Friday, July 15, 2016

al-Quds" 2016 Times Sq [7-1-16] a month of jihad-hell

I begin this post two weeks after al Quds Day. July 14 - Bastille Day- 2016 . July has been a horrid month for the world-wide jihad. A terrorism that knows no end. These orthodox Muslims plot endlessly to kill the infidels, yet we never see it coming.
Domestic Terrorism. BLM. New Black Panthers. CAIR. Muslim Brotherhood, anything Fakestinian and all groups Socialist and Communist. Creating chaos whether HERE or in Europe, the Middle Israel. Death to the Infidel. Revolution of the worst kind is their goal.

Whose side are you on?israel-620x217 crop

Al Quds Day, 2016. Late afternoon, July 1.

Times Square.
The arrogant "al-Quds" protestors have returned. Mostly Muslim with the usual Communist facilitators amongst the crowd.
They demand the END of the State of Israel. Masquerading as peaceful Muslims  while screaming "From the River to the Sea". That is genocide, against the JEWS,  and there is NOTHING peaceful about genocide.

Their LIES
are many.

To begin with, there never was a Palestinian people. They have no history yet they claim the Holy Land belongs to Islam. Not just Jerusalem (al-quds), but also "the hill country of Samaria and Judea". It is NOT the West Bank.  But, facts are inconvenient as they accuse Israel (and the Jews) of murdering the hapless "Palestinian" Muslims.
And with the fraudulent "Nakba" meme 
They nurture a powerful anti-Israel and anti-Jewish animus with this LIE.
They usurp the  history of others.  A violent fraud supported by the Leftists and their comrades in the media and academe. The TRUTH is an inconvenient impediment. Destroy the State of Israel by any means.

BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) , another of their LIES supports an Israeli economic boycott. They claim that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East,  is "greedy, cruel and violent". 
Ignoring peaceful gestures , whether from a single Israeli citizen or the whole country. They are NOT interested in PEACE.

When I first arrived, everyone was setting up. The "Palis" and their Commie friends and the Pro-Israel supporters across avenue.
While taking pictures, I was approached by an older Muslim man. He asked my opinion on Jerusalem - aka al-Quds. He did NOT like my answer. Storming away angry telling me that "the JEWS have no claim. They came from Egypt."  [They CAME from Egypt?]

Then Cyrus Mc Goldrick, former head of CAIR-NY, approached me with a very friendly "hello". (he likes to do that)

I returned the pleasantries, asking if he was still living in Florida. Nope. He's now in TURKEY. Istanbul. "Really?", said I, as he replied, "It's not as bad as you might think. Its quite nice." And he moved on.

As for this protest, it was not a large protest by the usual al-Quds standards. But, loud. Of, course. They are always LOUD.

The ubiquitous genocidal chants [From the River to the Sea] AND the usual Commie facilitators: Bill Doares (Workers World) and Sarah Flounders of IAC (International Action Center). All, when not chanting, making VERY loud speeches.

[Video] a view from the al-Quds side of the avenue

The Pro-Israel side was on the west side of Seventh Ave. Lead by the very vocal ADL.

And their co-host, Congressional Candidate, Dr. Phillip  Rosenthal. 

Video of the Pro Israel side of the avenue

After about an hour, it started to rain, so I packed up my gear. But, as I left, I heard Doares and Flounders speaking(finally). Over an hour in to the protest,  NOW they start speaking….in the RAIN….. So, I used my smart phone voice-recorder. Not the best audio (due to rain and traffic) but enough that I was able to transcribe excerpts from their Communist RANTS.
Angry, anti-U.S. and anti-Israel LIES. Agitprop they could spew in a coma. If you have never listened to them, Doares and Flounders, they are like a BAD movie, that needs to be heard.
We should never forget how hostile they are to everything that has made America and Israel great.

There was also a young Muslima poet and Cyrus McGoldrick, all the way from Turkey, just to M.C. al-Quds Day.

And the Neturei Karta who always confuse the passersby.

That was it. Both sides shouting back and forth. And one fellow, from the Israeli side, Robert K., who spontaneously sprinted across the avenue to shake hands. To make a peaceful gesture. (apparently the officer said – NOT TODAY) as  he was ushered back to the west side of 7th. (ah well…at least he tried)

Israel. Jerusalem. The Middle East. The LIES:  al-Quds (Jerusalem), al-Aqsa (aka the Temple Mount!), the Nakba (day of “catasrophe”)  Innocents die at the hands of the Islamic Terrorists emboldened by media support. Commie support. And the “good-will of fools”.  Will Truth ever prevail?

The audio transcripts – excerpted follow next.

Sara Flounders

(IAC)  (Excerpted to the end)

  • …. the State of Israel that exists because of the support and defense and military aide of U.S. Imperialism. Life without it, Israel could not exist a day, not a minute without U.S. Imperialism, Zionism  would be a racist, rotten dream but not in fact, a …. State. 
Every country that stands for independent force, they want to destroy. And yet, they are failing. They’re failing on a world scale. The Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement shows that people all over the world are finding a way to shut down Zionist quotas, Zionist economy and it has huge support that has grown so strong that now they want to pass laws against it in violation of the U.S. Constitution, by the way.
  So Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Christie and all these Zionist supporters, they want to make it illegal to support the BDS Movement. I tell ya, it’s gonna make the BDS movement stronger politically.
And the terrorists across the street, the Jewish Defense League, this is a terrorist organization. They for decades in Brooklyn, and in the West Bank and Israel… they are the racist forces that come right out of Brooklyn. They made war on the Black Community and on the Palestinian Community. (cheers from crowd) They want to shut down this movement and they’re the ones that are being shut down all over the world by our unity, by our strength, by our determination.
And why? Because the Palestinian people have shown resistance,  generation after generation, under the most damnable conditions. Under starvation. Under sanctions. They have resisted with every form of resistance, from the youngest to the oldest. So when we salute Palestine, we are giving a vote of confidence to the future. We are saluting resistance of all humanity. And together, together we will win. (cheers)
 Bill Doares -Workers World Party and IAC (amongst many other Commie linked organizations)

[ He SHOUTS everything]
(July 1- NYC)   …  those were the words of Muhammad Ali,   who passed away a  few weeks ago, because he, like Malcolm X  and Nelson Mandela ( the U.N.) : Zionism is Racism. And that’s why it’s so good to see so many of these people, so many diverse communities of New York City, like around the world, coming out  on a holiday week end … in the rain… to stand with the people  of  Palestine, because Palestine means diversity. Just like New York City means diversity.

those Nazis across the street, they’re from a group called the Jewish Defense League that was originally formed to  keep Black People out of Flatbush and these Black and Latino people out of the jury system and, to keep Black People from moving in to Forest Hills. They are Nazis. Today is a day of al- Quds Jerusalem. An International Day when  people around the word stand with the people of Palestine. Stand against Terrorism and Racism and Bigotry.
The State of Israel will mean nothing without the end(less) of flow of tax dollars [?stolen] from our communities, our schools, our hospitals and transportation system to pay for it. It’s in the hands of the giant U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the bankers of Wall Street, Zionists mostly.
It is no wonder they support Donald Trump .

None of the racists understand Israel … not just because racists love racists and bigots love bigots. Not just because anyone who’s already done all that Donald Trump is promising to do: building walls to keep people out and warning people. Because native people in the land of Palestine, their ethnicity, from a racial pure society, if there can ever be such a thing. That’s because of Israel, the racist State of Israel and the giant military plan.
Stand with the people of Palestine [Crowds CHEERS]
Muslima Poet –  this is an excerpt to the end (1:43)

…Take each others hands. Let’s be smarter than the divide and conquer. For humanity we stand together. We stand stronger. And from the threats … dividing our strength and unity. So, let’s raise our fists to the sky. Where there’s no more pain to see.  Until the skies no longer bleed. In resistance we shall live, each of us stronger on our beliefs. And if in resistance we should die, our (souls) shall last for eternity. Our dreams be kept alive and the truth become plain for all to see.
One day our children will not die, and their blood will not spill upon the street. One day our mothers will not cry. When their sons and daughter will be free. One day the dream will be alive. One day we will march in victory.

 One day “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea ( crowd) Palestine will be free. “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea (crowd) Palestine will be free. “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea (crowd) Palestine will be free. (enter Cyrus) FREE FREE Palestine!

2 slide shows Pro-Israel




An addendum:
July 7,  from Friday July 1, to the next Thursday,  all hell broke loose in Dallas,Texas. A domestic act of terrorism that preceded Bastille Day by a week.

The deadliest day for police since 9/11. I did not cover the massive street action (the Day of Rage protests)  as I have in the past. I’m too familiar with the arrogant hostility unleashed towards whites, sometimes , physically . Something I’ve experienced first-hand (Muslim, Black  and Commie hostilities) So, I decided to not add a white face to the planned chaos. (To be a target)  The police will be busy enough.
Obama and Company has left us  a racially divided country ready to explode. Just last week I was assaulted by a 60 years old- healthy but small- black woman who ran at me – like a foot ball player. Slammed her purse across my face. accusing me of getting in her way on the sidewalk. OK. This is NY. The sidewalks are crowded. But, this was a QUIET avenue and I was no where close to causing this woman a problem. She was crazy perhaps but, getting a purse slammed across your face, that is assault. Nasty. She yelled at me. Accusing me of doing something to her….BLOCKING HER on the sidewalk (that was a bizarre accusation)  She remained very aggressive as she walked away, calmly  eating her ice cream sunday. Her ice cream unsullied.

Thanks Obama. Race. Division. Hostilities. Your legacy grows worse every day. BLM.

Terrorists-at-large. Unchecked. Abusive. Intimidating. LETHAL. Tearing this country apart. Just as they planned all along. MLK’s dream torn asunder.

Can’t we all get along is NOT in their lexicon.

++ LINKS ++

“Minneapolis Muslims screaming rampage through neighborhood. tell woman we can kidnap you.” Pamela Geller
“Dallas and the Leftist/Islamic Alliance . CAIR’s – and the Left’s – chickens come home to roost.” Robert Spencer

Race To The Bottom” a powerful essay from G. Perry


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