Sunday, January 15, 2017

UN: Target Islamic Terror NOT Israel Protest- NYC

Thursday, January 12 at 12:30 PM and the Stand United With Israel demonstration outside the French Mission to the UN was protesting the upcoming January 15 Paris "peace" conference. A crowd of 100's UNited with Israel, sending a strong message prior to the Mid-East Summit in Paris being held in France on January 15th .

"We will NOT allow the UN and her gang of Israel haters
to target Israel unjustifiably!"

"NO MORE anti-Israel documents or resolutions!"

"The UN's attempt to revise and erase Jewish history is

"We call on the UN to focus on REAL issues such as Syrian Genocide and Global Islamic Terror instead of vilifying Israel unjustly."


Leading the event was Hillary Markowitz, who after brief comments, introduced Jeffrey Wiesenfeld. I wasn't able to stay for all of the speakers , but Wiesenfled led the way with a an impassioned but eloquent speech.

An excerpt from AFSI Co-Executive Director Helen Freedman comments at the rally:

Let me tell you how the Israelis are handling the despicable UNSC 2334, Kerry's speech, the upcoming Paris Conference and the threatened action in the UN next Tuesday. I just returned from a trip to Israel with Governor Huckabee which was an affirmation of Israel's rights as a Sovereign nation. We went to the Old City of Jerusalem, to Amona, Maaleh Adumim, Hebron, and Sderot, the so-called "occupied" places that are blamed for the failure of the "peace process". Concern that declaring sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would be "burying the prospects of a PA state" is ignorant and meaningless, at the same time that Israel buries its young victims of terror and the PA world celebrates.

The Israelis are understandably counting the days and minutes until the Trump inauguration.


More in  the Flickr slideshow from those who sent this message to French  Pres. Francoise Hollande:

"Support Israel - Freedom and Democracy- NOT ISLAMIC TERRORISM!"

And one last statement from Helen Freedman ( and her Letter to the Editor at the NY Post on "Undoing UN Resolution 2334"

The Post's Jan. 9 "Fast Take" on "How Trump Can Undo Kerry's Jerusalem Damage" is right on the money. Eugene Kontorovich lists five ways of negating Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemns Israel for just about everything - and Kerry's speech which labels Israel the great "occupier." In order to erase these blights, the Trump administration should follow through on its promises regarding Israel.

First and foremost is the recognition that Israel is not "occupying" its own land, that the communities in Judea and Samaria are legal. The Edmond Levy report is just one legal paper with those findings. The ongoing effort in Israel today is to apply sovereignty to all of Israel so as to put an end to claims of illegal "occupation."

Despite Kerry's warning that moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem would inflame the Middle East, giving tacit encouragement to Israel's enemies, the U.S. embassy should certainly join those of Costa Rica and El Salvador in Israel's capital city. As Kontorovich suggests, in addition it should be moved to "a few hundred meters over the imaginary line across which the UN says Jews may not go," thereby straddling eastern and western Jerusalem and tacitly proclaiming that the city is undivided and will remain that way.

Kontorovich makes other excellent suggestions, all of which strengthen Israel and invalidate much of the UN's venom. My suggestion is that the U.S. remove all funding from the U.N. and encourage it to leave NYC. It would be great to have that beautiful waterfront property returned to New Yorkers.



+pictures and video property of Pamela Hall+

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