Sunday, November 1, 2015

Black Lives Matter “Rise Up October” Washington Sq- 2015 (pics/vids)

RiseUpOctober, October 24, 2015, was part of the THREE DAY "Black Lives Matter" movement.
The racists assembled at Washington Square Park were predominately black, with hatred, angry race-hatred, dripping from the mouths of their leaders.

Naked aggression towards WHITE people is their goal. With FISTS bumping towards the sky.

Communists. Marxists. (hard-core)
Anarchists. On-stage and in-the-crowd.

Led by icons like, Cornel West and Carl Dix, an associate of Bob Avakian. This is their game.

RACE Wars, assisted by WHITE celebrities for whom a fist-bump orgasmically validates their white presence on that stage. Like useful idiot, Eve Ensler, of v-jay-jay fame.

VIDEO excerpt of Eve Ensler's speech

She was followed at some point by the cop-hating Quentin Tarantino. Preening and Proud, these two OWN the moniker Fools and Tools.

It's open-season on cops; white cops in particular. No matter that the police, far and wide, are not all white. The officers being murdered are NOT all white. The cops watching and listening to this angry display of cop-hatred are NOT all white.
Inconvenient facts, ignored as the cops are taunted and vilified.
The white participants at these hate-fests are uniformly Marxists, even worse (perhaps) they are Anarchists. Familiar faces all, going from one protest to another preaching "HATE COPS", "HATE AMERICA", "HATE WHITE PEOPLE".  On and on, round and round they go on their carousel-of-hate.

Standing in the midst of this emotional chaos is unpleasant. But, with so many police of color on hand, I proceeded with my filming, hoping to proceed safely. If the crowd turned on white photographers, like myself, perhaps I'd be able to get away with a little assistance from a demoralized police force.

The police, thankfully, forge ahead, trying to do their jobs regarding public safety. So, did I, with pie-eyed hopes. I might be standing in-line to purchase some swamp-land to hell, still, I filmed-on... taking a hard look at the wild-side.

I made a decision to only cover the first hour, avoiding two hours of aural and visual assault, demagoguery and hatred; of diatribes and agitprop, before they 'peacefully' marched uptown to Bryant Park.  So one hour it was.

A playlist of seven short videos

As I arrived and exited the subway, the police presence on Sixth avenue was already lined up a couple of blocks west of the protest-stage in Washington Square.

The cops had to stay with their bikes and wait on corners for 2-3 hours, waiting for the march of planned chaos that would crawl up Sixth Avenue.
NYC has a shortage of police. And those we have, get tied up at these Marxist protests (the insurgents KNOW what they are doing) and it is NOT keeping the streets safe. As 2016 approaches, the murderous hate-screeds of the Marxist insurgency is bearing bitter-fruit.

A Slideshow of Pictures:

The younger Marxists are nurtured - bred in our colleges - like THIS woman  holding the sign.

A fan of Cornel West (Obama's Professor and America's Cultural Crisis )

I had noticed her when she arrived.

Later, exposed in the press as part of the pre-planned arrest-hoards - so often WHITE -102415protest2RM
In contrast was this ONE Brave American (in red) who wore his thoughts 'on his cap'. However, I didn't see him til I went through my pictures - What a gaze. Intense. With purpose.

Without apology in a crowd incited with RACIST HATRED towards police, towards WHITE America.Yet, there he stood.

"Make America Great Again" - his cap-and "ALL Lives Matter"- on his button

++ They write the text books. They train the teachers. They school the media. The ignorant masses manipulated, ready to march, to swarm against the police and the perceived ENEMY: WHITE people. We should be very afraid.

Can the tide be turned?  Will our personal safety remain at question? Will our police recover from these assaults? TAKE BACK our Country.  "Stand Up. Fight Back."

The Time is NOW, to arm yourself in this information war. I recommend three small booklets++

Oleg Atbashian, "Shakedown Socialism ( It failed in the USSR, Now it's moved to the USA)"
Cliff Kincaid, "The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse"
David Horowitz- "Hating Whitey and other Progressive Causes"

And for some comparison reading :
News and letters
A Restatement of Some Fundamentals of Marxism against ‘pseudo-Marxism’

In closing, some words of advice and inspiration from a black American, Lloyd Marcus, "Wake Up America: Democrats at War with the People"  October 25, 2015 (excerpts)

I am the first to say all people are solely responsible for their behavior.  However, I see these black assaults on whites as the fist of the Democratic Party punching out innocent whites – the hand of the Democratic Party pulling the trigger assassinating police officers across America.
Democrats with MSM assistance have successfully convinced many black youths to believe that white America is a collection of racist murderers and responsible for all of black America's woes.  This Democrat-media insidious lie has caused black youths to feel morally justified in punishing their white nemesis.

Few people realize that the Democratic Party is at war with America...the Dems’ hidden war against Americans.

The nationwide epidemic of blacks attacking innocent whites is due to a clarion call to attack by Democrat-inspired and supported Black Lives Matter.  What is so frustrating and crazy is that the BLM movement was founded on the lie that white cops and white civilians routinely murder blacks.

It is extremely chilling that a major political party places its liberal agenda above the lives and best interest of Americans.  This is how their party rolls, folks: Democrats versus the People.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

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