Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Peoples Medical Freedom Rally - NY City Hall - Aug 9, 2021

 August 9, 2021. Noon. Outside NY City Hall. The protest started with a HUGE mural of Mayor de Blasio in a Che t-shirt, holding a bloody head of a decapitated Statue of Liberty.


Hundreds were there to protest a vaccine mandate for entering gyms, indoor restaurants, and entertainment venues that is set to take effect on August 16.

aug 9

Flickr Slide Show

The Peoples' Medical Freedom Rally NYC

 The messages for the Mayor included: Just say NO to Vaccine Passports and forced vaccinations. My Body My Choice.

VIDEOS: Part 1

Part 2 -
There was a heckler ... Liberal Activist/Agitator and ACTOR   @Waltermasterson  dressed in medical garb while taunting the protestors, who gave it right back at him. Too bad the Mayor was in Maine vacationing, he missed all the 'fun' as “We will not comply!” rang outside New York City Hall. 

See Elad Eliahu expose this fraud. [[]

 (Or Instagram)

 Part 3   - As I left, I heard a respectful Pledge of Allegiance with a slight alteration - to include mention of the Constitution.

And some extra info that the media and government works hard to debunk:

"The CDC is actively under counting vaccinated COVID cases. They admit that the injections do not stop transmission. They tell you that you still have to wear masks. The injections might reduce symptoms. They do not provide lasting immunity like a Polio vaccine does. We know this. This is the science. These injections are not real vaccines. We need to realize that we are mandating something during an emergency that is just a symptom-reducing treatment at best. There are other treatments, but the doctors who dare treat COVID successfully without resorting to an RNA injection are censored from the mainstream news media and internet. Their opinions are more difficult to find, but the information is out there. Actively censoring dissenting medical and scientific opinions contributes to mask and vaccine "hesitancy" and so does forcing a vaccine passport down our collective throats."


In conclusion: What was most important to this crowd, it seemed, was that losing freedom to medical tyranny in favor of a lawsuit-free agenda favoring Big Pharma was NOT acceptable. This was a point made by a politically diverse crowd. Some agreed with taking the injections and wearing masks, and some disagreed. Some were conservative, some were liberal, a diverse array of pandemic opinions and political views. All agreed with "My Body My Choice". And said NO to mandating injections and masks and vaccine passports.

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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