Saturday, June 20, 2015

Celebrate Israel Parade - A Look at Both Sides (Pro & the BDS Con)

May 31, 2015. NYC. The Annual Israel Day Parade.

CELEBRATING Israel, That's WHY we were there. To CELEBRATE!
But, the BDS'ers (Boycott, Divest Sanction)  ... the Neturei Karta .... the NIF (The New Israel Fund) ...
They came to RAIN on this parade not to praise it.
The insanity of  the Prog - Commie- Leftist Jewish organizations (the NIF, Adalah , Breaking The Silence) offended the eye as they marched IN the parade (Thanks to the JCC )

Other anti-Zionistas stood along the parade route with obnoxious signs and banners. Liars, proclaiming Israel to be an Apartheid State.

The Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel...  everyone ignores the simple truth staring them in the face: The so-called “Two-State Solution” is the sole cause of the BDS movement.  Until the Israeli government exposes the “Two-State Solution” as a charade and a fraud, the Israeli government’s de jure endorsement of a “Two-State Solution” will continue to fuel the BDS movement.

At 59th and 5th avenue, when it came to who was PRO-Israel ... these two giving a thumbs-down to the BDS'rs ... were like most in attendance: Proud and Clear!


Of course, the parade was a HUGE success (IN SPITE of the anti-Zionists.)

"New York's annual celebration of Israel was greeted by tens of thousands of spectators devoted to the Jewish state with about 30,000 participants"

As the Prog-Soc-Lefties marched in opposition to the State of Israel, some on their side found the JPAC to be an odd bunch-of-coconuts, even for them:

"Who the heck is the Jewish Political Action Committee?"

Said Gilli Getz , a photographer posting on the 'progressive' JewSchool blog:

"From the photos it looks like the Westboro Baptist Church picked up some day laborers outside a Home Depot, gave them some offensive signs, taleisim and Na-Nach hats and paid them to stand at the parade."
                                       (look closely at who is holding the JPAC signs)


 The view from behind, was when I first took notice of the unusual participants holding signs for the  JPAC .

Even the JPAC flyer criticized the BDS Movement....

As for Getz and his defense of the BDS Movement, he complains about the attempts to block the anti-Israel 'progressives' from marching in the CELEBRATE Israel Parade. (posted on JewSchool)
He continues, "I was marching as I do every year at the Celebrate Israel parade with the Progressive cluster. Despite a loud and nasty campaign to keep us out of the parade, we marched proudly under the banner of New Israel Fund, T’ruah, Partners for Progressive Israel and Americans for Peace Now.

Celebrating the inspiring Israeli human rights organizations and the fight in Israel for social and economic justice and the end of the occupation." (VSB: They were NOT Celebrating Israel)

MORE PICTURES of the anti-Israel banners and signs (click picture below for slide show)

A short VIDEO
of the anti-Israel Neteuri Karta and the JPAC protestors being challenged by the JOYFUL kids as they marched up Fifth Ave.

Anyone who cares about Israel stands against the New Israel Fund.
From Stand With Us regarding the BDS Movement:

"The last decade has seen a sharp uptick in the amount of traction gained by BDS and its associated partners."

"Recently major supermarket chains like Tesco in the UK have begun labeling products made in Israel, while a major Norwegian state fund has divested from Israel companies, Danya Cebus and Africa Israel, for their involvement in building projects over the Green Line."

Some of the PRO-Israel supporters
were at 63rd and Fifth. AFSI and JCC Watch. They had banners and signs to expose, chastise and protest the participation of these anti-Zionist groups.

Shamefully, these groups were sanctioned by Alisa Doctoroff and the Parade's organizers at the JCC.

Slide show pictures of  AFSI  & JCC Watch (click picture below for slide show)

Slide show pictures of the  POLITICIANS using the parade for self-promotion. (Click Picture below for slide show)

2011-10-07-FirstJewishPresidentAbout 8 days after the CELEBRATE Israel Parade, Obama, our first 'Jewish' President (!) succeeded in denying ISRAEL as country-of-birth.

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down a law that would let American citizens born in Jerusalem have Israel listed in passports as their country of birth, saying it encroached on the president's exclusive power to recognize foreign governments. It can no longer be listed a Country of Birth on American passports (for anyone born in Jerusalem). "

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down a law that would let American citizens born in Jerusalem have Israel listed in passports as their country of birth, saying it encroached on the president's exclusive power to recognize foreign governments. It can no longer be listed a Country of Birth on American passports (for anyone born in Jerusalem). "
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