasty Women - Dump Trump" protest two days ago, these wack jobs are even more nasty since their game includes mocking the gullible touristas. Like this fellow.

His sign, his spiel aims to deceive. Sounding pro-American. Reasonable [see just-a-guy interview in March  Central Park 3/16] DSC_9230 
Compared with Gary Phaneuf [past link hereMayday-2010, holding his more familiar props,Red Chinese Flag, China Daily agitprop and Che, while  arguing with everyone.
Trump Tower 2016, a change of props, and  cra-cra Gary, ranting about Soros, Hillary, China and Russia, seemed 'reasonable'.
Would love to report on more than hard-core Hate Trump-America types - but then - this IS New York City; a radical city, run by Red Bill de Blasio (SEE LINK),

Even so, there were three stalwart pro-Trump protestors.
Eliciting a response from one loud-mouthed Lefty- very impressed with her knowledge of borders, "You heard of the Rio Grande?!" [VIDEO of her rant begins at 1:28]
An anti-Hillary / Bernie guy joined the"Prison For Hillary/Build the Wall" guys
While one oddly quiet Leftard stood next to these three, and reminded all that it was IMPORTANT to VOTE.
Each group was mostly in their own space - the cops in theirs. No pens. No doors blocked. No sidewalks jammed. Just a bit of Leftard Street Theatre - 10 days before the official Election Day.
Election Day
*sigh* It used to seem more special - But the Left is deconstructing that, too. (I HATE EARLY VOTING)

If "Hilda' loses, what will  happen on the streets post Nov 8 - street theatre at its worst?  Hoping America will not buckle to the threats and chaos that might ensue. The LEFT will not take defeat nicely and Hilda - seems she has  BIG plans - as winner- IF SHE LOSES - what will she do with all those fireworks!

Part 1-video

Part 2- video

++ slideshow pics++


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