Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Commies United" vs Penn. GOP - "DUMP TRUMP"- Plaza Hotel (12-11-15) Part 3

Part 3  of a three part series
The Speakers Protest in front of the Plaza.

December 11, 2015. Noon. NY's Plaza Hotel.
Communities UNITED! Confronting Trump…

"Say NO to Trump's Racism and Hate"
"Trump is a symptom of a white supremacist sickness that is rooted deeply in our political system. We are mobilizing this Friday to share a vision of communities beyond policing, beyond incarceration, and beyond detention."
A "DUMP TRUMP" protest supported by these organizations:

Families for Freedom
Black Alliance for Just Immigration- BAJI
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project- QDEP
Responsible Endowments Coalition
Showing Up for Racial Justice- SURJ
Council on American-Islamic Relations- CAIR
Jews For Racial and Economic Justice- JFREJ
Black and Pink
Jewish Voices for Peace
Arab American Association of NY

"A liberal activist group said that Pennsylvania Republicans should dump Donald Trump as the speaker at a party fundraiser after the mogul proposed a “total and complete” ban on Muslims entering the U.S."

Game On:
Trump was inside at the Pennsylvania GOP’s annual Commonwealth Club luncheon.

"The party is standing by its man.
Donald Trump will be the keynote speaker at our Friday fundraiser in New York,”
Pennsylvania GOP spokeswoman Megan Sweeney said. [And he was]
As I arrived, I saw a large crowd hoping for a glimpse of "The Donald".
NO PRESS was allowed inside the luncheon, so the press and passersby (LOTS of "just plain folk") were jammed at the entrance.
Also, in Grand Army Plaza, was the "Dump Trump" protest.  A crowd comprised of Commies (young and old) ...

... Illegal Trespassing supporters [like Percy Lujan from Revolutionary Student Co-ordinating Committee) and lots of trend-setting white-folk.
Muslims (of course) ---- many Muslimas actually---
A Christian Clergywoman, who held high her sign,  "Love Your Muslim Neighbor".
As though LOVE  would have stopped Boston's murderous Tsarnaev Brothers and their VILE, INSANE mother,
4_292013_aptopix-russia-boston-sus-28201_c0-0-1152-671_s885x516Yeah. LOVE. That'll stop 'em.

The ubiquitous Rabbi Michael Feinberg (Rabbi for Human Rights & Exec. Dir. Greater N. Y. Labor-Religion Coalition.) present as always...

Flickr Slideshow

The Speakers: At Noon, the Commies (and friends) began a lively "Dump Trump" protest with many speakers crammed into just one hour.

They preached, lectured, chanted and SCREAMED! (often)  “ORGANIZE AND EDUCATE, THAT IS HOW WE END THE HATE”.

"Resistance to U.S. Imperialism. (War and Prisons.) We're here taking Collective Action. We also want to build Collective Trust. Take a moment to get to know the folks around you." [had a moment of "Meet and Greet" ] Then an Hispanic female from Families For Freedom led a 'walk through' of some chants, like:"We're Gonna Bring Trump Down" and "End the US War Machine from Syria, to Iraq and the Philippines". "We're not gonna stand for Fascists like him and the Fascists he represents. He is the epitome of US Imperialism. How dare he slander all Muslims"

Playlist of all 11 short videos


However, I lost the video I took of the FAKE Republican. (My bad.) But, what a hoot she was! She was introduced as an EX-Republican! Now reformed. Enlightened. She sees the ERROR of her misguided days as a Repub. (ya think?)

 What made her change?  "It was the HIS-To-Ry of FASCISM!!" (twitter link)

 [Video from Ash J on Twitter #NYC Anti-#Trump protesters across street from Plaza]

"Your assignment today, if you choose to do it"
---  CLAIM to be an ex-Repub who voted for GW --- (yeah. That's the ticket)  fake repub
FAKE REPUB WOMAN during her speech. (Do people actually BELIEVE her?) claimed to be EX GOP copy
The crowd during the speakers' hour was also entertained by professional protestor, Marni Halasa. Often dressed as an NYPD "BIMBO Cop" aka Babs the Bankster-Buster. Whatever the costume, always on SKATES and Camera-Ready.

Do people READ her coyly written signs? Or do they just want to take a picture with a pretty girl.

Once the speakers dispersed, a team of "t.RUTT" artistes paraded a guerrilla-bus painted with "t. RUTT" (t. RUMP) 'round and 'round the Plaza traffic circle.
Even though the press was in absentia, the bus team was quite pleased with their guerrilla-art bus "success".

[See also Twitter link for bus]
The woman who was interviewed by NY1 ( in video at 00:56) seemed to represent the artist (or was the artist) not quite sure.

"Trump is a Black Swan " (so says she) "... a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight."


NEXT (after the t.RUMP bus) I found the Commies - a small group of Muslim, Arab, immigrant, and LGBTQ community members - at the south entrance to the Plaza regrouping after being THROWN OUT of the GOP Luncheon (See Part 2)


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