Sunday, October 23, 2016

"No More Endless Wars" "World Can't Wait" For Peace-Times Sq

Noon. Times Sq (10-7-16) "World Can't Wait- Granny Peace Brigade - No More Endless Wars", Veterans for Peace Leftists lined up outside the Times Square Recruitment Center to spread the news: In 2016 the US Is At War With Seven Countries

It was a very quiet protest ....
Except for the "cute" no-more-war"songs sung by tone-deaf Grannies.
Coinciding with the protest, but unrelated, four seriously armed officers - weapons ready - right there in Times Square.

So ... if I understand the protest meme correctly, "Put an END to the U.S. War Machine" and such armed displays would just disappear....
Because ... there would be NO MORE WARS. Right? (Notice: Swamp Land For Sale)

Saw MANY of the same protestors from the "Netanyahu/Kissinger War- Mongers" Plaza Hotel pat this "No more ENDLESS wars" protest. They are sign-ready, repeat offenders all. (Click through slide show below)

Today they had better signs - larger-flyers -

....  and a GREEN party candidate,  Robin Laverne Wilson 
Robin says, "I was asked directly by the Green Party of New York to consider the candidacy for U.S. Senate in the State of New York, and with great honor and humility, I accepted." (she is opposing Sen. "Chuckie" Schumer)

The Green Party
an international movement of global citizens who honor Earth over Empire.
They have no love for "Hilda " - Oppose Trump (of course)

The Peace and Love candidates. Bernies people, most likely (old saw commie that he is). Or the Green Party's, Jill Stein. BUT....  they aren't all "Peace and Love". Scowls for me all around.

A coy fellow asked if my shotgun mic wind-muff (the 'dead cat") was a dead SQUIRREL (as in Vigilant Squirrel Brigade) I played dumb. Smiled. Moved on. Better than getting shoved around cause "words will never hurt me"(so they say)

Comrade Debra Sweet loves to walk straight at me - hard - like she'll crush me- then walks away. My crime? Covering their actions. Not playing for the same team. (throw the bum out!)

What did they actually accomplish? My pictures- their pictures- some video- a couple of media interviews- a tourist attraction (they LOVE to take pics with the commies)But nothing YUGE.

Two Times Sq Alliance guards
were concerned( briefly) Took pictures- observed -walked away. After all, this is Times Square. Passersby revealed the obvious, the world is more than just this protest.

The Jewish High Holy Days....
....Comicon.... [note her sword]
Perhaps  that's why even the heavily armed cops and the NYPD station, right there at 43rd st, had limited interest in a quiet protest. No harm. No foul. Get in. Get out.
The damage "World Can't Wait" can actually cause is in our colleges. I have observed their faculty-sponsored meetings at Brooklyn College...a template for RECRUITING students. I sat quietly at a meeting but, my presence was a HUGE irritant. (No QUIET opposition allowed)
Elaine Brower "outed" me as a "SPY" for the FBI (bells sirens lights flashing) as students in the room gasped .... laughable if only Brower and her Commie insurgents weren't succeeding. Their indoctrination within our schools is welcomed and goes UNchallenged. Seeding the next generation matters more than these tame displays in Times Square.

 So, putting a spotlight on them, this day, at the Times Square Recruitment Center helps to inform- to expose them in our schools - where THEY RECRUIT and INDOCTRINATE our youth.

The Horowitz Foundation Freedom Center  is doing a stellar job of exposing their lies.

If you didn't know before ---you do now--- They make no secret of their intentions 

For the last 71⁄2 years, the United States, under a Democratic Commander in Chief, has waged an illegitimate and immoral war encompassing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, and Somalia while maintaining a torture camp in Guantánamo that he pledged to close on “Day 1.”
The wars are now conducted largely through the use of killer drones – remotely controlled, without accountability, illegal, and hated around the world. These drone strikes have killed thousands, destroyed families ,and traumatized whole nations. Neither Trump nor Clinton will stop the “war on terror” or end this culture of violence and hatred.
If you care about the future of humanity and the planet, then the only choice is to act together to stop this commitment to wars for empire.

Send the message around the world that that there are people living in this country who represent another way, giving them heart, courage and common cause.
Bring your music, poems, and rage!
Co-sponsors: Brandywine Peace Community • CodePink • KnowDrones • Philadelphia Area Anti-Drone Network. Endorsed by: Bill of Rights Defense Committee • Catholic Peace Fellowship/Philadelphia Chapter • Green Party of Philadelphia • Manhattan Green Party • NYC Metro Raging Grannies • NY Granny Peace Brigade • Peace Center of Delaware County • Veterans for Peace Chapters 31 & 34 • Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Greater Philadelphia Branch).

 No more silence. No more passive support for these insurgents.

Fight on. Fight Often. Fight Back.


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