Saturday, September 20, 2014

"365 Days" Protest Massacre in Syria-Times Sq (8-22-14) pics

August 22, 2014. NYC. The Recruitment Station Island in Times Square.

It has been one year since the chemical massacre in Syria. More than 1,400 confirmed cases of Syrians, mostly civilians, were killed by chemical weapons in the Syrian suburbs of Damascus.

Verified images of children being suffocated by Sarin Gas and slowly dying while their mothers were watching went viral. This is the largest number of casualties during one day and clear evidence of chemical weapons use against civilians.
Even though the majority of the chemical stockpiles in Syria have been destroyed, activists have confirmed approximately 27 separate cases of chemical gas usage since the UN Security Council passed UNSCR 2118, calling for the destruction of all chemical weapons and weapons facilities in Syria.

The following statements were released in April 2014
Western officials believe Syria's Bashar al-Assad continues to launch chemical attacks [...]

Activists said the gas was used during fierce fighting when regime troops appeared to be losing control of the strategic town of Khan Sheikhoun [...]
In response to the rebel accusations, Damascus has blamed the al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra, claiming it in fact used the gas [...]
...reports claim a helicopter dropped the bomb, it seems highly unlikely Jabhat al-Nusra would have been operating a helicopter [...]
People died. Children. Muslims. Gassed by Assad.

But, and this is a Big 'But', the protestors are 'propped up' by the usual Commie contingent. Fomenting turmoil. Confusion. Conflicting messages.

But, what is 'the real message'. What truths lie buried. Commie Organizers mean "what you see is NOT what you get".

It was a small protest. I took my pictures. Read the signs (a few, on August 22, of the only murdered/beheaded journo-James Foley. (Sept 14-there are now three journo/aid workers beheaded)

Engage the passersby with timely pics of a murdered American. Blame Assad for everything. Support the Muslim 'rebels'.

Hands off ? Which group?  The rebels who murdered the American journo?

BUT, this murdered American-journo SUPPORTED the terrorists in Syria. Foley was anti-Assad AND they murdered him anyway


From Pamela Geller on the Islamic State:
"Obama wants to send the Free Syrian Army into combat, with US arms, against the Islamic State. The problem with this is that it has been abundantly documented that the Free Syrian Army is collaborating with the Islamic State. They also have the same goal: a Sunni Sharia state in Syria. So Obama’s policy is futile and incoherent. [snip]

He ( Obama) helped create the Islamic State by withdrawing precipitously from Iraq. Then he gave the “moderates” in Syria weapons, BUT they weren’t moderates and turned over their weapons to the Islamic State [...] so the Islamic State has won some of its victories with help from American weaponry."
 The 'Tools' in Times Square (safe  in America bear no consequences. They support Terrorists. Savages. NOT 'moderate" Muslims. At the behest of their Marxist/Commie handlers....

Putin must be very proud : Confusion creates a void he is ready to fill.
Slide show of pictures

On this day, the only people talking about the gassing of civilians in Syria are those aligned with Leftists, Commies and the Muslim Brotherhood progeny like CAIR/ISNA/Hamas.  Help them fight Assad.

United in the Big Fight to destroy Israel (A REAL Democracy where people, even Muslims, are Free and Safe.)

They unite to prop-up Muslim Rebels, forgetting, you should be careful what you wish for : Egypt, Iraq, Syria.....

I left on August 22 still looking for the elusive Moderate Muslim.

AFDI San Fran Moderate ad 9-8

Perhaps, on September 14,I will find the Elusive Moderate hiding in the proverbial haystack-on-Madison Ave & 38th street.

The 29th Annual United American Muslim Day Parade.


Their theme sure 'looks' moderate, " Islam & America Share Common Values" . "Marching As ONE Umma" (so says Google):


One Umma? Allegiances in questions, perhaps. Don't ask. Don't Tell.

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