Thursday, July 20, 2023

Guardians of Divinity Expose Human Trafficking at Port Authority NYC


July 14, 2023 - 4 pm -NYC

The Guardians of Divinity held signs

Handed out flyers (click to enlarge)

Even Port Authority agrees: Human Trafficking must be exposed and stopped.

.The public responded with lots of thumbs up.

 Later, however,  the Port Authority cops became difficult.

Perhaps the Port Authority was EMBARRASSED, when looking at the sex trafficking ON THEIR WATCH.

"3 men, including a Greyhound mechanic arrested for sex trafficking ring at Port Authority Bus Terminal" ....a highly co-ordinated operation, with three men conspiring to target a vulnerable woman with nowhere to stay and using brutal force to force her to perform sexual acts,” [

Flickr Slide Show. The Guardians of Divinity protest began outside Port Authority .... joined by lefty twitter-reporter, Talia Jane, as she filmed and questioned their motives. (Guess she had a free afternoon)

Exposing Human Trafficking Port Authority NYC

Talia followed the protestors "like a cockroach". When her "twitter report" finally went up, she impugned the character and motives of the Guardians (the extent of her reporting skills).

Video 1: The Guardians of Divinity handed flyers to passersby, held their signs exposing sex trafficking and promoting the film, Sound of Freedom. Talia Jane - in the green jacket- hovered and pretended to be interested in sex trafficking for over an hour.


.Video 2: Jonathan David Rinaldi (who is running for NYC Councilman) asked "Talia Jane": Would she be willing to "cross the aisle" to END Child Trafficking. Hard to get all her words (2023 and she's STILL MASKED) He asked her many times would she be willing to put aside their differences. Rinaldi was persistent, never rude or threatening. "I came to offer my hand. Can't we work together to end sex trafficking?" (crickets from Talia)


. She was rude, Rinaldi was not. She claimed he was threatening: He was NOT. Why do leftists resist putting an end to child trafficking? Seeing flyers like this, they should CARE.

After asking lame questions of the protestors, all Talia could manage was a mis-characterization of the group with "QAnon.QAnon.QAnon". (Dis-info is her middle-name)

Some fun with "Quotes from Talia Jane"

"What is being critiqued is QAnon's well-established habit of exploiting to develop, supplement, and justify far right propaganda and extremism. They're not combatting trafficking.

I was doing a little live-stream explaining how this group operates, how they contort reality, etc. and mentioned that because they're so weird about me, me (Talia) leaving would either make them bored or cause them to try escalating."

[Who knew she was that important.]
Meanwhile, her dis-info slander grew.

"While this group is largely very unserious people, following whatever outrage is trending on Telegram, they have become more volatile as a group over time, produce propagandic content, & are affiliated with/openly collaborate with, extremists. They'd like to be influencers.

They weren't protesting. Just being a nuisance that assumed Port Authority would suffer fools."

"They accused me (Talia) of being pro-sex trafficking, macing people ... 

'I spoke with a Port Authority cop whose job is monitoring for trafficking. He described it as a person connects with a minor online, encourages them to come into the city. Often a kid facing family problems. Person picks kid up, houses them, feeds them, cares-

Then after a few months, that person begins expecting things of them, abusing them, etc. The cop said they look out for specific flags - a kid traveling alone, often malnourished, searching eye contact. They approach the kid and from there, investigate the would-be trafficker.'

"The conspiracy theorists, however, sought to find evidence by way of searching for (and claiming to have seen) suspicious adults, "suspects" and "weirdos."

(Guardian D.N. did catch two odd characters - Talia and a comrade - lurking)

(Talia continues) "One conspiracist held a sign listing various hotel chains that have been sued. I asked him what they were sued for (his sign told her) and where I could read more. His response? "DuckDuckGo."

Something I keep coming across in QAnon/antivax disinfo spaces is people urging others to use @DuckDuckGo as their search engine instead of Google."

(SO, Duck Duck Go is the DISINFO Search engine- NOT Google?]

"They directly cited Sound Of Freedom as cause to show up to Port Authority." (which Talia finds ridiculous)

Later, as the Guardians of Divinity went inside the terminal to hand out flyers, is when the Port Authority cops became difficult, FORCING the peaceful Guardians of Divinity to leave a public building .

And, arrested one of their group for ... what  ...  trespassing? In a PUBLIC facility?

Talia Jane filmed the unwarranted arrest of a Guardian for peacefully holding a sign.

I watched the PA Cop walk on his sign - intentionally- before he picked it up.

This is a public space. Same as Grand Central and Penn Station.

So why did they also prohibit holding the American flag?


.I've covered many protests led by the Commie Left in public facilities. They are NEVER removed, even when they BLOCK commuters and entrances. Check out 2020 and 2021 in Grand Central: NO ONE was removed

The Port Authority shutting down an OUTREACH to STOP Sex Trafficking is an outrage; making the "Sound of Freedom " even more timely and important.

.“Sound of Freedom” is based on a true story: James Caviezel plays Tim Ballard, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security agent who investigated pedophiles.

Some critics say the film appeals to the QAnon movement, which posits a false conspiracy theory accusing progressive elites of pedophilia. Neal Harmon, Angel’s chief executive, said: “Anybody who watches this film knows that this film is not about conspiracy theories,” adding, “it’s not about politics.”

The producer of “Sound of Freedom,” Eduardo Verástegui, acknowledged the polarization around the film. He hoped political differences could be shelved in favor of the movie’s anti-trafficking message.

The film does not mention specific QAnon tenets. It depicts trafficking and related problems, like child sexual abuse imagery, as stark and growing and suggests that the international wealthy are among its consumers. The filmmakers hope “Sound of Freedom” will be “the ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ of 21st century slavery.”

He adds, “We believe this movie has the power to be a huge step forward toward ending child trafficking.” [NY Times]

"There has been some progress , "The New York State Senate voted Wednesday to end the statute of limitations for reporting sex trafficking crimes."

For survivors of sex trafficking, it can take years to overcome the trauma, physical and psychological, as well as that added factor of their personal safety when they’ve been controlled by either organized crime syndicate or individual traffickers and pimps,” []

Thanks to Michael Anthony for posting this ABC clip of the late Officer Collins  and his Youth Services Unit in 2015.


= In 2021, James Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that "the storm is upon us", echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart urging the audience to "[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong." [wiki]


[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

An addendum to the post (7/20/23): President Trump attended a screening of Sounds of Freedom. LOVE our President Trump! (video - cameronmoore1)

"Trump was the only POTUS that signed a EO to end child n human trafficking when he was president. We need Trump to bring our country back to what it once was to put families first American families."

"The pedo-elite absolutely hate @timballard89 and his movie! They hate being exposed! They hate that what they do in the dark is being brought into the light!  BUT THEY CANT STOP IT!  JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING! [davidiharrisjr ]

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