Wednesday, June 21, 2017

March For "Truth" and Rally to Build the Wall

June 3, 2017. I caught to rallies that went from Dump Trump to Support President Trump.

FIRST:  "The March For Truth" - NYC Foley Square - 10:30 am.

Billed as a non-partisan Search for Truth (NOT).   Their signs reveal what rubes they are - again.

See Flickr slide show for the many pithy posters and slogans. typically, some were rude and crude.

Two patriots, "Trump in 2020"  and "YOU Lost" countered the "Dump Trump" anarchists, confounding the Leftists, wiping the smile from the collective when they caught a glimpse of the counter protest.

Now that put a smile on my face ....

 They scoffed and marched on ... naively committed to their search for "truth" aka agitprop. After all, why would anyone oppose their "March For Propaganda"?

At approximately 11:30, the happy snowflakes spilled out of their pen as they began their "March for Agitprop" down Broadway. They playfully bounced to the music as they held their snarky messages for all to see and read.


A March to Save Democracy.  Oh, Puhlease....

++ After the March -  MOVING BACK UP TOWN +++

It was a busy day, next up was the "Rally for the Wall" at Trump Tower hosted by the America First Foundation, Inc, with special patriot freedom fighters at LIVE From America .

Build wall 2

RALLY FOR THE WALL BLOCK PARTY (link live video) had a message for President TRUMP"

"We have your back Mr. President and we have the funds and determination to help secure our southern border. Bring your flags and your support for our POTUS and this wall and be ready to march to Trump Towers.  We need you. Your President needs you. Your country needs YOU!"

It was approximately 12:15 when I arrived. They seemed to be from out-of-state, which might be why there was a smallish turnout.

But the speaker I heard was solid and made a reasonable case for why we need to protect our borders.

It was nice to see Americans gathered out side Trump Tower in support of President Trump's pledge to 'Build the Wall'.

A respite from the many hostile actions at this location, slandering his nascent administration while calling for impeachment.

Flickr Slide show:

We need more of these "Support The President" rallys to counter the hostile protests that have given birth to the shocking violence towards anything or anyone Republican. Sad times that need fixin'.

Next up, a protest outside the reinterpreted Julius Caesar with the Assassination of a sitting President.

++ Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++

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