Sunday, August 13, 2017

Patriots vs No Nuclear War! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Protest

August 9, 2017 - 8 AM - NYC - This was the first anti-fascist FASCIST speaker of the "No Nuclear War! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!" protest. He droned on and on - while standing in front of their mock DRONE - about impeaching President Trump.

"The Resist a Fascist America" FASCISTS gathered the day before the anniversary of Nagasaki, in front of Fox News, to defend the TOTALITARIAN hell-hole called, North Korea. The enemy (for them) is the United States (it's not just the Trump/Pence REGIME). They never met a totalitarian government they wouldn't DEFEND.

The counter-protest was small, but any opposition makes the anti-fascist FASCISTS very VERY upset, so standing up to their lies is worth it, knowing they can't handle the truth.

Lead this day by Commie - Fascist, Debra Sweet ( Of World Can't Wait). Under Debra the tone is never peaceful. This is a woman who sends her minions out to harass, confront, to shut down Free Speech. Not shy when it comes to initiating confrontation, Debra swirled around the public sidewalk commandeering this public space - no opposition allowed. Police and the opposition were relegated t0 the sidelines. The fascists conquerors made a grand play at calling the shots and using harassment to control "their space" this early morn.

Anti-fascist FASCIST speaker # 2 . She too droned on and on, her theme: "Fire and Fury" and Trump's planned mass-murder of the North Koreans. The ONLY hope for the North Koreans: The Trump/Pence REGIME Must Go.

She's baaack. Fascist recruiter, Eva Sahana, shrieking her fascist mantra at the passerby on their way to work. And while she was speaking, the get off our streets harassment of this photographer, began, announcing that I was a FASCIST SPY.

Harassing the Pro-Trump counter-protest was a very important mission for fascist leader, Debra Sweet, of World Can't Wait, and her minions.

It's a "nucular" nightmare! SHRIEKED another fascist babe who assaulted the ears of the passersby. Her diatribe on "It's a "Nucular" Nightmare" and "This isn't Normal" managed to create an amusing mike-check exchange between the 'warring-factions with her nuculars vs the nuclears.

A very angry Filipino fascist ranted about Trump's bankruptcies, "He doesn't pay anybody" (laced with expletives that he hurled at the pro-Trump counter-protestor, while blocking my camera). His vile rant was also aimed at the NYPD officers on-duty. As he stormed off - an elderly man walked up to and lectured the Pro-Trumper on "Fire and Fury". Then with a royal flip of his hand said, "Take that sign Down" - as he too stormed off.

The "Support President Trump" counter-protesters were led by a "Support Blue Lives" flag. Interesting. The fascist demonstrators went silent- hard to believe- but since they were packing up early, perhaps they were just out-of-steam. They left approximately 45 minutes before their scheduled end. SO, we hung around while they oh-so-carefully packed their mock DRONE into the back of their "Out of Iraq-Afghanistan" car.

Slide show of a few pictures

The day before the anniversary of Nagasaki, Trump declared "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen, he has been very threatening beyond a normal state. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen."

Trump's threats of nuclear war are a nightmare for humanity and the planet! This nightmare must end. The Trump Pence Regime Must Go.

Join and protest in front of Fox News Headquarters to say NO! "The Trump/Pence Regime MUST GO" before they incinerate humanity.

Only the people acting together in determined struggle, taking to the public squares day after day, night after night, not leaving until the regime is forced to go,  can we save humanity and our planet. Hosted by

More on their fearless fascist leader, Debra Sweet. I am blocked and harassed from a public sidewalk by Debra and her minions.

FASCIST Debra Sweet is the Director of World Can't Wait : atheist, revolutionary communist cause the world doesn't have to be this way. whose mission is stopping the crimes of the U.S. .... and I'M a FASCIST SPY....

 ++ March on. March on. As they Take to the Streets. So must we++

Take To The Streets. Sunday, August 13, Condemn the Racist, Murdering Nazi Thugs in Charlottesville, Virginia
  • *Sunday, we meet at 2pm to rally at Columbus Circle, then MARCH TO TRUMP TOWER at 3pm!* Monday, 5 pm, Trump Tower Tuesday, 5 pm, Trump Tower
  • This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
  • In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
  • One person murdered and 19 wounded by KKK/Nazi thugs in Charlottesville, Virginia have shown the whole world the reality of the Trump/Pence Regime's fascist America. Parading through the streets with torches chanting “Hail Trump” while spouting the most vile racism and anti-semitism these shock troops revealed the ugly face of the fascist future that the Trump/Pence Regime is hammering into place.
  • Even after learning of death of one of the people standing up against these fascist thugs, Donald Trump would not even utter words of condemnation of their vicious white supremacy, anti-semitism and their open aspousal of Nazi slogans of “Blood and Soil.” Trump wouldn't even offer condolence for the person murdered by these fascists.
  • THIS REGIME MUST BE STOPPED. The lives of millions of Black people, immigrants, women and lgbtq people hang in the balance along with the lives of billions of people around the world as the Trump/Pence Regime threatens North Korea with “fire and fury.” We must get organized NOW, in a serious way, to STOP THIS REGIME.

ALL Sides must prepare for their next battle front - November 4th

Refuse Fascism has a plan:
On November 4th, We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first, many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: The Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Our protest must grow day after day and night after night – thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions – determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.

Be part of making this vision a reality. Come the Northeast Regional Conference to plan November 4th on Saturday, August 19 at 12 PM - 6 PM. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
208 W 13th St, New York, New York . 

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power. Who should attend this conference?

Students and youth, the faith community, representatives of organizations and people who are unaffiliated, artists and professionals, long-time activists and folks who have never protested before – everyone who wants to see the nightmare of the Trump/Pence Regime end and is willing to act together to accomplish this. (REGISTER for the conference)

Patriots, prepare for their "War in the Streets", to turn the tide of their revolution.

 It doesn’t take an army to make a difference.

[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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