Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"Climate Change" Junk-Science March (2014) pics/video

What the left calls science is really a hypothesis accepted as a fact without the skepticism.

Its intelligence is a conclusion without bothering to determine whether it’s true.

 To be smart is to be left and to be left is to be smart.
And only stupid people would question that
Science and skepticism are the tools of stupid people.

As Socrates put it,
"I know that I know nothing.

We have the most to fear from the smart people who don’t know and will never admit how little they know."

Tools, Fools & Junk-Science Majors came out to play in the streets of Manhattan (CREATING Traffic Jams & POLLUTION - cough cough,GAG!)

Joined by OWS lost Souls.

Hippies-Dippies, Past ...

And Future--Past...

They wrestle with the conundrum: How to SAVE OUR Planet from PEOPLE!
Leftists agendas "under-cover"... behind lovely smiles...

Pursuing "Climate Justice" FOR the Earth

Misguided "Do-Gooders" like the UJA & Jewish Climate Change
Multi-Faith Religions
paying homage to Mother Earth.

Christians and Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs ....

Worshiping The Sun. A Rock. Dirt. (Rain Clouds) aka :  The "CLIMATE".
Noah's Ark representing : THE "Climate" !

A mosque/mineret representing 'Diversity Amongst Fools".

Come together as "ONE-World"

To SAVE "Mother Earth"!


Feel-good automatons.

Pathetic Babblers, with colorful signs and banners, who walked a mile (or two) for "Climate Justice."

They teach this Chicken-Little Dogma as FACT in our schools (with OUR silence as a Blessing)

UNIONS (health, academic & transit); Multi-media (news media of all types and stripes), Entertainment (music, movies, TV), Education Machine (colleges, textbooks, teachers) and government officials too numerous to name.

Independent-thinking neutered. No Questions Allowed. They EMBRACE their stupidity.

SAVE PLANET EARTH ( but you can kill the babies) Mother Earth is Wounded (but murdering Christians in Africa and the Middle East does not compute).

CLIMATE JUSTICE for ROCKS (that are used to STONE the innocent) to them, THAT makes sense.

THIS guy was out-front with his racism but, FLEE?

(Perhaps he should rethink this)

While the impoverished  of the WORLD yearn for the benefits of coal and gas

These tools "Say NO to Coal"

NO To Fracking

While the Third World wants to SUCCEED through the Free Market, these hard-core Leftist 'do-gooders' STRIVE to Destroy it.

Say NO To Wall Street !

SAY NO TO EVERYTHING "GOOD and Safe and Just".
Environmental disasters aren’t caused by capitalists or communists. They are caused by people who don’t think about the consequences of their actions.
"UnF*#ck the World"? (Yeah. That's the Ticket)
Environmental disasters created in the name of the environment are a reality as the same inflexible collectivist bureaucracies that wrecked the environment for industrial Socialism are wrecking it all over again for eco-Socialism.

The combination of rigid ideology, bureaucratic guidelines and experts with no real life experience led to droughts and floods in the USSR and the PRC. Now the same combination of big plans, clueless experts and mindless slogans are creating droughts and floods in the US and the EU.
Part 1 slideshow

A factory owner can recognize a toxic waste spill. A Socialist is incapable of recognizing that his ideology’s plan caused a spill.
He will deny that it exists, denounce the witnesses, accuse critics of waging war on his ideology and then spend the next twenty years making it worse.

Part 2 slideshow

The planet doesn’t need saving from capitalists. It needs saving from Socialists... Capitalism without responsibility, human rights or independent points of views. And the left is determined to recreate these same environmental disasters in the name of the environment.
Want (NEED) some electricity?

Just ride your "Bicycle-to-No-Where" to Power -Up.


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