Wednesday, July 23, 2014

#NYC Loves Israel Rally-Times Sq (7-20-14) pics & vids

Times Square. July 20th, 2014. (please scroll down for slide shows and videos)

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For a few hours, on Sunday July 20th, Times Square was alive with the JOY of Freedom-Loving People. THOUSANDS filled the streets and sidewalks in support of Israel....and that drives the anti-Semites crazy. There were bomb threats made against this peaceful rally.

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While the many wars of Islam rage in the Middle East, NYC came together in support of Israel....and the Free World...demanding an end to the TERROR.

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The somber realities of the IDF soldiers deaths that was preceded by the deaths of the three murdered teen-agers was ever present....

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That anyone should have to die, so that Israel can live free of terror is a situation forced on Israel. This was NOT a choice. Israel is under attack. Israel supports LIFE!

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Freedom from tyranny and terror for everyone, no matter what their faith, is what we all fight for.
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While under siege, the safety of ISRAEL and her citizens is on everyone's lips.
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Safety and Freedom for all....
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Islam denies Jewish history by destroying all evidence that the Jews ever existed. And the media blames the Jews of Israel for defending themselves. .
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One World under Islam, the Umma, is their goal and Death to the Jews (to the Infidels) : It's in the KORAN.
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HAMAS  knows only WAR, DEATH and TERROR.  They will stop at nothing to rid the world of the Infidel, even killing their own children: It's IN the KORAN
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I saw a couple of protestors ... literally... that was it.  First,there was a "Pali" flag on a far corner (briefly)
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And this young woman walking towards me (looking very tense) Her sign reads: "Pro-Palestine does NOT mean Anti-Semite"
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What I took home from today's rally was the JOY. Joy on the faces of the beautiful children and the happy families.

NO ONE was bussed in, like the Latinos and Muslim mothers with young children. Those who dragged to the Muslim / Leftie Protests are look bored and confused. No one looked bored or confused TODAY!

Forward looking 20-somethings with many great signs held high for all to see;  STRONG and Proud.
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From Pamela Geller , " I urge you to Stand With Israel today, because if you don't, the devil will be at your doorstep tomorrow."


THREE slide shows

Part 1 a view from the stage area

Part 2- Out on the street

Part 3 On the sidewalks

THREE videos

Singing lead by Benny Elbaz and Ran Eliran

Speeches and chanting ( from Avi Posnick of Stand With Us)

AND Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs

The text of Geller's speech is included, just in case, as I had a low audio feed...
Stop Jihad against the Jewish State. (cheering)
My Fellow Human Beings, if rockets rained down on New York or Los Angeles or Chicago or Dallas, "What would we do?" (applause and cheers)
If our soldiers were being kidnapped and killed; if our children were being kidnapped at school bus stops and killed, "What would we do?"
Today Hamas announced they have manufactured a quarter of a million grenades to give to all children in Gaza. Instead of rocks they are going to throw grenades. "What would you do?"
Israel has the right to defend itself.
This is NOT about a Palestinian State, this is about destroying the State of Israel. (Cheers and whistles).
A price must be paid for the killing of women and children.
A price must be paid for the targeting of innocent civilians
In any war between the civilized man and the savage, you support the civilized man. You support Israel. Defeat Jihad. (cheers and horns)
In closing, I urge you to Stand With Israel today, because if you don't, the devil will be at your doorstep tomorrow. Am Yisrael Chai! (singing)
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