Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Stop Drag Queen Story Hours For Children at NYC 53rd st Library

May 1, 2023 - 53rd St Library. 4 pm

On a chilly afternoon,  a small group of hard core"Drag Story" DEFENDERS gathered in front of the library to make noise and block the entrance.

What books are read is never revealed, and by not letting the Guardians of Divinity enter the library ( even after the story hour)  they must be HIDING something. Popular books:  This Book is Gay; Gender Queer; Beyond Magenta; Jacobs New Dress; Drag Dictionary and OUT!(How to be your Authentic Self).

These books are found in the libraries and in our schools, clearly setting the stage for easy grooming


Meanwhile, the so called 'DEFENDERS" bang on anything metal, slap rattles and shake tambourines, noise pollution for alll who pass by while "giving the bird" to the Guardians of Divinity.... for the kids to see and hear.

Across 53rd, the Guardians of Divinity defend the innocence of the children with signs like  "Let the Kids be Kids" and "Save the Children" from groomers.


And they welcomed explaining the issues to passersby. Many stopped to chat.


Except for one F-You guy who angrily shouted as he passed by the Guardians.

.As for the police, seemed like too many for the noisy protestors. They were tasked with standing on both sides of the street AND only BLOCKED the Guardians of Divinity from entering the library. (Noisy Lefties were welcomed)


Flicker slide show Part 1-- A look at both sides of the protest.  A small group of pro "drag story hour" lefties gathered in front of the library, challenged by the Guardians of Divinity with great signs and chants

 Stop NYC Drag Queen Story Hours Part 1

Flicker slide show Part 2 - More of both sides, the police and the fake Fox reporter.

 Stop NYC Drag Queen Story Hours Part 2

a few short videos next:

Part 1 (2:32) Had a lot of short clips of both sides. The usual profanity came from the Leftists (plus they love to flip off everyone)And their mascot, "CrackHead Barney". The children's drag show "defenders" LOVE her. "Barney" is loud and obscene. Sometimes half-naked (sometimes  ... her breasts are exposed) as she performs in a smelly, obscene costume. Ending with a few nannies and their very young charges leaving the Drag Story hour.


Part 2 . Gay Activist,  Jay Walker did his usual blah-blah-blah. And  the Guardians Mascot Brad was front and center on the  metal barricade.


.Part 3 - The Guardians of Divinity continued to protest the grooming of children whiles fake reporter, Walter Masterson -a wanna-be actor who crashes protests , today pretended to be a FOX reporter. It seemed to fool the leftards, but he fooled  no one on the Guardians side.


.Last video is Talia Ben Ora, a lefty 'journalist' hanger-on , who promotes the library drag story hours while working the police with supposed intel.  She also promotes herself on patreon as a 'journo" who needs MONEY.

Oddly , the police seem to have willingly been snookered by her.  (she has said as much on Twitter)

Talia schmoozes the lead cops. Hangs wherever she chooses. And proudly encourages the censorship of those she label Right Wing Fascists. A VERY obnoxious woman who amused while performing for the camera.


.Update: Happy to have observed , starting with the BLM /Jordan Neeley Riots, that Talia's "Junior G-Man" badge seems to have expired.



 The police are no longer welcoming her 'guidance"((amusing exchange with police/she's NOT happy)

With this latest leftist rabble assaulting the police and reporters, blocking streets and public transportation, The police might become impatient with the ACAB (all cops are bastards) / DEFUND the Police insurgents. It was time...

 Guess We Found Out. Lots of arrests on May 9th


Wanting NO Replay of the 2020 riots, the police were finally pro-active.

(Sorry Talia!) LOL

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall- VSB]


pamela hall, photographer, guardians of divinity, drag queen story hour, protests,nyc, 53rd st library, save the children, NYPD

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