Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pamela Geller - Free Speech Champion vs Sharia Law - Brooklyn College (4-22-15) vids & pics

The topic of the evening: "The First Amendment and Social Criticism".
The First Amendment. Free Speech. Listening to what you might find offensive, but respecting the free speech rights of others to offend. However, Free Speech was trampled by the Brooklyn College Zoo, while Brooklyn College Security and Faculty stood by - on the sidelines. Immobile. Frozen. Neutered.

This is what Sharia Law Looks Like.

To begin. April 22. 2015. Brooklyn College. When I arrived, around 6 PM, there was a fairly large crowd standing outside in a light rain. It seemed to be students mostly. I figured they would start entering within about a half hour so I was escorted upstairs by the faculty sponsor,Professor Seidemann, to the "penthouse", where I could set up my camera gear before the students took their seats. What I saw, as I entered, was a bare room (hardly a "penthouse") with approx 200 (room capacity) folding chairs at-the-ready for the audience. But, for now, only Security and a few faculty-types were standing around; waiting.
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Contrary to a snarky crack made by a young woman, that can be heard in the Q and A video,  regarding preferential seating (39:37 - 40:03) The only privileged early-seating that was witnessed by myself and the faculty sponsor, was a First Wave of early seating by quite a few Muslim students (male and female). The next wave of seating was about 10-15 minutes later and was also, mostly, Muslim students .... ALL of whom headed to the front of the room, filling the seats front to back. "Yes, Virginia" the treatment of some as being better than others (the Muslim students getting early seating) did NOT go unnoticed, despite your faux complaint.

While the waves of Muslim Students got settled, this fellow in the white shirt below, walked row by row, clearly giving the male students in particular instructions of some sort.

It became apparent as soon as Ms. Geller mentioned hijabs (buzz-words?) that the male Muslim students were to get up and walk out at appointed times. ("potty-breaks?")
stand and walk out screen shot
Since the "instructor" sat down front with his ear piece and ALL of the cell phones were being held close to their chests throughout her speech, it was clear how easily he was instructing and co-ordinating the intended visual chaos.

Different groups of males through out her speech walked out and then back in, back and forth, attempting to disrupt her speech. It did NOT work.

Continuing with the intros that preceded Ms. Geller's Speech.
At about 7:20, once late-comers were accommodated, the intros began with  Brooklyn College V.P., Joseph Giovannelli, who gave a very specific breakdown of how the students (and guests)  were expected to behave and what behaviors would be grounds for removal from the event.
ALL of these pointless instructions were IGNORED by the Muslim students, as well as the Security Officers, once Ms. Geller began to speak.
The bedlam during the Q and A grew to a deafening DIN where NO one could be heard and was tolerated (ignored?)  by Mr. Giovannelli AND the BC Security.

n camera (49:10 - to 49:23) Giovannelli can be seen looking bewildered while approaching a Security Officer.
giovannelli copy text
Both just stared back at the raging crowd,  incapable of putting any rules of decorum into action while these Muslim students screamed and yelled at the Armenian woman who had survived a genocide was TRYING to ask a question.

THIS is what SHARIA LAW Looks Like.

Disrupting the event was pre-planned. Nothing spontaneous.

The Muslim Students were in charge.
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From a student, Lisa Gagliardo, on instagram
Brooklyn College SJP, ISO, & supporters filled the room for a talk by Pamela Geller. We made it known that her hate, bigotry, and flat out bullshit is not welcome here. This video was taken at the end of her lecture. Most of the crowd was chanting "Free Palestine" and "End the occupation now".You can see the woman in the green shirt shouting at students to "go home".This is the idiocy sanctioned by Pamela Geller. Your faith or ethnicity does not dictate home."

(The same woman in green responds in my Q and A video to all their obnoxious screaming with, "You don't act like American citizens."

The COMMENTS that followed the Instagram video:
carmeister You guys seriously shouting down an old woman? Here I thought Islam was better than that. Judea was renamed Palestine by Rome by the way.
lisa.gagliardo Someone who says "go back home" deserves to be shut down and so does Pamela with her hate filled speech. Palestine has been occupied for 67 years and Israel is a war criminal by the way. @carmeister
carmeister @lisa.gagliardo so no respect for old women. Gotcha. I just heard Ms. Geller's talk on YouTube and didn't hear hate speech coming from her. She did however point out many horrible thing done by Muslims. Like a father killing his daughter for not wearing a hijab etc. is that the true face of Islam? I think you are mistaken about Palestine.
lisa.gagliardo You must not be familiar with the adds that she runs. She puts things like "Jew hatred is in the Quran" and "Defeat the savage, support Israel". That's hate speech. Obviously that's not any face Islam has. A verse in the Quran says "killing one innocent person is as if you have killed all humanity". No, I'm not mistaken. @carmeister
lisa.gagliardo Prophet Muhammad said "The best among you is one who is best to his family". Does it sound like killing family members is the true face of Islam to you?
carmeister *Surahs
lisa.gagliardo @carmeister I hope your perspective changes. As a non-Muslim I'm thankful I had family members who said no religion is hateful, violent, or destructive at a young age or else the media would have me thinking like you.
ladamidesignsTerrible on so many levels. Pamela Geller needs to go home...
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Video Part 1-
Intros : First, Joseph Giovannelli , Brooklyn College VP of Administration & Finance followed by Dr. Susan Aranoff a professor of economics at Kingsborough Community College

Video Part 2 - Pamela Geller speech and Q and A

The Muslim Students were itching for a fight. Manipulating the crowd vociferously. It is a credit to the non-Muslims in the audience that confrontations were avoided.

The hoots, yells, screams roared forth from the Muslim students with every derisive crack that posed as a question. One example in the Q and A video  at 39:01 to 39:34, is when the hippy, finger-clicking chick claimed  to be a Roman Catholic and derided Geller for speaking in favor of Free Speech. LOTS of noise followed.
mocking freedom of speech
The Muslim Students jeered at Geller for supporting Free Speech. They support shutting down Free Speech. Controlling our media. Our schools. Our police.

THIS is what Sharia Law Looks Like.
The Muslim Students think they have "won" the "intellectual" war. Taking selfies and screaming: " Don't Come Back", "Free Free Palestine", "End the Occupation Now" "Free, Free Gaza" and the ever pithy, "The People United Will Never Be Defeated".
They have won NOTHING (they just don't know it yet)
Get the full story here: http://pamelageller.com/category/brooklyn-college/


And from David Wood, these links:




Slide Show of pictures:



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