Monday, November 7, 2016

Americas Immigrants Celebrate/ Support Trump ELECTION DAY 2016

Looking for hope on the streets of Manhattan as ELECTION DAY 2016 looms. I covered two pre-election NYC Saturday events - both connected to immigration- that left me feeling hopeful. positive. encouraged. (even though the next three days will be nail-biters)
Noon. A nation-wide- Stolen Lives Remembrance Walk, for those MURDERED by illegal aliens.

They gathered at Columbus Circle. A quietly dedicated and diverse group that respectfully engaged those who passed by.

 Since this is the last Saturday to get-out-the-vote, some had to leave, before the walk, for campaign obligations. But, while they gathered, it was an opportunity to share their message.

Those who could stay carried Trump/Pence and Women 4 Trump signs lead by Old Glory and a two-sided Remembrance Quilt. Each quilt chose three victims to represent the thousands murdered each year.
Diane Atkins, the NYC organizer
, is well spoken; a polite and fearless leader. No matter who spoke to them she was able to explain why they were there and why Hillary is NOT the candidate to represent those murdered ... as well as dealing with some persistent security guards who just didn't want them in front of their building.

 Respecting our borders. The Rule of Law, two of many duties - to protect and serve- ignored by the Obama presidency. And Hillary - BENGHAZI revealed - means saying NO to the "Hildabeast" presidency. It is imperative. Trump is the FAR better candidate for HOPEFUL change. He puts America First.

[slide show of a few pictures]

As Diane and many of us know already, ALL New Yorkers are not behind HRC. Talk to the passersby on the streets, there are thumbs up from those who happily declare they SUPPORT Trump. I left, encouraged, knowing I would see them at the end of their walk at Trump Tower.


I never expected this. JOY. Dancing. Flag waving. They even handled an obnoxious protest-crashing Turd-Shirted fellow.... with a smile and a thumbs up FOR Trump. "Keep on dancin' -Takin' the HIGH ROAD." Happy to be in this country: Immigrants who support TRUMP!

video 2

 video 3

 As I left, the Stolen Lives Remembrance Walk was about two blocks from joining up with the Immigrants for Trump Festive event. I hoped all went well for them. Happily it did. From Diane Atkins, "Yes, we were able to join the crowd in front of Trump Tower and had a great time. One of the organizers of the Christian Immigrants for Trump actually remembered me from a town hall during the primaries, and he asked me to speak on the microphone. At the end we all prayed and even danced, lol. It was awesome! Then my friend Michele and I went into Trump Tower to make GOTV calls till 9pm." GO TEAM AMERICA!

[slide short slide show from Immigrants For Trump Celebration]

 ++And more – an Update –  from Diane Atkins++

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