Friday, August 25, 2023

Humanity For Peace - Aug 6, 2023 - NYC (Part 1)

 The New World Order/ The New Normal.

Are we there yet?
Part 1 of 2

Aug 6, 2023. The Humanity for Peace Memorial in Dag Hammarsköld Plaza across from the U. N.,"Was this really a memorial, or politics as usual."

This year the speeches from survivors
 of Hiroshima/Nagasaki, were missing.

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Past memorials to Aug 6, 1945 I attended
"No More Hiroshimas/No More Nagasakis"
You knew why you were there.
In 2023 they began with a familiar monk.

 . I arrived about 15 min late and saw this monk as he left ... he always rings a prayer bell and says a prayer. (picture from 2022)

But,  as the event continued, the list of speakers (and signs) seemed to be more politically focused. Opposed to nuclear war, yes, but promoting La Rouche/Schiller and Socialism in tandem with Communism and hard-left politics was the prevailing theme. (which seems schizo when linking to their odd history)

.There was another opening prayer from the Rev. Dr. Terri L. Strong. She also warned of the potential for Nuclear War on this the 78th Anniversary of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. (video)


And then, on to politics. Lots of politics

Gerald Celente is the speaker in this next clip (born 1946) publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other important events. (video) He was an engaging speaker- so New Yawk.



Gerald describes himself as a “political atheist” and “citizen of the world.” He has dedicated his life to finding meaningful change for peace and is also the founder and driving force behind

Created in 2015  ....
".... designed to stir grassroots initiatives across the country to demand peace by holding elected officials accountable for senselessly prompting war to build other nations and regime change while, at every turn, stripping We The People of our rights at home – invading our privacy, limiting our right to free speech, and subjecting us to military tactics imposed by our local police department."
International Peace Coalition & World Wide Peace           

The La Roche- Schiller Institute presented solutions for Peace Though Development and ending nuclear conflicts with the World Land Bridge- The New Silk Road.[let CHINA lead the way]

Or, perhaps the answer to World Peace was creating a New Paradigm?

"The timing could not have been more propitious for the Schiller Institute conference in 2018, just as momentum was building for the consolidation of a New Paradigm, driven by the diplomatic and economic policy direction defined by China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI).[ ...] the new strategic geometry centered on a U.S.-Russia-China alliance, which was emerging in spite of massive resistance from those British and U.S. networks acting to preserve the dangerous old world defined by geopolitics."
Nuclear POWER not Nuclear War 

Beam Defense, an alternative.

The Iron Beam is intended to work in tandem with Israel's Iron Dome air defense system — also made by Rafael — as “another layer in our air defense strategy and deployment, Operators will be able to choose whether to neutralize threats using traditional kinetic missiles or the Iron Beam's laser."
Caught one anti-Israel t-shirt....
Flickr slide show: Part 1 of 2  -
leads off with "
"What is the basis of moral and social obligation?"
Plato's well-known answer rests upon the fundamental responsibility to seek wisdom ....  justice is obtained when knowledge of how to fulfill one's moral and political function in society is put into practice."
Begin slide show:
 Humanity for Peace Part 1

HUMANITY FOR PEACE Mission Statement :
From the La Roche Schiller Institute (@4peacehumanity)

"The danger of nuclear war has escalated to a point that no thoughtful person on the planet can ignore it any longer. ... It is clear that those who provoked the war, and continue to escalate it, do not care about the lives of the people of Ukraine or any other nation on the planet. This is NOT acceptable to those who care about the well-being of ALL humanity — [End Global NATO)

"... show our respect for those who lost their lives in the unnecessary and genocidal nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States ... We remind humanity that nuclear war ... the final and biggest crime against humanity ... must (not) become the dominant voice in the world .... Peace ...  an urgent necessity for humanity’s survival and progress."

"The Schiller Institute is a German-based political and economic think tank founded by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, (the widow of American political activist Lyndon LaRouche)... The institute's stated aim is to apply the ideas of the poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller to what it calls the "contemporary world crisis."

Their global positions:
In 2015, Zepp-LaRouche  described climate change as a "Satanic swindle". In her opinion, it "supplies the argumentation to establish a global eco-dictatorship whose results, and whose declared intention is to eliminate six billion human beings".

In July 2016,
Zepp-LaRouche spoke at the first panel on the Think 20 Summit, which was organised by three Chinese academies and institutes..."

The producer/director of the film, 8:15 Hiroshima, From Father to Daughter” - J.R. Heffelfinger. spoke  ".... giving voice to the voiceless and making the invisible, visible. "

He promoted his film and shared that on Jan 24, 2023 "the Doomsday Clock was moved to 90 seconds before midnight. The closest it's been since its creation in 1947.  And quoted author John Hersey"What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in a sense of fear of specific weapons so much as it's been memory; the memory of what happened at Hiroshima."

 Ending Part 1 so many opinions, statements, goals.

"The LaRouche movement has attracted devoted followers and developed some specific and elaborate policy initiatives, but has also been referred to variously as Marxist, fascist, anti-Semitic, a political cult, a personality cult, and a criminal enterprise.[

The LaRouche movement has often been considered a far-right political movement.[..] The Heritage Foundation called it "one of the strangest political groups in American history", and The Washington Monthly called it a "vast and bizarre vanity press".

The LaRouche movement is seen by some as a fringe political cult.[

Part 2 next:

Will they create that New Paradigm.
(And more about the Humanity for Peace sponsors)

[Where indicated Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]


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