Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Wednesday August 30, 2017 5 pm. The DACA illegals and fellow travelers gathered in Central Park at Columbus Circle. Again.

I write this on Monday, September 4, Labor Day in the States (a topic for another day perhaps --- the wisdom - or not - of celebrating UNIONS)  Meanwhile the headlines are a-quiver with apprehension, knowing the President will be addressing DACA this day or the next. Will he or won't he end Obama's presidential fiat.

"Amid reports that President Donald Trump will be ending the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA) policy that protected people brought illegally to the United States as children from being deported, the Women's March has pledged to make his life "impossible." [NY Daily News]

Central Park- 4:45 pm. As I arrived, the police presence was on the center-isle, by the globe; by Trump's International hotel. Perhaps this is where they remained.

Or perhaps there was a intentional stand back/"stand down" directive to the NYPD from Mayor"Red Bill" de Balsio. Whatever, the NYPD presence for this rather large presser was nil as the crowd gathered.

The leftists and illegal ringers were spread over a wide area at the entrance to the park, posing for photographers and giving interviews to random media.

As the crowd gathered there was breathing room; the press could walk easily throughout for the photo-ops and interviews. SOME however (moi) experienced the usual shove and block assaults to impede photos and filming.

Tracked the main culprit (Rabbi Michael Feinberg) and his 'soldiers: three PRESS and a rabbi assaulting the press, they must be very proud.

During the media frenzy, 4-5 counter protestors from the JDL stood QUIETLY at an entrance to the park; holding their signs (and an Israeli flag). Left alone (even by the police) they stood unnoticed for most of the pre-march press/rally. But, this was not a truce - just the quiet before the storm.

About 15 minutes before the march began, the harassment that bordered on assault began ...and....escalated. Oddly, there were NO NYPD to be found. Preparing for the march? In the street? The norm has been one or two officers assigned to the counter-protest. OR to miraculously appear at the first hint of an escalating uproar.

As the illegal instigator's emotions ran the gamut of nasty, obscene and .... ridiculous .... all (of course) aimed for "the cameras". No police ever appeared.

However, as the illegal ringer wound down,  the leftist TEACHERS (their signs proudly said they were educators)took over.

These EDUCATORS continued to block the four QUIET counter-protestors, even after the screaming illegal moved on.  Still, no police. Nada. We were on our own.

 The crazed illegal, I've seen her meekly address crowds at other rallies, was NOT so meek this day. She was irate: " Freedom of speech?? This is OUR rally!!"

In the crowd were people of color, who looked embarrassed and dismayed as they watched and heard the illegal woman assaulting and insulting the quiet counter-protestors.

Some were able to dialogue with the counter-protestors, quietly and without confrontation.


Even though they did not agree with them on all points, they were disturbed by the Leftist-Illegal assault on free speech/assembly and needed to have a reasonable, quiet debate of thoughts. That they did.

 Finally, "The March" began as the peons were giving their orders to line-up, screaming "Illegal and UNAFRAID" while stopping often for photo-ops of the pièce de résistance, an electric "DEFEND DACA" sign while chanting "This is what COMMUNITY looks like."

If only the press could see the DACA-philes as irrational instigators, crowd manipulators, a threat to even their freedom of press. But, they don't. won't. Can't escape the madness.

"The explanation for this apparent madness is that the left -- both the scribblers and the shock troops -- bear all the characteristics of a mob, as set forth more than a century ago by the father of group-think, French psychologist Gustave Le Bon. No behavior of the left is mysterious if you've read Le Bon -- or "Demonic." In The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon observed that the "complete lack of critical spirit" prevents crowds from "perceiving ... contradictions." [Ann Coulter- Front Page Magazine]

The Young Turks (TYT Politics) interviewer, Nomiki Konst, is an example of the pre-arranged narrative, written - dictated- before they arrived.

"They have forgotten what the contributions of different cultures have meant to various societies. There is the bad, as we have seen from history, and as we see now, but there is also the good. If Caucasians are so bad, then why is one section of the world struggling to empty into the Western lands? Do you see any exodus headed elsewhere?" [Facebook]

Excerpts from Nomiki Konst's report at TYT . No amount of BAD behavior was going to change her pre-ordained conclusion: Illegals GOOD. America BAD.

Still, the anti-facists FASCISTS do not hide their intentions. They intend to to deconstruct America one illegal at a time....

We are a direct action group committed to opposing, disrupting and defeating any government act that threatens democracy, equality and our civil liberties. ""

Our cities, our urban centers, are in trouble, some lost already. Will the rest of America be able to survive without them? We might have to.  is this our future?

++ Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall ++

Flickr Slide show

Playlist of six short videos

LINKS to other reports:

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