Sunday, July 30, 2017

Thugs "ALL out for Al AQSA" in Times Square

July 22, 2017. Times Square
1 pm to 3 pm
Their message was clear

"Allah" is with those who serve others (Prophet Muhammad)

A young Israeli woman insisted 'Palestinians', "Only want PEACE." Some. Sure. (maybe)

Did the Muslims (and Commies) hold another protest in Times Square to spread their message of PEACE? (or NOT)

In their own words, from American Muslims for Palestine - NJ Chapter

"AMP is alarmed by the recent developments at the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem. Israeli authorities closed the mosque for Friday prayers last week. When it reopened, worshipers were greeted with metal detectors and checkpoints outside the mosque's gates.

Israel is using the current situation in Jerusalem as a pretext to implement long-standing plans to divide Al Aqsa mosque like they did to the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron. This new move violates international law, restricts freedom of religion and violates the internationally agreed upon status quo of the Al Aqsa compound. Join us as we protest these Israeli aggressions!"
                                                                 Protest Co-sponsors:

  International Action Network
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Labor for Palestine
Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Rutgers SJP
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine

 The fist on the poster - not much of an olive branch. Claiming to be peaceful while they sucker-punch the world. Violence is their "Peace".

The NEW JDL-NY was, also, there; to protest the recent  murder of a Jewish family, in their home by a "Palestinian" terrorist.
"The victims were celebrating the birth of a grandson when the "Palestinian" terrorist, 19-year-old Omar al-Abed, entered their home armed with a large knife and stabbed to death a father and his two adult children."
Abed said, "He was wanting to commit a terror attack because of events surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem."

Peace? Is it ever possible. When these Muslim protests have managed to inspire Muslim murderers like Abed. Without apology.

The protest crowd included flag-runners and flag-thieves, aggressive "yutes" bussed in from Jersey, spreading their message of "peace".

Filling the air with chants, cheers and jeers, along with air horns and 'motivational" speakers, they all did their duty.

Playing to themselves, and the confused passersby, they screamed their "peaceful" lies across Seventh Ave. [One small pleasure, the press wasn't interested.]

Slogans. signs. chants. t-shirts. Add them up and there is no doubt: the Commie-Muslim rabble at this protest have no intention of living PEACEFULLY with anyone, least of all the Jews in Israel.

JEWS, get out of "Palestine". Israel. Gaza. The Middle East. Where ever there are Muslims - Jews Begone.

Sadly, their LIES remain unchallenged by the media.

BUT, that challenge was met Without Apology by the NEW JDL-NY.

FACT: The TEMPLE MOUNT belongs to the JEWS. Occupation by the Muslims does not make it a mosque. It's still the Temple Mount. So PROTEST WE MUST.

A confused public rarely understands the Neturei Karta. And a sign like "It's Not about RELIGION" makes no sense when we know it's ALL about religion: Islam is at war with the world.

More bogus claims:
"Israel is using the current situation in Jerusalem as a pretext to implement long-standing plans to divide Al Aqsa mosque like they did the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron. 

Israel violates international law, restricts freedom of religion.
This new move violates international law, restricts freedom of religion and violates the internationally agreed upon status quo of the Al Aqsa compound."

Knowing there is always a possibility of confrontations, orchestrated by the Muslim thugs, the NYPD asks US to (make nice), KEEP THE PEACE. Why? Because the police can trust us.

Flashback to
the May 25 AFDI Protest/ Rally led by Pamela Geller, a vivid example of Muslim-Leftie harassment unchecked. They insisted they were protected (by LAW) from police harassment.

[In the two pictures that follow - the speakers-stage is blue canopy on the right, the commie-agitators on the left - and just a few police standing between the WHISTLES, the Commies and the stage.]

The ruse …. as long as passersby can move through the sidewalk …. passing their noxious gauntlet, the Soc/Commie/Lefties DEMAND the right to STAND there. (and not quietly) Contrary to what we have been told in the past by the NYPD: keep moving, not standing, has been the rule-of-law .... til now.

Flash forward- July 22, 2017. Walk the streets. Blow the whistles. Use the same tactics and loyal American citizens will be pressured, "guilted", to STOP. When it comes to protest rules-of-engagement, the police predictably urge us to go away, to "PLEASE keep things peaceful."

Regarding the two assaults. AFTER Muslim THUGS assaulted JDL members carrying the Israeli flags. The thugs walked. Disappeared in the crowd ... til the next assault.

Slide Show screen shots of assaults:


Unfortunately, controlling Muslim violence in the U.K. is going 'bad to worse', so the NYPD aims to keep the Times Square thugs placated.

"EXCLUSIVE: Police lose control as “Palestinian” demonstrators menace supporters of Israel in London" (Pamela Geller)

BUT WHO is doing the controlling? The police or the THUGS?

BTW- Some of the NYPD officers still wear the black-band of mourning on their badges (in memoriam for assassinated  NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia).

The police are under attack.  Yet, they remain on-the street, working to keep-the-peace while protecting these Muslim/Commie thugs and bullies.

We are NOT the problem. The police know they have our support AND our respect, even when we disagree. Still, we were assaulted. Twice. By those peaceful Muslim 'yutes'.

The first assault. The New JDL - NY was walking, legally, on a public sidewalk .... with two Israeli flags .... when 2 thugs flung themselves on the male JDL protestor. From behind. Knocked him down as they tried to rip the Israeli flag from his hands. [The usual method: One thug body-slams. Another rips flag from hands of the assaulted.]

BUT, our guy didn't go down so easily. He was knocked to the sidewalk and then slammed into the wall. But, the thugs NEVER got the flag. AND .... they were not arrested. They walked. Instead the officers prevailed upon the JDL to please LEAVE the area. With the caveat that IF they appeared on our side (which they were doing already) IF they were causing a problem, the police would handle it.

IF? Their belligerence and willingness to pick a fight makes them uncontrollable. Yet, our mere presence was characterized as THE problem. We caused the assaults by legally walking back and forth with our flags.  Yet, one snippy officer insisted WE were an irritant CAUSING trouble. Not the Muslim thugs. So, LEAVE.

[The first assault is at approx. 1:30 in the video]

The SECOND assault came after more than one Muslim continued to stand behind us, on OUR side of the avenue, with their signs. chanting.  The two officers near us seemed uninterested in the Muslim interlopers. So the Muslims hung around. Waiting to strike. Which they did - eventually.

This  assault involved 4-5 - maybe more - Muslims (young and middle-aged) whose sole purpose was to engage - incite - by walking back and forth behind us while shouting Free, Free "Palestine". Finally, one of our Israeli JDL flag-bearers turned towards the aggressors - holding her flag high. Immediately she was BODY-SLAMMED from behind by a "PEACEFUL" Muslim.

Her flag ripped from her hands - the thief ran down the sidewalk - but someone in our group caught him and returned the flag.

Finally, the police managed - with difficulty- to get the pack of Muslims back to their side of the avenue.

Assault #2 happened before the video starts.  I witnessed the assault - the body-slam and the Israeli flag ripped from her hands. The video begins just after the flag was re-captured.

This is a part of speech supporting "Palestine" and the al-Aqsa mosque protest by a 17 years old Muslima,  Hebh Jamal ["The function of freedom is to free someone else" - Toni Morrison]

"Salaam Aleikum. I want to just acknowledge that I understand how hard it is to ignore what is happening on the other side. (referring to the JDL protestors) These people are the ones who are taking our loved ones.  Taking things that are meaningful to us. Taking our country away from us.  So I get it.  But I want you guys right now ....  to understand my words ... I want to remind you that this is not enough.  It is not enough to go to protests.  It is not enough to say #FreePalestine . We have to do more than that. [snip] Right here in this country, two senators are creating a bill (Senator Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer) are creating a bill that makes boycotting Israel illegal. Why are they trying so hard to stop us? The least we can do is advocate against this. Advocate against those who try to silence us. Why are they trying so hard to stop us? [snip] ... it is only over our dead bodies will we have freedom [...] the least we can do is show 'Palestinians' that we stand in solidarity with them and the resistance" [chanting in Arabic]

 And a complaint/suggestion found at their Face book site:

Fahmi Alasmar Abu Morad - "You should've planned it for Friday and have everyone pray Juma on Times Square in support of our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem."

HELLO, FAHMI. They prayed. 

They did the Zuhr prayer. No opportunity missed to raise their back-sides to the sky.

Remembering the obscene whistle blowing and shouting that the NYPD seemed unable to control on May 25th, I left ( briefly) to buy the LAST $5 whistle at Modells. I  hurried back. Whistle-ready.  ONE whistle was better than no whistle.


That ONE high-pitched whistle can carry across the avenue. Enough reactions from the Muslims made it apparent

 THEY heard me. (SShhing me)

Unfortunately - so did the two officers standing with us. NOW the pressure was on to please 'Give it a rest'.   I responded, "I support you guys, officer. But, I can do this (whistle).  I know 'cause at our protest, they were allowed to use multiple whistles. Standing on top of our speakers." He was not happy. GUILTING me as he walked away with "Thank you for your co-operation". 

It worked. A few more long winded blasts and I caved. Something the Left NEVER does.

Flickr slide show of both sides

The JDL counter-protest stayed on until the Muslim al-Aqsa protest marched east on 42nd St . Maybe to Bryant Park for their late afternoon prayers.

Of course, NOT a WORD was spoken about the murders of the Jewish family in Israel.  If you dare to ask, "What about..." , all you get is "The IDF murders" innocent Muslims".

The Salomon family had sat down for Friday night Shabbat dinner in their home in Halamish. They had invited their friends to come later that evening for a celebration to mark the birth of a grandson when suddenly a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated their home, and stabbed Yosef, 70, and two of his children - Elad, 36 and Chaya, 46 - to death.

It took only 15 minutes from the moment the terrorist, Omar al-Abed (19) climbed over the fence around the settlement of Halamish to the moment he was killed by an off-duty soldier, IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis said on Saturday.

[snip] “What is different now is that there is more focus on religion, especially in the last few days, which we didn’t see before. Such a focus makes it more dangerous because it has more support in the Arab world,” he said.

There was a joyful Facebook UPDATE from Hebh Jamal  "Palestinians celebrated the removal of Israeli security measures from the al-Aqsa compound after two weeks of protests." (Al Jazeera)


Hebh Jamal is 17 yrs old and credits her TEACHERS for helping her find her voice. Her activism.

When people critic [sic] the Palestinian resistance by placing the concern of violence at the forefront, it ignores the issues that create the violence. We want self determination and freedom from a terrorist state. 

Interestingly, Nelson Mandela although was described as the most important peace advocate in history .... was kept on the US terrorist list until 2008.... Our plight is minimized , and as Angela Davis put it, " let the Palestinian people employ their own methods they deem most likely to succeed in their struggle."

[snip] you can link the hyper militarization of both the US and Israel to the rise of violence in Palestine, and the rise in tragedies that occur. Israeli police have been involved in training US police. Our struggles are unfortunately tied. When you challenge one, you're subsequently challenging the other.

Sami Disu There are surveys of the American population which show that most think there is a higher fatality of Israelis than Palestinians. With that basic lack of knowledge, it may not even be useful to get into certain discussions on the issue over here.

BUT, then there's TRUTH vs their Fiction

What Status Quo:

July 25, 2017 : The so-called “status quo” on the Temple Mount is dead. It was killed by Palestinian denial of Jewish connection not only to the Mount but to any part of the Land of Israel, by terrorists who may have been aided and abetted by the Waqf, and by Abbas’s diplomatic assaults on Jewish history and legitimacy in Jerusalem.

And last week, Palestinian terrorists smuggled machine guns onto the Temple Mount and attacked police guarding its gates, killing two Israeli officers. The terrorists launched their attack from within the Temple Mount and then fled into the shrines on the Mount.

The Metal Detectors of Islam:  
(Regarding).... "the metal detectors (and surveillance cameras) that (were) installed last week at the entrances to the Temple Mount/Haram ash-Sharif.
The episode has raised the question of just what constitutes legitimate security measures at Islamic holy shrines and iconic mosques. We live in a time when the primary threat to the security of these sites arises from Muslims themselves—notably, extremists bent on using them as launching pads for violent acts designed to destabilize and terrorize. Across the Muslim world, governments are acutely aware of the vulnerabilities of these sites, and have taken measures to secure them. In particular, they have resorted to a very commonplace technology: metal detectors. At this link, I provide some prime examples, from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates.

How do these states differ from Israel? They are effective and sole sovereigns over the holy shrines and major mosques in their territory. Israel apparently is not. “The Metal Detectors of Islam,here, for a quick trip to Islam’s bucket list of top sites."

                    Peace - Humanity - SOME ARE JUST MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.

[Videos and Pictures Property of Pamela Hall]

++  Flyers handed out the the Muslim protestors in Times Square - click images to enlarge -++



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