Thursday, October 9, 2014

Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat to International Peace & Security - United Nations (9-8-14)

UN houses, but does not sponsor, anti-Semitism conference

September 8, 2014 - The United Nations- NYC
Conference on “Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat to International Peace and Security”
According to the World Zionist Organization, since the recent Israel-Hamas conflict there has been more than a 400-percent rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Europe. In South America and South Africa, anti-Semitic incidents have spiked 1,200 and 600 percent, respectively. In the U.S., such incidents are up 127 percent.

The conference was co-organized by the UN Permanent Mission of Palau and the Engr Aja Eze Foundation.
Attendance to this historic event was free. The place was packed.
The hall was packed!
On the third floor of the United Nations, just two doors down from the Security Council, more than 500 people gathered  on September 8, 2014,  for a conference on the rise of anti-Semitism. For some, the location was a touch ironic ... it wasn’t the UN that decided to address the threat global anti-Semitism posed to international peace and security... it was the UN Permanent Mission of Palau and the Aja Eze Foundation that sponsored the lunchtime conference.
Energy. Intense. Positive.
Serious. Purposeful. Supportive.
The speakers explained how the rising tide of anti-Semitism, if not stopped, will have a catastrophic effect on the safety and security of the world.
A thought-provoking afternoon. Rather than just post a podcast, I decided to post the entire audio with stills that I took during the Conference. I encourage you to listen to each speaker .
In Two-Parts (total is 1 hour 45 minutes): Ms. Ugoji Eze Esq, President of the Eng Aja Eze Foundation, a non-profit organization focusing on the rebuilding of societies following conflicts, was the moderator
Please Note:  Listing of the time code after each speaker's name to locate them more easily


Part One Video Begins with Opening statements by Ms. Ugoji Eze Esq. (00:00 to 1:35)

Next up : H.E. Dr. Caleb Otto - Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Palau to the United Nations.(1:36-4:45) "Palau is a Christian nation," said Dr Otto and God has said, “I will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel,” noted Otto. "Speaking up against anti-Semitism and defending Israel is  a matter of practicing our faith.”
H.E. Mr. Ron Prosser- Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations. (4:46 - 17:02) Ambassador Prosor gave a FABULOUS Speech in which he encouraged those present  to  “speak up against anti-Semitism” and instead of demonizing Israel, to “stand with democratic nations that believe in human rights, tolerance, and freedom” .
Followed by the two Keynote speakers:
Ms. Brigitte Gabriel, CEO of ACT for America, "Tolerating Hatred is Not an Option" (17:05 - 30:46)

Mark Langfan, Arutz Sheva UN Correspondent/Security Analyst. (31:11 - 56:03)
" A Strategic Review of Threats to Israel" (presentation with slides)
“There is no better place in the world to hold a anti-anti-Semitism conference than the United Nations, HQ. It’s a vital forum to fight this resurging scourge,” said Langfan who presented his graphic slides that illustrated the strategic dangers to Israel and the world.

PART TWO VIDEO Begins with Pastor Mario Bramnick, Chief Liaison for Israel and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference: "The Root Causes of the Current Rise of Global Anti-Semitism". (00:29 - 13:43 ) He said, “ There has never been a meeting on anti-Semitism like this in the halls of the U.N.”

Ms Anne Bayesky
, Director Touro Institute on Human Rights: " The United Nations and Anti-Semitism"(14:01 - 20:36 ) She made an important point for us ALL to remember, “The perversion of the legal system is how a Holocaust begins."

The final speaker before a short Q and A was Dr. Michael Llorenz
, Professor Touro College Graduate School of Business, "Entrepreneurship: A Tool to Social Integration"  (20:56 - 35:33) This, too, was a powerful a speech.

Dr. Llorenz posted a comment at Algemeiner I felt compelled to share. So eloquent. Passionate. Determined to make a difference. In spite of the United Nations blatant anti-Semitism!

Professor Michael Llorénz
Dear Editors:

Thank you for conveying the message of my speech at the United Nations last Monday. Too often, those of us who Israel stand on the sidelines and wait for someone else to act. Most often, fiery rhetoric substitutes for effective action.

You may know what impelled me to agree to speak and to help with the historic event that we experienced on Monday.

Hashem is not the God of coincidence. These Recommendations I made are part of a larger strategy that I prepared as a response to two questions asked of me at a book signing where a frustrated colleague who knew that I had successfully aided other communities and institutions to address their complex difficulties. “Israel and Jews are in trouble. Why don’t you come up with something to help?” I was surprised as the person walked away. A little later, Dr. Donne Kampel, founder and chair of the Women’s Leadership Council introduced me to the Barrister Ugoji Eze, CEO of the Aja Eze Foundation that produced the program at the United Nations. She asked me what could be done to help Israel and to reduce anti-Semitism in the United States. It was a curiosity that two persons would ask me similar question within perhaps an hour and a half.
This time, I responded. My answer took perhaps twenty minutes inclusive of analysis, alternatives, and recommendations. She then told me she wanted me to speak at an anti-Semitism program that she was going to produce at the United Nations. I smiled, then agreed. Having been for five years the Principal Accredited Representative at the UN of one the largest NGOs in the world and having presented before the Fourth Committee, I was cogently aware of the sentiments of many of the key actors. Hence, I had difficulty imagining such a thing taking place. Yet, who would imagine that that the two of us who earned law degrees from English universities, she of African father and a British Jewish mother, and I, an American of Cuban heritage and some Jewish ancestry, would be blessed with the support of Ambassador Otto of Palau and later be joined by like-minded persons to make this historic program take place. Barrister Eze demonstrated prescient leadership.
Since my speech, I have had numerous requests to help apply practical and substantive ways to address anti-Semitism. I shall do my best to help.
This is a story of Hashem’s people doing His will.
Thank you again.
Michael Llorenz
Lastly,  Short Q and A (35: 34 - 45:43) and Final Remarks by Ms. Ugoji Eze Esq. (45:45 -47:40)

Final Thoughts:
I had never been to the United Nations. Held no interest for me. But, the seriousness of this conference pulled me in. (Very glad I went)

Had a sandwich in the cafeteria overlooking the East River (Where they CHARGE you 10 cents to use a TRAY)

Took some pictures as I wandered the halls from the third floor to the first. (lots of glitter and gold items that were donated by RICH oil emirates)

And one obnoxious set of panels that greeted the conferees as they exited the third floor elevator(SURELY this was NO accident)

 Our exit from the building, after this spectacular conference, was made even more meaningful when these OBNOXIOUS PANELS were turned AWAY from the Exit.  Go Team!

From this:

To this


 VIDEO OF THE OBNOXIOUS Fake History "Palestinian" PANELS and their "Fate":


SLIDESHOW of pictures:

Unless there is another groundbreaking Conference like this one on September 8, doubt seriously I will ever go back to the U.N.


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