Friday, July 14, 2017

#NoMuslimBanEver Union Sq - speakers' agitprop, Part 3

June 29, 2017, Union Square - Part 3 continues with the rest of the "speakers-of-agitprop". [Follow links for Part One ; Part Two]

All came prepared to " mobilize against the partial Trump Travel Ban."

"... horrified by the president us (ing) the argument that this is a victory for the national security [
...]the fact that the Supreme Court is even considering taking the case is “incredibly disappointing” [...] the confusion surrounding what a “bona fide relationship is” [ ...]  nobody knows exactly what that means.”  The Observer

This final post is excerpted speeches and, later, a look at the "wild side" when they got to 18th street -  32BJ SEIU HQ - and met up with #BacktheBan protestors.

To begin, Murad Awawdeh , NYIC's Director of Political Engagement, led the crowd in practice chants "We Exist, We RESIST",  finishing with a pep talk, "YOU are important. As soon as info comes out use  Social media . Text!"

First speaker was Afaf Nasher, Exec. Dir. of CAIR - NY. "Our values are loud and clear to the four corners of the globe. We are here to reaffirm what America really stands for. To reaffirm what America really LOOKS like. To really affirm the United States of America."

Three speakers followed:
Rev. Chloe Breyer, Exec Dir Interfaith Center: "... representing so many Faith TRADITIONS that make this city great. It is our DIVERSITY that is our strength." ; a Yemini American Muslima, "(has family living in Yemin).  "A country representing Yemin, facing one of the worst humanitarian crises of our times."and Y. Mendez, an organizer from Make The Road NY. "Here to make sure the current administration knows, to remind the United States is a country of immigrants, we are here to stay regardless of how the administration wants to affect us."

The final speakers
: a staff attorney from CUNY Clear . "We don't know how this is going to play out. We need to be organizing. Thank you for being here." And Rama Issa, Exec Dir of the Arab. Amer. Assoc. NY. "Family is family. We are very community oriented. Keep us in yur prayers. Hoping Supreme Court will see eye to eye with us in October."

Once at  32BJ SEIU HQ, the #NoMuslimBanEver protestors passionately lobbed chants and rants at the "offending" #BACKTHEBAN protestors. One  smarmy fellow danced to, "New York is an immigrant Town. What's Up. Get Down."

Wrapping up the protest was one very loud and long-winded "NoBanEver heckler., "Unity. Syrians are Human Beings. They're FULL human beings. Immigrants are FULL humnanbeings. MUSLIMS are FULL Human Beings." followed by lots of "Keep them out." "Back the Ban." and "Shame on you."

After the Town Hall Meeting - Training session, they headed for JFK where they fought back against the Travel Ban by offering, at the Mayor's behest, FREE legal aide.


MAYOR de Blasio - working AGAINST  American Security

Bitta Mostofi, assistant commissioner for the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs [...] her agency has held more than 300 Know Your Rights forums to inform those lacking proper paperwork of their legal protections. It also coordinates with other members of Cities for Action, a coalition of nearly 100 mayors and municipalities that favor a liberalized immigration policy and oppose deportation.

.... resistance, in the city’s view, could be everything from defending someone who is being “talked down to or discriminated against” in the subway or protesting at John F. Kennedy Airport after the first Muslim travel ban was initiated ....

“.... what the mayor has declared from the onset with this onslaught of threats and fear towards our community is that we would resist and continue to resist and stand side by side with all New Yorkers,”

In the Hearts and Minds of all determined Progs, AND Mayor de Blasio, NY remains a SANCTUARY CITY - welcoming ALL Muslims. INTERFAITH-Bridges, that's the ticket-to-peace.

Speaking in the outdoor area of the airport’s Blue Lot — where they held a Jummah prayer and interfaith action in the wake of the ban — Murad Awawdeh, the New York Immigration Coalition’s director of political engagement, said that the “bona fide relationship” designation has only served to create more “uncertainty” for people “who are the most vulnerable across the world.”

The New York Immigration Coalition and Make the Road New York hosted the "Support all things Islam" presser at JFK. In sync with the Mayors office, at all times.

Also, thanks to Mayor"Red Bill's" heavy-handed Muslim outreach,  Summer in the City now includes IFTAR-s (PLURAL) Rama Issa (-Ibrahim)

The “Iftar in the City” dinner—breaking the fast Muslims observe during the daytime through the holy month—took place in Columbus Park near Brooklyn Borough Hall. The New York City Commission on Human Rights, the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit and Mayor’s Center for Faith and Community Partnership host the event.

.... its second annual outdoor interfaith Ramadan celebration on Friday night, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration vowed to shield Muslim New Yorkers from Islamophobic abuse and President Donald Trump’s aggressive immigration enforcement agenda—and stressed their commitment to uniting people of all faiths in opposition to discrimination.

This year’s theme was “resistance,” according to Rama Ibrahim Issa, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, who emceed the event.

“We’re here to resist—to resist negativity and come together in unity and love, to break bread together in this amazing tradition that is iftar,” Issa said, to roaring applause from the hundreds-strong crowd.

At this rate, New Yorkers might need to practice that warm Muslim greeting,  As-salam Alaykum. Will we have a choice?

This fellow happened to roll by to the litany of,
"Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you."

== LINKS==
For easy access to all the videos - follow Playlist link:

Click thru for Flickr Slide Show.

==[Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall]==

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