Friday, November 18, 2016

They're baack! Nationwide Islamic Art Film to air on select ABC stations

Received this announcement last week from Unity Productions
Unity Productions Foundation <>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:10 PM
Islamic Art film to air on select ABC stations nationwide

Dear UPF Supporters and Friends
Starting Sunday, November 13th, and going for 60 days, 70% of all ABC-Disney stations nationwide--which have a combined audience reach of 40 million viewers--will be broadcasting our film Islamic Art: Mirror of Invisible World.... a window into Islamic culture and brings broad insights to the enduring themes that have propelled human history and fueled the rise of world civilization over the centuries.
Spreading their LIES .... on ABC .... across the country. Obviously they don't want anyone to miss out ...  just cause they live in the hinterlands.
  • No apologies.
  • No regrets for destroying churches and synagogues.
  • No mention of forced conversions.
  • The mandatory jizya tax for infidels.
  • The murders of those who resisted the oppression of Muslim Rule.
  • Celebrate Islamic Art.
  • Explore a ‘collaboration’ of cultures under Muslim Rule.

The “Beauty” of Islam? A “MIRROR of the INVISIBLE World”....
Narrated by Academy Award winning performer Susan Sarandon, Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World reveals the variety and diversity of Islamic art. The film provides a window into Islamic culture and brings broad insights to the enduring themes that have propelled human history and fueled the rise of world civilization over the centuries.

Please share this exciting news with your friends on Facebook and Twitter and take advantage of this opportunity by tuning in and sharing this news with your friends and networks.
Warm Regards,
- The UPF Team
Smartly they mislead the clueless with a beautifully produced documentary. A documentary that I first heard of in 2012, when it was given a debut of sorts at the Metropolitan Museum. So ... it HAS to be FACT cause the Metropolitan Museum promotes HISTORY. Right?

ISLAMIC "ART"... Mirrors an Invisible World  with half-truths and LIES regarding the cultures - the people- destroyed or subverted by the SWORD of Islam. The tour I took at the Met was a sobering  aggravating experience with a captivated audience respectfully absorbing these falsehoods regarding a peaceful Islam. Films and presentations like this have become the NEW TRUTH. History be damned.

FYI- More can be found in my report on Unity's 2012 exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum:
               Daniel Tutt is the Outreach Director at Unity Productions Foundation
“The mainstream portrayal of Islam does not usually deal with transcendent beauty, elegant ornamentation, or intricate calligraphy. But might art be one of the keys to healing some of the chasms and conflicts that have plagued Muslim-West relations over the last 10 years? The power of art to build bridges of understanding is becoming more recognized as a vital component to repairing the Muslim-West divide[…] the ART of living together.
And in 2009  -   Where I first learned of Unity Productions and their long term projects, I attended a screening of "Inside Islam: What A Billion Muslims Really Think" .

Now - in 2016 - Check it out!  (They have been VERY busy)

So HEADS UP, America. Coming to a TOWN near you .


WWSBTampa-St. Pete (Sarasota)2:00 PMET
WXYZDetroit2:00 PMET
KOMOSeattle-Tacoma2:00 PMPT
WTVDRaleigh-Durham2:00 PMET
KATUPortland, OR5:00 AMPT
WTNHHartford & New Haven11:00 AMET
WISNMilwaukee2:00 PMCT
WZZMGrand Rapids-Kalmzoo-B.Crk1:00 PMET
WJXXJacksonville, Brunswick1:00 PMET
KOATAlbuquerque-Santa Fe1:30 PMMT
KOCTAlbuquerque-Santa Fe1:30 PMMT
KOVTAlbuquerque-Santa Fe1:30 PMMT
WHASLouisville3:00 PMET
WNEPWilkes Barre-Scranton1:00 PMET
KTULTulsa12:30 PMCT
WEARMobile-Pensacola (Ft Walt)12:00 PMCT
WATEKnoxville3:00 PMET
WBAYGreen Bay-Appleton12:00 PMCT
WCHSCharleston-Huntington1:00 PMET
WTVGToledo2:00 PMET
WSILPaducah-C.Gird-Harbg-Mt VN10:00 AMCT
KPOBPaducah-Cape Girard-Harsbg10:00 AMCT
KRGVHarlingen-Wslco-Brnsvl-McA3:00 PMCT
WICSChampaign&Sprngfld-Decatur1:00 PMCT
WICDChampaign&Sprngfld-Decatur1:00 PMCT
KRDOColorado Springs-Pueblo3:00 PMMT
KCRGCedar Rapids-Waterloo&Dubq1:00 PMCT
KVIAEl Paso10:00 AMMT
ECIVCharleston, SC5:00 PMET
WBNDSouth Bend-Elkhart11:00 AMET
KHBSFt. Smith12:00 PMCT
KHOGFt. Smith12:00 PMCT
WCTIGreenville-N.Bern-Washngtn5:00 PMET
WPDEFlorence-Myrtle Beach5:00 PMET
WEHTEvansville10:00 AMCT
KLKNLincoln & Hastings-Krny10:00 AMCT
KIVIBoise1:00 PMMT
WTXLTallahassee-Thomasville2:00 PMET
WYTVYoungstown3:00 PMET
WGTUTraverse City-Cadillac3:00 PMET
WGTQTraverse City-Cadillac3:00 PMET
KATCLafayette, LA4:00 PMCT
WNCFMontgomery-Selma2:00 PMCT
NSBWMonterey-Salinas2:00 PMPT
KEROBakersfield1:00 PMPT
KIIICorpus Christi1:00 PMCT
WXOWLa Crosse-Eau Claire2:00 PMCT
WQOWLa Crosse-Eau Claire2:00 PMCT
KVIIAmarillo1:30 PMCT
KVIHAmarillo1:30 PMCT
KRCRChico-Redding2:00 PMPT
ETVAColumbus-Tupelo-West Point12:00 PMCT
WAOWWausau-Rhinelander4:30 PMCT
WMOWWausau-Rhinelander4:30 PMCT
WYOWWausau-Rhinelander4:30 PMCT
MNOEMonroe-El Dorado10:00 AMCT
KBMYMinot-Bismarck-Dickinson9:30 AMCT
KMCYMinot-Bsmrck-Dckns(Wlston)9:30 AMCT
WDIODuluth-Superior4:00 PMCT
WIRTDuluth-Superior4:00 PMCT
KESQPalm Springs4:00 PMPT
KYURAnchorage4:00 AMPT
KCAUSioux City1:00 PMCT
WJETErie12:00 PMET
KAALRochestr-Mason City-Austin4:30 PMCT
WLOXBiloxi-Gulfport12:00 PMCT
KIFIIdaho Falls-Pocatello1:00 PMMT
KTXSAbilene-Sweetwater10:00 AMCT
KSVIBillings5:00 PMMT
NECYYuma-El Centro9:00 AMMT
NHQAQuincy-Hannibal-Keokuk11:00 AMCT
WHSVHarrisonburg12:00 PMET
WBKOBowling Green10:00 AMCT
WVAWCharlottesville11:00 AMET
NGNSLaredo10:00 AMCT
KJCTGrand Junction-Montrose1:00 PMMT
KSAWTwin Falls1:00 PMMT
KAEFEureka2:00 PMPT
KTXESan Angelo10:00 AMCT
KTWOCasper-Riverton11:00 AMMT
NLWYCheyenne-Scottsbluf-Strlng11:00 AMMT
KKTQCheyenne-Scottsbluf-Strlng11:00 AMMT
KTVOOttumwa-Kirksville10:00 AMCT
WORAPuerto Rico12:00 PMET

Check to see if the program is airing on the ABC affiliate station in your area from this webpage:


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