Saturday, June 12, 2010

SIOA "No Mosque at Ground Zero" June 6 Rally (videos and pictures)

June 14h: ALL 22 VIDEOS of speakers are now posted. Have added some photos as well.
Here we have the intrepid (audacious: invulnerable to fear or intimidation; “intrepid pioneers” ) The Pamela Geller…

Please scroll down for more pictures and videos….

The D-Day at Ground Zero Rally sponsored by SIOA (Stop Islamization of America)was a success!
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We honored those who died on the beaches of Normandy and those who were murdered on 9-11 . .


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There are many videos posted of those who spoke. Leading off with one of the co-sponsors of the rally, Pamela Geller of SOIA (Stop The Islamization of America). Let the videos "do the talking":
Pamela Geller
 . Robert Spencer   .  Nonie Darwish (ex-Muslim and author)  . Anders Gravers . Jim Lafferty (Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force)  . Simon Deng (ex-Sudanese Slave) . Nelly Braginskaya, 9-11 Family Member (who lost her son) . Larry Savinkin , President of September 11 Family Group, uniting 9/11 families from the Russian-American Community. . Germano Rivera worked and was buried under the South Tower when it collapsed (he's introduced by Pamela Geller) Germano talks from his heart of the pain he felt struggling to find someone ANYONE alive in the rubble and he pleads, " Teach our children to never forget!" . Beverly Perlson of The Band of Mothers mentions that 440 of our troops have died since 2009, with no mention of their sacrifice in the media. Also , someone needs to call-out the Muslim mothers to denounce this murderous behavior against our sons and daughters. . Richard Connerney, Professor of Philosophy at Pace University. Forty-seven Pace University students and alumni were murdered by Islamic supremacists on 9-11  . Babu Suseelan , Hindu leader and Human Rights Activist . Robert Spencer introduces Alan T. DeVona a WTC Patrol Sgt. who was on duty during the terror attack and Officer Michael Symonds. . Robert Spencer introduces Herb London of the Hudson Institute . Jay Townsend , Candidate for US Senate against Chuck Schumer . Dan Maloney, NY State co-ordinator for Gathering of Eagles and a Candidate of NY District 4 . C.Lee Hanson, of 9-11 Families, whose son and daughter-in-law and 2 and 1/2 years old granddaughter were murdered by the Islamic Supremacists on 9-11. . Robert Spencer introduces two Coptic Christian human rights activists, Nabil Asaad and Dr. Esmat Zaklama, who about of the horrors of living in a country ruled by Sharia Law. . Pamela Geller introduces Pamela Hall-New York leader of SIOA and Human Rights Activist. .
Pamela Geller introduces Keith Le Bow. Ironworker at First Responder on 9-11
This is the final video of the speakers. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer (co-founders of SIOA) wrap up the Rally and on September 10, 2010 they will return! Be there!
. The planned Mega- Mosque that would offer swimming pools and pretty meeting rooms where people can gather and read and 'ask questions' would become Dawah Central " at Ground Zero. It must be stopped!  DSCN8058 copyright DSCN8002 copyright
Slide Show of more pictures:
. Great pictures at The Peoples Cube and Looking at the Left and Urban Infidel .More posts are adding to the pictures of the THOUSANDS (don't let "them" downgrade it into hundreds). Pictures at Eye On The World. And of course, Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch! DSCN7979d copyright . .

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