Tuesday, February 28, 2017

CPAC 2017 - Observations From Afar

CPAC 2017screen-shot-2017-02-28-at-1-03-23-pm
Had my tickets. My room. My press pass and then: plantar fasciitis STRUCK. What terrible timing, oh churl. You brought excruciating pain and made the trip impossible. (*sigh*)

Which made me ever so thankful for the live feed from CPAC. For me, long distance, the high point was President Trump's speech to a packed house. This made up for his cancellation last year.  He's BACK and he is PRESIDENT. (wow)

I still treasure the pictures I took of Trump  at CPAC 2014.

Sadly, I missed all my favorite parts of CPAC. The many panels, the speakers in the main room, and the break-out panels as well. It's  always a YUGE three day event.

This year, there was a panel with a favorite of mine, Sheriff Clark.

Another of my faves, Sen. Ted Cruz

VP Mike Pence, Ambassador John Bolton, Steve Bannon spoke and many, many more who can be found at ACU You Tube. I encourage anyone interested to check that channel out.

Much has been written regarding the diverse factions that make up the Republican and the Conservative Parties. Inquiring minds wish to know, are we working together to undo the last 8 years? Found an interesting article from Kurt Schlichter addressing some of these points.

Congrats to CPAC for bringing everyone together, with so much to encourage us post- elections, under one Big Tent. Missing it (sad). Planning next year already. CPAC 2018. If you've never been, you should check it out. Barring a plantar gremlin, I'll be there.

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