Sunday, July 2, 2017

World Refugee Day : Back The Ban vs March to Iftar

June 20, 2017 - 6 pm -  NYC World Refugee Day Stop the Refugee Ban, Save Asylum and Defend Temporary Protected Status (TPS)"

At 6 pm  African Communities Together (ACT) and City of Refuge Coalition partners gathered at  59th/ 5th Ave'.   Other than lots of signs and those orange dinghies it was low-key at this point. Voice of America did a few interviews, but the march and the Iftar, these were the main events.

6:30pm - 7:30pm: March to/ Rally at Trump World Tower and Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenue)
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Interfaith Iftar* at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenue)

*An Iftar is the ceremonial 'breaking of fast' observed by Muslims during the month of Ramadan.

Wasn't able to follow them to the U.N. and the Iftar, (I found plenty of reportage on the Iftar). Meanwhile, I focused on the preliminaries and their Signs of Love and Inclusion ( unless you are Trump and company)


The orange dinghy brigade returned [waiting in the background]

No love for all things Trump

Interviews with Voice of America included this familiar protestor

6:30 pm and the march to the U.N. was almost ready to go...til someone picked up those ORANGE dinghys

Video - brief interview quotes and then the ---  parade passes by----

The sponsors were the usual suspects

Flickr slide show

As expected, they made sure the "Iftar for infidels" would be covered - links were easy to find.  Videos posted show happy infidels praying at the Iftar -  in the name of PEACE- snookered in to praying  Islam: Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition The Interfaith Center of New York Lab/Shul Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus Jews for Racial and Economic Justice [JFREJ

 We thank our faith leaders, who led us in prayer and unity on#WorldRefugeeDay #CityofRefuge.
Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
 Photo Credits: David Moriya
African Communities Together and Audu Kadiri
"Thanks to everyone for organizing such an inspirational demonstration....The Iftar meal was delicious! ---The Last Raft.

The Observer: 

The action [...] condemned the administration’s efforts to bar refugees from war-torn Syria and other Muslim lands and defended Temporary Protected Status, which gives arrivals from nations enduring an armed conflict or natural disaster deportation immunity and work authorization. The march kicked off on 59th Street and Fifth Avenue and concluded [...] (when) demonstrators held an interfaith iftar—the evening meal breaking the daytime fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“We are celebrating the heritage and existence of refugees in this country and throughout the world,” Fatou Waggeh, a civic organizer for African Communities Together[...] “But we’re also coming together as a community to say that we stand against the refugee ban.

Waggeh recalled “feeling very sad and depressed” when Trump was elected in November but that she is now feeling “mobilized and hopeful."

Working Familes video link at Iftar

"United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called on the international community to provide support and solidarity to refugees. “We reflect on the courage of those who fled and the compassion of those who welcome them,” the Secretary-General said."

There's always a protest somewhere. NYC  soc/commie/progs never rest: next up. an Emergency Town Hall meeting Against the Supreme Court Decision.

[Where indicated, pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]

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