Sunday, July 19, 2015

Illegal Trespassers 'Say NO' U.S. Immigration Laws-For them (NYC) 7-10-15

11701004_10153398665752381_1571759743074267012_oNO U.S. Immigration Law? Really? After a few years of filming and observing these mostly Spanish-speaking illegals and their handlers (white,union Commie-led insurgents) the deconstructing of America is on-a- roll. From Detroit to New Orleans to Seattle to San Francisco, corruption is destroying these major cities (easily)as the illegals vote once (twice) As many times as they are required. The Big Red Unions need the illegals. So, give them the uneducated dupes of the world and they will incrementally take over governments (from the smallest to the top of the heap). They have and they are succeeding with little opposition. Amazing.
Coverage of this particular protest was light but predictable.  NY1, NTD (FalunGong TV) and El Mundo. These were the only media I could identity.

A demonstration was outside the offices of an American citizen, Robert Mercer, who supports our U.S. Immigration Laws and the Candidates who support keeping our borders safe. However, these Illegal trespassers and their Marxist-Leftist-Union handlers want NO U.S. immigration laws ----for them---and Robert Mercer is 'the Enemy'.

NYC Councilman, Carlos Menchaca, a 30 yrs old Mexican-born/gay/COMMUNIST, who was ELECTED by 'the people'  of NYC, was one of the leaders of the protest, who also opposes Mercer supporting U.S. Immigration Law.
"Menchaca, in November 2013, became the first councilor of Mexican  origin to be elected in New York"

 In Feb 2014, this NYC Councilman  (2nd from the right in picture)led a DREAM ACT Committee [Council hearing on giving Illegals ID's so they can get "services"]
  However, the ID portion of the meeting never happened. (without notice to the public-aka NY-ICE)

"The New York City Council's "Committee on Immigration" was supposed to have met on what is actually a Federal issue: ID's for Illegals."

Everyone sitting in City Hall that day seemed to know the ID's were now off the table. The committee was seamlessly focused on offering FREE legal aid to illegal trespassers; encouraging scofflaws to STAY by offering NYC Sanctuary City freebees.

This was the social justice largess of the day: FREE Legal Representation for Illegal Trespassers.

Back to the protest outside Robert Mercer's office.  

On Friday, July 10th,2015, at the DACA/DAPA hearing,

The Fifth Circuit Court heard one-hour arguments, each for the plaintiff and defendant...the arguments will be whether or not the Obama administration followed the appropriate procedures in issuing the 2014 immigration executive action.

The protestors 'glowed' in the hot sun with a dripping disrespect for the U.S. Rule of Law, for U.S. Immigration Law. NO respect for the country they are invading was required. Just entitlement. After all, they have Obama"s Executive Action waiting for them (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA)
While mauling Old Glory, this woman below, smirked and laughed with her friend as she chanted  "I love Amereeca" - Cue: laugh, smirk - then repeat -

WHAT does she love about Amereeca? (Our laws?)
Perhaps it's the promise of Free Health Care. Free Food. Free Rent. Free college. It's all FREE, thanks to the tax dollars of the America citizens who live here legally.


U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWS must be waived if you are brown, Spanish-speaking (it helps)
Unemployed, uneducated and/or never been vaccinated for good measure. DAPA - DACA says they can jump to the head-of-the-line.

With little to No Help for the many educated, white (some Spanish- speaking) immigrants who would like to stay in the U.S. on work-permits (LEGALLY). They are stone-walled and often rudely denied permits, even though they would cause NO burden to our hospitals and schools.

Wrong color. Too well educated. Too independent. Can't be counted on to VOTE the Commie-Line. Go HOME! YOU are not welcomed by the hard-cored Leftists running the very corrupt Illegal-Trespassers voting-machine.

Ask anyone in this protest crowd (who speaks English) about the very stern immigration laws South-of-the-border: Cue *Crickets*. Does not compute.
Ask about the career criminals that MEXICO doesn't want? (*silence*)

CRIMINALS for whom the Commie-to-the-core Leftists throw down the RED carpet and open-the-gates to the U.S. (*crickets-mind-numbing silence*)
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There was opposition to the Leftists
who are dedicated to breaking and ignoring U.S. Immigration Law.

Notably, in spite of Obama's active support of these trespassers, America is against the 'SAY NO' to U.S. Immigration Law industry.

Americans 'SAY NO' to OPEN BORDERS instead!
That's why "The Donald" is (or was) flying up the potential presidential list. Donald Trump is NOT afraid to say what is on the minds of most Americans when it comes to Illegal Trespassing. He certainly lacks tact "on occasion" (McCain looms large at the moment) but Trump is challenging the Marxist Left stranglehold on our National safety; that is encouraging and inspiring.
 The opposition: Even though NY-ICE was unable to make a large showing (this was 11 AM on a weekday. Most people have to work!) These stalwarts did a great job, vocally as well as visually.

I heard them from across the noisy crowd before I saw them. (red circle below)

 NY-ICE counter-demonstrated against the unions and Marxist groups promoting Illegal law breakers; who demonstrated for the implementation of D.A.C.A. and D.A.P.A. executive amnesties because they are currently tied up in Court. The Illegals and their Marxist enablers demonstrated in front of a business they mischaracterized as a proponent of "false" data about the negative impact of these amnesties in the U.S.


Stop the Marxist drivel. Stop the lies. Spread the Truth about Illegal Trespassers; what they have done and will continue to do to the American Economy by ignoring our Laws.


They never stop. Neither should WE.
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"President Obama has wielded his “mighty pen” once to show those who want to enter the country illegally they can go ahead and do it because this President won’t stop them.

That’s why Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) is a co-sponsor of three immigration bills to protect the American people.

The first, H.R. 3011, Kate’s Law, would create a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for any illegal alien reentering the country after being deported. 
The second, H.R. 3009, Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities, restricts federal funding to sanctuary cities so that the American people are not subsidizing local law enforcement agencies that refuse to comply with federal law.  
The third, H.R. 399, Secure Our Borders First Act, requires that the Secretary of Homeland Security gain, and maintain, operational control of the international borders of the United States.

We can’t get serious about immigration reform until we stop people from crossing the border illegally."

Stand UP Fight Back 'cause WE are AMERICA.


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