Sunday, November 9, 2014

March against Capitalism: Shut DOWN the World Business Forum. SHUT DOWN AMERICA!(10-08-14) pics/vids

Yes, I am "On Delay". October 8, 2014. Posting this article way after the anti-Capitalista protests. It was a "Two-in-One" day event. After spending way too much time with the Hard-Core Commie Left, I 'tabled' my post (til now)
November 5, 2014
Woke up. Feeling Good. Hopeful.
A GREAT Day for America.

Then "Reality Check" kicked-in.

This SCUM will NEVER stop working to "Take America Down".
Time to revisit the Anti-Capitalista Protest March.

noon commies half crop
The Players were, as always, the 'Progressive'/ Soc/Commie/Anarchists
ho NEVER met a tyrannical despot they didn't LOVE.
  A Full Day of  "Fun with Anarchy"
'Out-Reach' to the passers-by.
NOON. Lunch Time and a heavy dose of agitprop
Columbus Circle was a quiet presentation.
4 PM - NOT so quiet. VERY loud putsch-like speeches filled the air.
(BTW- it was also October 8th - not the 7th)
Droning. Over and over (and over) -  Protest against Capitalism.
Some quotes from their face book page and flyer.
"Shut DOWN the World Business Forum!
Rise up against the global 1%!
March against capitalism and the World Business Forum.

"The keynote speaker of this year’s conference, former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke, is one of the key ruling class figures who organized the trillions of dollars of bailouts for banks and corporations in 2007."
 "Global capitalism is in a period of prolonged crisis."

"While the wealthy 1% meet in New York to plan their continued domination of the world, we are calling on a mass mobilization of the people against the criminal system of capitalism."
"Capitalism has nothing for us."
"No living wage jobs, no quality education, no affordable healthcare, no peace and no future."
"We call on a new generation of activists to take on the call for a revolution, to overthrow capitalism and the rule of the 1%...
... and replace it with the rule of the people."
Sponsored by: FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together,
Party of Communists, Socialist Alternative, Workers World Party

- "The TRUTH Takes a HIKE" Outside the World Business Forum - Radio City Music Hall- NYC. They just make this shiz up.
Gotta keep the 'People' agitated.
Part 1 video
- Larry Holmes (International Action Center) introduces his IAC assistant, "I -Feel-The Love", K.T. Knowles followed by Maoist Press TV Reporter, Caleb Maupin. But, the fluttery KT Knowles, Larry Homes' assistant, was particularly 'winning;  "shivering" with all that 'Love'

Next VIDEO is later in the protest (Part 6): Earlier the cops made me go 'inside their pen' to film. That's all I was doing. Filming. Like everyone else. Later, as Larry Holmes of Ramsey Clark's International Action Center, starts to introduce his partner in crime, Sara Flounders, the very unsubtle decision is made have her faithful Commie Lapdog, Bill Doares, stop me from filming her speech.
Worth noting, this type of censorship is how they shut down any and all public discourse in our colleges and schools. Doares does his usual bullying. Shoving me and mauling my camera as he repeated (in front of the police) "WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE. Leave!"
Commies. As INTOLERANT as our new 2nd term Governor, Andrew "Conservatives aren't welcome in New York" Cuomo.

PLAY LIST of all 8 VIDEOS. An opportunity to listen to the mindless Words. Words. Words. used to lure so many tools to their coven. (you can skip Part 1 if you've already watched it)

FLASH FORWARD to November 4, 2014. A NEW day has dawned on AMERICA. The FIGHT BACK against The Left has begun! But, not just at the ballot box. There are many fronts in this war. (Quotes from a timely article from Daniel Greenfield follow)

The Leftist and Islamic War on the Family
"The greatest threat to the totalitarian state is the family.
Liberalism however destroys the family to create helpless individuals looking for the next handout. The protégé of the nanny state is a coward. He is eager to join mobs, but does nothing as an individual. He creates nothing, and therefore has nothing to lose except his material possessions which he uses as gateways to the ‘fun’ that consumes his life. He is capable of violence, but only when he has numbers on his side."photo 2
"When families die
, human beings begin reverting to a feral state. The inability to sustain family leads to the collapse of civilization. Liberalism and Islam both feed off the social failures that they manufacture."
photo 3
"Liberalism and Islam
both perpetuate the crises that keep them going through dysfunction. They can only thrive by maintaining a constant supply of unhappy people who have lost the ability to live fulfilling and meaningful lives. The biggest threat to their empires and caliphates of dysfunction is a strong family."

Wherever the anarchists go, we must go.

welcomed in our colleges
they meet. greet. teach. preach.
woo the impressionable
intimidate (threaten)
They WRITE the books (our text books)
TRAIN our media (our teachers)
burrowed deep in to the soul of our country.
bereft of independent thought. freedoms lost.
The gullible follow. BUT we do NOT.
November 4-5, 2014
The FIGHT is ON!
For the rest of the pictures, there are two slide shows.

Slide Show #1 at Columbus Circle

Slide Show #2 at Radio City


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