Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Die-In Union Sq - All Lefties & Pali supporters invited ( 7-30-14)

The Leftist. Marxist. Socialist. Propaganda Machine, in tandem with the Muslim Brotherhood-Pali Islamists : Together Again! at another Union Square (lame)"DIE-IN"

die in face book 

July 30, 2014 - Union Square (scroll down for slide show of pictures)

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The videos caught more than one person defending Israel. This was when I first arrived, the verbal jousting between the pro-Israel defenders (who were smart and calm) and the anti-Israel Lefties (who were smug as they proclaimed "This isn't a war. It's a massacre")

At the same time you will hear a bit of screaming from the Lefties. (they just can't handle the TRUTH)

"Truth Be damned" when it came to this woman in the video below, she made some outrageous accusations regarding Israel and Ethiopia. A fellow who also argued with the Neteuri Karta challenged her as well (to no avail) . He left. Then she left, and one obnoxious Leftie 'pali-type tried to get an OWS chant going...and no one would 'play'!

Even though anyone who spoke up in defense of Israel was mocked and shouted down, there seemed to be real people who were actually listening and trying to figure out what was going on.

The die-in ( and the 'reading of the names" seemed to get less attention than the very vocal exchanges. (caught this 'dead' fellow taking a selfie!)

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I saw more than one frustrated passerby who was offended, appalled and irritated by the LIES put forth by the Lefties and their 'pali' chums. This Israeli girl was screamed at by this one woman before she spoke to Fox News

LIES "scream" at you from every sign and banner. Arrogant and WRONG.

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The white t-shirt above smugly  says, " They're Just Children. Got Humanity"  and the black t-shirt below says, "Want Peace? Don't Invade. Don't Occupy. Don't Fund War"

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The TRUTH, that Jews have been living in all parts of "Palestine" since Biblical times is of of NO USE to the Lefties and palis (or the Neteuri Karta) These two men gave them a real drubbing.

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Some (like the Lefty Jews)  claim all they want is a "State where Israelis and Palestinians are safe [with] equal rights for all.” Ignoring that FACT that what they are describing IS ISRAEL!

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Ignored by these fools is the FACT that Gaza, which is already judenrein, is a cesspool because of it.

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There is no LIE they will not repeat and repeat and REPEAT to achieve their goal: Death to Israel.  Some LIES, like "Muslims Heart Jesus" look so non-threatening...
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The very 'benign' Muslim Out Reach For the Homeless were out and about, as well. Why worry?
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BTW- SOMEONE at the Muslim 'Heart Jesus" table got a kick out of yelling Pamela Geller at me as I was leaving....No idea why... but, they seemed to get a 'kick' out of calling her name...

Another Day on the Hate-Israel express.


Slide Show of the uneventful Die-in.


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