Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"Courageous Faith" with Canada's Pastor Artur Pawlowski services shut down:"NO.NO. Get Out!"

 On June 15, 2021, an enthusiastic crowd spent an evening with the controversial  Pastor Artur Pawlowski. [His ministry is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada] The evening was sponsored by a local group, FEC United and patriot, Diane Atkins.

The small room was PACKED (and confidently UNMASKED.) They could have used a larger room (if it had been available) as there was spill over outside the door, standing in the narrow hallway. Inside, the room was warm and tight, but generous and welcoming as the pastor spoke for approx 90 minutes.

While people like Pastor Pawlowski are punished with brutal arrests and outrageous fines, we should learn from his example: we must resist this tyranny.

"Canadian police tried to shut down a POLISH church on Easter as he declared "NO NO GET OUT GET OUT!"  The Polish have a PROFOUND understanding of totalitarianism (fascism, communism) and sent the police away!"


He spoke of how urgently we need to commit to defending our imperiled rights from progressive, totalitarian governments run amuck. They infringe world-wide upon our rights to assemble, to worship, to sing free of muzzles and lock-downs.[Artur Pawlowski @ArturPawlowski1]

4 short video excerpts

Part 1 . (transcribed some of his statements)  "The government works for us. They have forgotten. He is going to sue them. They are afraid. Doing something right. Not allowed to sing in church . because of virus. Ikea. Only 480 people allowed. My whole church and 1/2 my neighborhood.Nothing to do with virus. It is tyranny. control"


Part 2 . "Evil will never stop doing evil. The goevrnment has soldiers, they can shoot us, but I will never stop saying NO. Muzzles. No identity. No voice. Destroying our next generation. Why I came to Canada - FREEDOM. Even if retired, must do this for our children and our grand children"

Part 3 . "There is no more Rule of Law. Do what ever they want. Fascism. you are the first victims. Stop them now. here in America. NO and Get Out. Bidens. Clintons. Faucis. Evil people. They brutally arrested me. 7 criminal charges. face a year. (Re Tickets) Give me the billions, so I can be the first ... They arrested a pastor in front of his 7 children. Why can't you be like us, say others ... cowardly priests and ministers afraid to get a ticket. I don't want to be like you, afraid because you MIGHT get a ticket."

Part 4- "Starting in March 2020 he was ordered to stop feeding the poor. He did not.  So, while the pastor was feeding the poor,  a SWAT team (100 officers, 52 police cars, 20 police on bicycles) showed up. Intimidating, harassing, continuing into December giving him tickets. For over a year they would video tape us; take pictures. We're not hiding we are coming after you, even the parishioners. And then they CANCELLED Christmas. (see an arrest here)

How dare you. I'm cancelling you. We had a huge Christmas celebration and I wound up with 11 tickets that day. Charges I didn't know existed. The arresting officers were Brits (not Canadians) bringing that garbage with them. I didn't want to bring Communism with me, I escaped Communism. And the HEALTH inspector was from CHINA. I said GET OUT. WE are not racists. Our church is all colours."

Unfortunately, I had to leave as he finished speaking. If there was a Q and A, I missed it. Still, I left with much to think about as I pondered : Faith and Courage.

"We Gain Courage From Faith to restore our nation; where the practice of faith and worship is unrestricted, education is transparent and empowers children, commerce is thriving and unimpeded, and the government serves the interest of the People." Save Our Nation.

(Where indicated, Videos and Pictures property of Pamela Hall-VSB)

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