Friday, August 25, 2023

Brandon Straka's Walkaway "Culture War" Town Hall - NYC

Saturday, June 24, 2023.
Brandon Straka and The Walkaway Movement
held  a Culture War Town Hall
at the Metropolitan Republican Club, in NYC.

Guest speakers include Brandon Straka, Mike Harlow, Marcus Dib, Melissa Vitelli and Rachel Magay.

Since the Walkaway Movement was founded over 500,000 former leftists have joined their ranks and walked away from the Democrat Party.

"The modern LGBTQIA+ “community” does not represent us. Many LGBT people are choosing to #WalkAway from the alphabet cult "

"Many LGBT people are tired of being told by our own “community” what we can and can not think, what we can and can not do, and which causes and people we can and can not believe in and support. We want a truly liberated LGBT movement." [LINK]

Flickr slide show - The crowd was enthusiastic and supportive. No protestors. Hearing the reactions of those in the gay community, to the leftist LGBTQ+ mania was very encouraging.

Brandon Straka's Walk Away Townhall NYC 

As for my videos: Unfortunately, I shot without my tripod. The panel was engaging.  Great interviews and responses. But, using my monopod was occasionally a problem The audio is fine, the video shake comes and goes. Mea Culpa.

VIDEO Playlist (11 short videos) I broke it up by topics.

Part 1: Opening remarks from Brandon Straka; Part 2: Introductions, meeting the guests; Part 3: Is PRIDE necessary anymore- and what it used to be; Part 4: re TRUMP and BIDEN, who is best for the LGBTQ community; Part 5A/5B: First up: they discussed PRONOUNS and gender identities (B) Discussion continues re non-binary/gender bending; transitioning and briefly about how the left tried to take Walk Away down.


Part 6 LGBTQ school indoctrination and Story Hour grooming kids; Part 7: SHOULD the LGB separate from the T; Part 8: Is there a place for GAY PEOPLE in the LGBT community;Part 9 are people getting exhausted by the constant LGBT politics- the discussion include a broad array of how people are reacting ;Part 10 LGBT an ideology/ a religious cult, an industry, and more on gender dysphoria.

''Many LGBT people are tired of being told by our own “community” what we can and can not think, what we can and can not do, and which causes and people we can and can not believe in and support. We want a truly liberated LGBT movement. Join #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka, Mike Harlow, Melissa Vitale, and Marcus Dib for the #WalkAway LGBT Culture War Town Hall. The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom.The #WalkAway Campaign is a movement of Patriots from all walks of life – men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, and non-believers – who share something very important in common. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, and we will not surrender our country.'' [LINK]


[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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