Wednesday, November 25, 2015

NY ICE Demo @ Trump Tower book signing (pics/vids)11-3-15

On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015, after a Press Conference held on the lower level of Trump Tower, 
Donald Trump then signed copies of his latest book,"Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again."
Slide show of the inside of Trump Tower and then outside

The lines were HUGE. From Fifth Avenue around to Madison Avenue. 
It would seem that Trump has the potential to inspire across America.
Also, o
utside Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, NY ICE was there to defend our Sovereignty against those promoting the erosion of our borders AND to thank Trump for 'getting it'.

America needs a President who will protect AMERICA. Will that be Trump. No one knows, but the debate now includes our sovereignty. Without apology!

"Even if you don't have a favorable opinion of Trump, the adversary (aka those on the LEFT)  finds him to be the face of people representing our Movement: TRUMP stands for immigration enforcement in their eyes, though, of course, his visibility on our Issue and Movement is relatively new.
He has used his celebrity status for our Issue, which... has been useful... because the media finds it hard to ignore Trump, since he has been a world of celebre for so long."
crippled america book signing
These instructions went out to the public re Trump's Book Signing and press conference:  "Mr. Trump will only sign Crippled America. Signing line will form outside in front of Trump Tower. No memorabilia, posed photography or selfies.

Pictures may be taken from the line before reaching the signing table. Upon approaching the table, picture taking devices must be put away. Event guidelines are subject to change."

Event page. And more on the Trump  Book Signing.

Next- Slide show outside of Trump Tower

There were only a few passersby who supported illegal trespassing, like France 24. Such media went trolling for answers with questions that dripped with disdain for Americans who support the Rule of Law.
BTW- This event was just 10 days BEFORE the terrorists attacked Paris on November 13. (what a difference a few days did make)

Four Short videos outside and inside Trump Tower

Found only a few PRESS reports  (considering there was a lot of press on-the-scene) Follow link to France 24 article. (NY ICE is in video report below).

From France 24:

An obviously biased report.  She keeps saying "slim" book of a little under 200 pages, as if that has anything to do with it. And she mentions the petition against Trump's appearance on SNL. (Can't be too surprised. They're French.) I managed to capture a moment when Marzullo (NY-ICE)  told them to "fight for their country".  It's almost unbelievable that this was before the Paris murders. No surprises here, when it comes to what the chose to publish, the French never used ANY of the NY ICE  interview.

As for the interviewer, her card says:
Marie Bourreau, "Journaliste" (France 24) Googling her comes up in French, but translations reveal her to be predictably a Leftist Reporter.

After Bourreau's NY ICE interview, the woman being interviewed next by France 24 said that "NY ICE represents the worst of America". screen shot pakayhall
You could tell from Bourreau's questions that this passerby supported their agenda. NOT NY ICE.

Europe 1, also French,  was amongst quite a few others (like Telemondo, Fox News, CNN, NY 1, ABC News)). Some of whom interviewed and photographed NY ICE, but we were unable to find most of these reports.

A report from Getty Images:
Screen shot 2015-11-03 at 5.52.16 PM
Another from
, reporting on the Book Signing
"... standup comedian Jason Scoop, 24, displayed a “Trump 2016” tattoo on his forearm, which he said was real, a permanent reminder of a presidential campaign he earlier expected to last a week. “When I got the tattoo it was a joke,” said Scoop. “He’s kind of grown on me.” When Scoop reached Trump’s table and showed the mogul his tattoo, Trump stood up and led him to the cameras. “This is what I call a real fan,” Trump told reporters."

All Colours. Ages. Types. Languages. The crowds were buoyant and chatty (as was "The Donald") Fun for all in spite of the long wait.

Found the full press video (Reuters) inside Trump Tower


Trump has the potential to inspire and offer hope again to the masses across America.  But, the machine- Prog-Central- is At War With America.  Are we strong enough to stop their steam-roller?  Or will the Great American Experiment be ended all too soon?

Join NY ICE in the battle for American Sovereignty. Say No to Open Borders. Contact Joanna, President - NY ICE (New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement) : ProgressRose@yahoodotcom

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