Tuesday, November 7, 2023

NYC Protest Demands CUNY Stand with palestine

 CUNY is COMPLICIT in Genocide

Nov 2, 2023.  Outside CUNY offices on 42nd st.
First poster from the "palis' and leftists

The anti-Israel protestors parrot one message,

"If you support Israel, you SUPPORT Genocide.

 The PRO ISRAEL poster promotes
Rally against TERROR

Rally for ISRAEL!

"They Lie and Deny the Oct 7 massacre.
Hamas and those cheering in the streets deserve no mercy."

October 7, 2023.
Israeli police officer searches
for survivors of Hamas massacre.
There are only dead bodies.

Video-link of massacre.

WARNING: this video is of the October 7 Massacre.
Don’t look away.


Back to 42nd st and those who SUPPORT Israel

Video- Part 1 . A small but valiant group of patriots supporting Israel was enough to upset the 'palis'


Words straight from a senior Hamas official:

“We will repeat the actions of October 7 again and again until Israel is destroyed.”Hamas has one goal: To wipe Israel and its people off the face of the earth. "

LINK for Hamas video:  [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzJbP2vNf98/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link]


The October 7th attack by Hamas,
the deaths and kidnapped children,
continues to be ignored by the palis AND the leftists.

We must Stand With Israel


Video Part 2
More from the 'palis" and their anti-Israel chants and signs

. From the Matt Walsh Show, a major publication published an article claiming that "MAGA Republicans" are more dangerous than Hamas.

This is all part of a far ranging plan by the Left to demonize and dehumanize their political opponents.

And we all know where it leads." [The Daily Wire]

 In the background of the next video, at third Avenue,   

I noticed later there was a vandalized hostage /kidnapped poster.

Video Part 3 - more palis

LEFT VOICE banner  (an example of who supports the pali genocide of the Jews ) "Left Voice is a revolutionary socialist news site and magazine dedicated to fostering a sustained and strategic struggle against every form of capitalist exploitation and oppression."

"As part of an international network of news sites ...  Left Voice is able to provide a truly internationalist perspective on revolutionary politics, ... to examine the movements of the U.S. working class within the larger framework of global revolution."  [https://www.leftvoice.org/]

Flickr Slideshow, palis and leftists"palis" protest CUNY - NYC

.Photo: (Empty Chairs, Broken Hearts)

"These are people who believed in peace and coexistence.
But Hamas doesn't want coexistence, as their atrocities demonstrate.

Flickr Slide show, Israel : Even a small group of Israel supporters was still enough to upset the 'pali's'  LIES as they continue to ignore the murder and kidnapping of women and children in Israel.

Pro Israel Protest outside CUNY  NYC

"Sad reminder that there are people across the West who openly celebrated this massacre as an act of “decolonization”. TwitterX

"Israel suggested the Arab's a State, 5 times, but they declined it because they want all the land, between the river and the sea." TwitterX

And as the JEW HATRED grows, even the police are fearful of standing up for Israel:

... filmed by  
(a cop hating twitter site)
"... a man waving an Israel flag as a pro-Palestine march approached in NYC.
Cops moved him away and surrounded him and told him to put the flag away because he was instigating."

Censorship that aides the genocidal palis by silencing the truth.

 We must NOT be SILENT.

God Bless America
Am Yisrael Chai.


[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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