Thursday, August 24, 2017

DACA Illegals say Impeach Trump vs Patriots Support President Trump

August 15, 2017.  Day 3 of the obnoxious hate-fest of anti-fascist FASCISTS falsely accusing the president of being an "Islamophobic bigoted "fascist".

Hating on Donald Trump and his racist buddy, Mike Pence, with cries of IMPEACH! was de rigueur.

The protest theme might have confused some passersby: DEFEND  DACA Illegals, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and TPS (Temporary Protected Status). "What did that racist,Islamophobic President do this time?"

"... we have to prepare for the worst and get ready to fight mass deportation. We showed up at airports to fight the Muslim and Refugee Ban and now DREAMers and people who have lived here legally for decades with TPS are in imminent danger."

The chants also included support of the DACA illegals and their dream of a  DREAM Act ,  "No borders. No walls. No Hate. No Fear. Immigrants are welcome here" as they continued to unload on Trump.

The hard-core Fascist Left made it clear: this was definitely another Trump-Pence hate-fest.

Day 3 - Flickr slide show

Scheduled from 5 to 7 pm - they stayed long past 7 pm- the illegals and their Marxist-Fascist chums wouldn't leave. But, NEITHER did the patriots! The protest and counter-protest rolled into the dark of night.

Reading signs, like, "White silence equals white consent" and " Go back to hell, you white supremacist piece of shit" begs the question, "Can you feel the LOVE?"

Back to the beginning. 5 pm when the patriots began their counter-protest of flags and signs: the East side of Fifth ave, a public sidewalk, next to the Defend DACA pen. But that was soon ended by decree: the anti-fascist fascists proclaimed, "OUR sidewalk. Our streets. Get them outta here."

And so - the officers did just that, after about 30 minutes of whining, they closed a public sidewalk to everyone (the anti-Trump rally excepted - of course).

The patriots were banished to the west side of Fifth Ave. (the Leftist Fascisti made that complicated,TOO.)

No matter the harassment, the patriots did not vacate (the police knew they had a right of peaceful assembly) SO, the west side of Fifth remained their Bully Pulpit.

Edited periscope video of street action. It was an hour 23 minutes. A one-time experiment (for me) using periscope. Edited to about 13 minutes.

Clearly, patriotism "Trumped Hate"! Why else do they SILENCE us.

7 pm came and the DACA rally was herded one block south into another pen. When asked WHY the DACA  protest was still going 20 minutes after their permit, a White Shirt officer (a Lieutenant, Captain or Inspector) played "dumb".  Like really, he said to me,  "What time is it?" ("7:20") "Oh ..." as he walked away. (And we all know HE KNEW what time it was.)

Flickr slide show of screen shots from periscope video, it wound-up being the only record of some of the signs.

So, the Fascist Left stayed on as the Trump-Pence hatred resonated with signs like "Worst President EVER".

The patriots kept moving, NO stopping allowed, while the anti-fascist FASCISTI continued to mix with and harass the patriots, even advocating murder.

But, this LEFTIST professor from Staten Island, I've forgotten his name, stopped. He stood (observed by the police) and LECTURED the people sitting on the steps of the Presbyterian church at 55th st for about 5 minutes or so.

Around 8 PM, the second wave of patriots willingly moved to a pen at 56th St. where they were FINALLY assaulted: a patriot was sucker-punched.

Pictures from the arrest (thank you Karen L)

Re "the assault" of a MAGA counter-protestor:

"Two people were arrested during a second wave of protests at Trump Tower on Tuesday, police said.

Roughly 500 demonstrators gathered around the building and faced off with about two dozen Trump supporters. At 9:30 p.m., a protester walked up to someone in the pro-Trump camp (Tim) and punched him in the face as the victim chanted at those opposed to Trump. Cops quickly arrested the attacker."

Boston,  Aug 19. The FASCIST LEFT continued to assault free speech, these club-wielding Fascist-LEFTIST mobs, self-righteously bludgeon the American Right, justifying violence with, "FREE SPEECH For ME NOT For THEE".

The Boston Police were awesome. Protecting the Boston FREE SPEECH rally-mates who had a Constitutional Right to Assemble.  But the mob was uncontrollable.

Where THUGS Rule, violence is KING.

Some final thoughts from a face book friend (an attorney) on the tenor of these protests and free speech:

"(...) "free speech" (...) It's about the freedom to express, not the freedom to shout louder than someone else so they can't be heard. It's about providing everyone with the right to express their views, not about allowing them to infringe other people's rights.
....  if you don't protect unpopular speech, other forms of speech are vulnerable.

You get to PROTEST. You don't get to interrupt, quash, drown out, or SILENCE someone else's views.

Well, I guess in today's world you DO. Today, you tear down a statue because of its symbolism, or have someone fired because his beliefs are abhorrent."

" Tomorrow, you burn books and lock up "undesirables."

"The New Tyranny - America 2017 - Shut up or DIE"
As the LIE rolls on...

[Where designated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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