Monday, June 21, 2010

Muslim Brotherhood aka MAS Attempts Take-Over of Convent on Staten Island

June 21: UPDATE with links to articles on the Staten Island mosque. There are reports that the sale to MAS is now in question. From the NY Times here and here. From CBS TV , go here .


June 20 Final update: All six videos are now posted. Scroll down for videos. And a slide show of some pictures as well.


The dhimmi politicians continue to offer our places of worship to the invader as the violation…the obliteration … of our churches and synagogues continues.

June 9, 2010.

PART 1 is the beginning of a two hour meeting with brief introductions from the Civic Committee and then introductions of the three speakers from MAS

Ayman Hammous, Abdel Hafid Djamil and Mohamed Sadeia , offering peace and love Allah-style to an over-flow crowd of hundreds who attended this Civic Meeting in Staten Island to protest the sale of a convent/church to MAS .




PART Two. The second speaker drones on and on with the dawa and taquiyya


PART 3: Robert Spencer presents the first question to the MAS panel. Ayman Hammous, the second MAS speaker


PART 4 : The taqiyya dance continues in the Q and A with the Mas representatives and the over-flow crowd of hundreds


PART 5 The taqiyya dance went on and on in the Q and A (Add one outraged Chinese Commie -Che Lover who went on a long rant and was finally removed from the hall)


PART 6 – This was the last 20 minutes of the meeting. A few people didn’t speak in to mic as well as others. Hard to understand. Left them in because the crowd reactions are just as much a part of this meeting as what was said.


Many objected to the idea of an Islamic house of worship in the neighborhood, admitting they are afraid of the property’s new owners, the Muslim American Society (MAS.) The community is also angry at the archdiocese because the sale was secretly brokered by a parish priest who recently resigned. The Archdiocese did not send a representative to this meeting. Among those who asked questions of the ‘new neighbors’ was Robert Spencer. He asked, “Will you here and now denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as jihad terrorist organizations?” But, getting an straight answer was difficult for Spencer if not impossible for most of those who asked questions. Many were waiting on-line to ask questions of the MAS representative, but the frustration of the audience grew loud and impatient from the evasive ‘answers’ and then suddenly the meeting was ended.


Will post more of this explosive meeting as the story develops. Meanwhile, here are some pictures …


And to read LOTS more on the meeting at Atlas Shrugs and from the NY Times, go here. Links to other reports from WCBSTV, ABCLocal, FoxNY, and a video from the Staten Island Advance.

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