Monday, November 20, 2023

Nov 8, 2023″ March for Gaza” spreads more anti-Israel Lies.


 Nov 8, 2023

Outside the Uganda Mission across from U.N.


The pro -'palestinian' press-hype hung their "Cease Fire Now" on this location since Dr. Martin Luther King spoke here 50 years ago opposing the Viet Nam war.

The infamous Linda Sarsour. (who once claimed Israel Is ‘Built on the Idea That Jews Are Supreme to Everyone Else’) was one of the main speakers at the March For Gaza. Listen with a critical ear as she has a air of confidence spouting propaganda that eschews the facts. (Behind her is BLM's Tamika Mallory who has refused to say Israel has the right to exist)  


.I listened to three speakers. Women. And they did not fail to disappoint. The Leftists and 'palis' have shamefully denied the crimes of Hamas, particularly their crimes against women and children.

Hypocrites who preach LOVE , like the Author of Fierce Love: "A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World", The Rev. Dr. Jacqui (Jacqueline) Lewis - . .... VIDEO:

.Author of Fierce Love: "A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World"

They ignore history. Ancient history. Stuck on stupid, they rant about 75 years as though there had been no anti-Jewish attacks from the Muslim world prior to 1948.

NEXT, Marwa Janini , Sarsour's successor as Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) ... a left-of-center org which focuses on immigration policy, criminal justice policy and other issues impacting the Arab American community in New York City. VIDEO:

Another woman who spoke, Carmen Perez, internationally-known civil and human rights leader and Chicana feminist; a co-founder of the Women’s March and the current executive director of The Gathering For Justice a far-left “social justice” advocacy organization established by far-left activist and singer Harry Belafonte.

Like her fellow Women’s March leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, Perez has expressed support for Nation of Islam leader and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and her support of convicted Brinks robbery associate Baba Sekou Odinga.

Disappointed, I failed to get an audio  I could use.The police made our jobs as reporters difficult this day,  forcing the press to film from a distance: no press area. Forcing the press  to jockey for positions from across East 45th street.

Pali Flickr slide show

palis March for Gaza 


 Pro-Israel Counters March For Gaza outside U. N. 

Trying to cover the Pro-Israel supporters was a challenge, since press was kept on the sidewalk . Not a great angle.

VIDEO- Pro ISRAEL rally goers vs the "pali" lies protest


Closing  with this video from a young Iranian woman who speaks with great wisdom ** Saying “one man’s terr0rist is another man’s freedom fighter” is like saying “one woman’s rap1st is another woman’s passionate lover”

Please listen from the beginning of this powerful 6 minute video"


#neveragainisnow #freethehostages #thisisnotaresistance

Sadly, there is always more to follow....

[Where indicated, videos and pictures are property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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