Tuesday, August 23, 2022

un-Vaxed Christians denied entry to Historical Ground Zero Trinity Episcopal Church NYC


8/21/22 the very "liberal" Episcopal Trinity Church at Wall St/Ground Zero - was NOT so liberal at the 11;15 am Worship Service:  ALL Christians were NOT welcomed.

The Church refused entry to worshipers who were not vaxed. (The CDC has DECREED an END  to NO vaxed and unvaxed segregation) but LET US PRAY fell on deaf ears at Trinity Episcopal Church -Wall Street..

INSIDE the protest began with one man challenging the mask/vax policy as being un-Christian.  (Even more strange rules prevailed, as he passed thru the screener to enter the church,  he was forced to relinquish his cigarettes.)

Video Part 1 . It was difficult hear what was said since the church security formed a tight circle around the Christian protestor.


Outside, in front of the church doors, unvaxed worshipers chanted "LET US Pray". While many cops were seen to arrive, they kept coming  and coming , they didn't interfere with the Christian worshipers.

Part 2 video

.Flickr slide show # 1- Christians were segregated- denied entry - NOT allowed to pray at historical Trinity Episcopal Church at Wall st/Ground Zero. They had to show vaccine PAPERS to PRAY. Shameful! un-Christian. "What would Jesus Do?"

 Lets us Pray! Trinity Church (Wall St-Ground Zero)

Flickr slide show # 2 - screen shots INSIDE as the protest in support of those Christians denied entry BEGAN.

 LET US Pray protest INSIDE Trinity Church Wall st

East Ghost Reports captured the moment a member of the clergy attempted to address the complaints of the Christians who were denied entry TO PRAY. Nothing came of this, of course.

Final look at the very WOKE Trinity Church Mission Statement:

Trinity Church Wall Street is a growing and inclusive Episcopal parish that seeks to serve and heal the world by building neighborhoods that live Gospel truths, generations of faithful leaders, and sustainable communities. We are guided by our core values: faith, integrity, inclusiveness, compassion, social justice, and stewardship. Members come from New York City and surrounding areas to form a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse congregation. Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel are the cornerstones of the parish’s community life, worship, and mission. Worship is at the center of parish life, with 20 services offered every week, many of which are streamed online and viewed by hundreds of thousands worldwide. As historic buildings and active churches, Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel also welcome more than three million visitors and pilgrims from around the world every year

Sadly, on August 21, 2022: Not EVERYONE was WELCOMED

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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