Saturday, May 7, 2016

Commie Day 2016-Union Square NYC (pics & vids)

   International Workers Day 2016
May Day, 2016 (COMMIE Day) Again!13147280_1174504562589787_8116253237398351583_o

Workers and Migrants of the World Unite!

We have nothing to lose but our chains!
Join us Sunday, May 1st, as we show there is another world possible where forced migration (due to neo-liberal policies) no longer happens.
Where refugees and migrants don't have to flee their homelands to go to countries that use them as cheap labor.
Where refugees and migrants are not criminalized.
Where families are not torn apart.
Where families do not fear deportation, detention and raids.
Where black lives matter.
Where our workers have sustainable wages.
Where you are not killed for fighting for your community.
Where we are liberated!
Make our voices heard.

Ten years of watching anarchists assemble in New York's Union Square on what was once a lovely Spring Holiday.

"Although once known as a day of
euphoric celebration in pre-Christian pagan cultures, May Day commemorations are now reserved almost exclusively for Marxist outpourings of grievance and violent riots by entrenched labor unions and disgruntled trustafarians. While I would prefer the day be dedicated to the over hundred million victims of Communism, that seems like a forlorn hope in today’s political climate." (G.Perry)

Demonstrators protesting for $15 a hour --- like it was unresolved. Migration "reformers" for OPEN Borders. "Black Lives Matter" thugs.  Communists. Socialists. Anarchists. They all HATE America.

Slide Show - The Commies -
Take Note of the many different flags- SNP (Syrian Social Nationalist Party) - a National Socialist flag. "Fakestinian flag. Mexican. Brazilian. Puerto Rican. Phillipino. Pakistan. Ecuador. Communist and an upside down Starry Plough flag (Socialist Irish Citizen Army) 


Speeches by ILLEGAL migrants, hating on America, were nauseating. (video link at LIVE STREAM)

Surrounded by white, Jewish LEFTISTS (Commies) and their spawn: WHITE college-aged anarchists. Fools and Tools. Prodding. Nurturing the ignorati (ILLEGALS) who came to America for (... what ...) To Hate? was for our Constitutional Freedoms. Freedom of the individual. Freedom of Choice. Free-Market Capitalism.

Never! It is the "Capitalist GREED" that DOOMS them to a life of "poverty. ILLEGAL migrants must be saved by the Commie-led SEIU machine from the slave-wages of GREEDY Capitalists.
2016. Union Square. NYC. was probably the poorest turnout I've seen in 10 years. It RAINED (literally) on their parade.

Upside down U. S. flags, hung in protest against the American government, faux INEQUITIES as they screamed:  WORKERS UNITE!!
After an rainy hour of obnoxious speeches, pathetic signs and banners, AND the infamously defaced U. S. flags, I left.

The media, of course, stayed. Their raison d'être : obsequious fawning coverage for the anarchists cause they really, really CARE.

NY 1- a love letter to the WORKERS
as we meet a few Commies:

Myriam Marques (Committee to Defend DEMOCRACY in Brazil) , Karina Garcia (Party for Socialism & Liberation) "Family being EXPLOITED here just like in the country they left.... an INTERNATIONAL 'struggle'". Shahid Comrade (seriously? that's his name? -Pakistan USA Freedom Forum), Doris-Elin Salazar (ICE Free NYC),

"We believe that election is only secondary to the primary struggle that's in the streets, the struggle is not gonna end just because another person wins, you know, whether it's Bernie, Hillary or Trump, we know that the struggle is going to be ongoing for us, it's not going to change overnight," said Melanie Dulfo with the International Migrants Alliance.

On the AMERICAN side: NY-ICE.
They support LEGAL migration. Counter-protesting the Commie Insurgents.

says NO to Open Borders.
NO to un-vetted millions who mock our freedoms. Disrespect our laws.
Think. About. It. To work in another country. To live in another country. Requires PERMISSION. LEGAL PAPERS. So, why is America wrong to protect her borders?
Today, on International Workers' Day, the demonstrators in Union Square said these protests were even more important in 2016. America EVIL. INTERNATIONALISM: Good.

 Slide show - NY ICE  

Videos from Joanna  Marzullo (President of NY-ICE)

  SMASH CAPITALISM.  Then: RE-Construction!
red flag                                             
(Picture from face book)

Excerpts re the history of  Workers' Commie Day:

"The first May Day , in 1886, was a general strike of three hundred thousand workers at thirteen thousand businesses across the United States... the American labor movement... was among the most militant in the world.... every May Day since, workers across the world took to the streets to contest the terms of capitalist prosperity and gesture toward a fundamentally different world — a world in which production is motivated not by profit, but by human need.

...  ten years ago, in 2006, (ILLEGAL) migrant workers across the country stood up to "restrictive" immigration laws and "abusive" labor practices, organizing a massive movement of undocumented( ILLEGAL)  laborers (the so-called Great American Boycott)... a one-day withdrawal of migrant (ILLEGAL) labor — dubbed “A Day Without (ILLEGAL) migrants” — to demonstrate the essential role of (ILLEGAL) migrant workers in American industry.

 This May Day we follow ... generations of labor radicals... who saw in capitalism the horrors of an "unjust" economy, dared to dream of ... a re-imagined economy in which the fruits of prosperity are shared equally  in a "just" and "democratic" society... that dream is still living. The struggle continues. Happy May Day. Take to the streets."

Which begs the question:
"Name a successful Communist (Socialist) country that people are DYING to move to. And consider this : In 1930's France, there was a large Socialist Party, weakening the government and leaving a divided population. Hitler then soon invaded France forcing their surrender in THREE weeks."
Lessons to be learned .... Or Ignored... At. Your. Peril.

Not one society who has given itself over to the COLLECTIVE has survived.....not one.  Nothing but murder, forced abortions, infinite poverty and lost dreams have ever resulted from your soul destroying activities.The sovereign individual is at the heart of the matter NOT THE COLLECTIVE... read and learn REAL HISTORY!! (Mallory Millett)

You have been warned:


"Get Ready For An Actual Revolution to Bring This System Down, To Bring Something Much Better Into Being"

Revo banner

    two flags crop one flag crop

zion race

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