Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Free Speech Press Rally Outside Simon & Schuster NY HQ

Milo Yiannopoulos "Free Speech Press Rally" -
Outside Simon & Schuster NY HQ - Friday, July 7, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos' "Free Speech Rally" was scheduled outside Simon & Schuster for 10:30 am., so I arrived at about 10:05. Unfortunately, by 10:15 or s0,  the RAINS CAME! ( a two hour MONSOON!)

The presser did not begin until after Noon. Meanwhile, press and the crowd waited patiently; VERY patiently (and VERY WET).

Most everyone  hung-in there, INSIDE Simon and Schuster and OUT.

For more RAIN "fun" see  Flickr slide show:


We finally saw Milo a bit after Noon;  he arrived amidst a light but steady misting. (the TWO HOUR monsoon was finally over) Greeted by an enthusiastic crowd, Milo proceeded to the announcement of his lawsuit.

"Milo filed a $10 million suit against Simon & Schuster for “willful and opportunistic breach of its contract” to publish his book “Dangerous.”
He also answered questions before he leading the eager group of fans and press on the ten block walk to CNN.  see  LINK

VIDEO of presser:

"DANGEROUS was #1 on Amazon based on pre-orders before Simon & Schuster canceled the book. It was the most anticipated book in decades, but they terminated MILO’s contract and canceled the book under intense pressure from leftists intent on shutting down free speech."

"The Chicago Review of Books announced a boycott of Simon & Schuster following the announcement of DANGEROUS. 160 Simon & Schuster children’s book authors wrote a letter of complaint about MILO to the CEO of the company. Can you imagine how many cats those 160 SJWs own? Simon & Schuster folded, so now MILO is publishing his masterpiece on his own!

"Now it is time for lovers of free speech to strike back. Since Milo’s book comes out on July 4th, it is the perfect week to hold a free speech rally outside of Simon & Schuster headquarters in New York City. Milo will deliver a speech to the crowd, and it will be a giant spectacle — like every MILO event."

"Simon & Schuster made a terrible mistake by canceling DANGEROUS, now let’s remind them just how badly they screwed up!
Together, MILO and his amazing fans will make 7/7 a date that reminds the world that MILO will never allow himself to be censored!"

In case you missed the "Pahty of all Pahties" on July 6 - the night before the  presser -Laura Loomer posted the Jihadi "strippers" on periscope

More from the NY Post on Milo's Wild Book Party, including a 15 minute you tube clip, inside the "PAHTY" , as MILO took stage.

In conclusion, as "MILO's Billboards Take Over Times Square, the spirit of Milo's presser marches on : "DANGEROUS" is available now, published by Dangerous Books. https://tinyurl.com/ybs7wpl3

 [Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall, unless otherwise indicated]

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