Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Stand For Choice from Columbus Cir to Union Sq : No to Vaccine/Mask /Passport Mandates


August 28, 2021. 1 pm. Columbus Circle. Stand for Choice Rally.

The crowd, as I waited for the rally to start, was an odd assortment of East Village-types caught in a time warp, as well as some familiar leftists. The Covid-scam has united this eclectic group in common-cause: the Human Right to CHOOSE.

This statement from "Occupy Peace": "We the People pay w/ our tax $ to enrich the Military-Industrial Complex" proclaims under the heading,  OCCUPY FREEDOM, "Just as politicians have violated the Constitution by taking us to war, they have robbed us of our Liberty and Freedom with draconian rules and regulations ranging from constant surveillance, right to assembly, lock downs, and violations of our personal rights. We propose Direct Democracy: let the people decide our fate and future and not the politicians."

Seems they too are resisting the Big Gov. Global Plandemic Reset. The looming lock down of our country with permanent passports, mandates and never ending boosters threatens even our hard core lefty/progs is creating this odd communing I saw gathered.

Took a few pictures at the protest. But, since they seemed in no hurry to start the rally, I moved on. 

Slide show Flickr: The slide show is as they chatted and danced to the music.

Stand For Choice Rally NYC

 (Okay. Maybe I was too impatient) After the speakers, at 1:40 in the video below, they marched thru the streets of midtown. [https://rumble.com/vluvof-stand-for-choice-rally-nyc-columbus-circle-8282021.html]


.Interesting change of intent coming from the FDA : Health officials warned the White House they might not recommend COVID vaccine booster shots for the general public as expected this month.

"On Sept. 17, the FDA’s outside advisory committee is due to publicly review Pfizer’s data supporting a booster shot. Pfizer is asking for approval on booster doses for people 16 and older, but at least one prominent member of the FDA panel who works at a children’s hospital in Pennsylvania has called the request premature. There is no compelling reason to get a third dose” now, Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told The Times." [NY Daily News

Yet Fauci continues to CONFUSE: "Dr. Fauci, the president’s top medical adviser, told the nation that normalcy won’t come before Fall or Winter 2022 — then corrected it to a still-absurd Spring 2022 ... How much of the population, he was asked, needs to be jabbed to meet that goal of normalcy by Spring 2022? The reply: “In all transparency and honesty, we don’t know that.” Fauci is basing supposedly scientific statements on pure conjecture." [NY Post]

Fauci LIES while Freedom DIES.
"Get this guy off TV — and out of the White House!"

Sept. 6, 2021. The same group, Stand For Choice/ Stop the Lock Downs, gathered at 1 PM in Union Square. 


These small protests may seem pointless but the commitment of those involved is unflagging. They talk to passers by, sharing their concerns and facts regarding the damage caused by mandates and lock downs. (StopTheLockdown.net).  

 Flickr slide show

 this ends when we say it ends protest

 As the media continues to nurture Fauci-mania, we now read of a doctor refusing to treat the unvaccinated, a shocking violation of their oath as doctors "to do no harm". The harm done by our governments world-wide continues. 


 Sadly, the madness is pervasive. Know your Rights. Stand For CHOICE. Stop the Mandates.

 [Where indicated, pictures property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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