Saturday, May 7, 2022

NYC Abortion Hysterics Plan to "Channel Rage into Action"

Abortion On Demand & Without Apology!

May 5, 2022:"Senate Democrats are seeking to force a vote to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law ...  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced Thursday that he will file cloture on the legislation on Monday, teeing up a vote for Wednesday.

“Today, I am announcing that next week, the US Senate is going to vote on legislation to codify a woman’s right to seek an abortion into federal law,” he said in a speech on the Senate floor."   [NY Post]

May 3, 2022
Dear Friends,

Last night, we learned that the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito.

Should this leaked draft Supreme Court majority opinion hold, it would explicitly end federal constitutional protections for safe and legal abortions - nearly 50 years after Roe v. Wade was first decided.

Today my heart is with all American women who are on the cusp of having control of their own bodies taken from them.

I am filled with rage over this news but we should all be clear that this opinion is a draft: abortion is still legal today and people still have appointments and are getting care today. New Yorkers will and should continue to book their reproductive health appointments.

As the Supreme Court finalizes its decision, however, we cannot allow our anger to give way to despair or apathy. We must use it to fuel our actions and our voices.

Today at 5:00 p.m., activists and allies will be gathering in Foley Square (at Lafayette Street and Worth Street) to express our outrage at this decision and demand that reproductive rights be upheld nationwide.

We will also be wearing green, a color that demonstrates support for abortions that are safe, legal, and accessible for all people, especially racial minorities, LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, low income people, and those who are multiply marginalized.

This is a hard day for so many, but please know that you are not alone. We are in this together, today and every day. 

In service,

Erik Bottcher
New York City Council Member
District 3 (photo from twitter)


 .Of course this was a huge protest, still growing as I left at 6:30. (Flickr Slide show)

 Abortion protests Supreme Court ruling NYC Foley Sq

Two videos that struck a chord of disbelief how  ignorant --or evil - or both these protest organizers must be.

The Rabbi and the Pastor.  The Rabbi's persistent "Pregnant Person" speech was embarrassing; her relentless wokeness. These two preachers were stoking the fires of rebellion over a misunderstanding of the constitution and the supreme court.

And then Amy Schumer
spoke very briefly, “I tell jokes and this court is a joke,”  as she introduced NY's Attorney General, ( "too male, too pale") Letitia (Tish) James: It's a longer video cause Tish loves to rant.

Her plans for NY State include an OPEN Invitation to anyone who wants an abortion,  paid for by NY.

"This is a five-alarm fire, my friends,” James said.

“It’s a fight that’s going to take all of us to win. And I’m here to say we will not go backwards. We will not go back to the days when we used wire hangers!”

The state will establish a fund for women who want to come to New York for a procedure as other states impose potential bans, she said. " [NY Post]

"Thousands of demonstrators packed Foley Square on Tuesday to protest the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the abortion rights case Roe v. Wade, a day after a draft opinion was leaked.

Members of the group Abortion Access Front raised blown-up cardboard cutouts of the heads of the six conservative justices on the highest court in the land – then called for demonstrators to raise their middle fingers to the images." [NY Post]

"Abortion Access Front" is a national organization that supports clinics and abortion access.

More VIDEOS: First, a few actors from an off-Broadway production of "SUFFS" sang a short a cappella selection re the suffragettes. Unaware perhaps that the suffrage movement and the Republicans of 100 yrs ago  .... the Republican party as a whole  .... had always been far more supportive of woman suffrage than Democrats. And they were also dealing with a Democrat President (W. Wilson) who did not believe women should vote. Inconvenient facts, I'm sure.

."Which party passed women's suffrage? It was a decisive victory, and the split among Democrats and Republicans was staggering. In all, over 200 Republicans voted in favor of the 19th Amendment, while only 102 Democrats voted alongside them.

Southern Democrats were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920."

"How long must we wait for liberty?"  they claim to still be asking this in solidarity.

Next video: the Intro Speaker, Miranda. She was from "Girls for Gender Equity" (for black women and girls) Since 1994, 20 yrs and they are still fighting for "the right to have or not have a child". Quoting a feminist writer: "We must become a menace to our enemies".

Then 2nd young woman started with : "This is what democracy looks" and morphed into brief statement about the "stealing" of Manhattan from the Lenape (a current obsession of the left at rallies.) FYI: the Lenape were several bands of "Native" American people who shared cultural and linguistic traits, also known as the Delaware Indians.

Last video, a speaker wearing a sweater with 1973 across the front, this woman began her remarks with: "We knew this was going to sneakily happen. ' We must protect abortion access. Commit to that today.  We must support access to every single path of self-determination. She claims that even with Roe v Wade, abortion access has not been available to most people in this country -- particularly black and brown, bi and queer folks. (She claims) available just for a small few ." ( aka white?) .

She proudly ended with, " When talking of reproductive justice, we must follow the leadership of black women; latino women, 'cause this world ain't right if they're not leadin' it."

.Margret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood would surely be a disappointed by these claims of no access to abortion since her Planned Parenthood goal was to control the  reproduction of blacks and Catholics.

.And now, in 2022,  these misinformed protestors are taking to the streets because, "the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito."

They hysterically claim, "Should this leaked draft Supreme Court majority opinion hold, it would explicitly end federal constitutional protections for safe and legal abortions - nearly 50 years after Roe v. Wade was first decided. "

As though they are overwhelmed by death (not encouraging it) they preached,"Get through the stages of grief re abortion rights so we can get to acceptance and then action for reproductive justice!"

Deconstructing our Constitution in 1973, and now the Supreme Court wants to restore it by returning the decision re abortion to the States. This is unacceptable to the Hard Left Socialists who lead the way thru out this protest of misinformation. (This includes Rise and Resist, Planned Parenthood, Ruth Sent Us, ACLU,, Jews For Racial and Economic Justice and

And they much planned as they continue with "give us our constitutional right to abortion" or else:

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, is organizing a “Week of Resistance” beginning on Mother’s Day through May 14 — culminating with protests in New York, Chicago and Seattle.

15-year-old Anna Hunt at NYC student walkout over threat to Roe v. Wade: “My rights are being threatened, and I came here because I’m hoping to not allow these government officials, who think they have control over my body, to ... take us back 50 years.”

Motherhood should be a choice, not forced by the church or the state,” the group claims. “Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement!

And Red Stockings: 2015&1989RS Web home 1 cropped embd 1.jpg



access pamphlets, broadsides, journals
and audiotapes from and about
the freedom organizing of the
1960's ... and beyond.

RESIST! (Stop Voting Republican)

[Pictures and Videos where indicated, property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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