Dec 25: Found 13 extra pics that are now added to the end of the slide show
UPDATE: November 6, 2011. “Freedom's Highway. The Road to Socialism." ZUCCOTTI PARK. (aka Liberty Park)
Please scroll down for videos
A cooperative "planned economy", one that could meet people’s needs directly and foster meaningful social, economic, and racial equality. They're here to show us 'how it's done'.
Need a bogeyman, that evil corporate WAR machine aka AMERIKA to STAND together as ONE.
YET, all is not well in Who-ville. It's devolving. The 'People' do not ALL get along.
A stroll thru the park is a glimpse at their future. Our future. The one they want to force on US. (Three to a PUP tent hovel) Oh yeah...can't wait...
The Anarchistsseem to have their OWN Camp....
But Papa George (Soros') money and ACORN and the Working Families Party.. If anybody can hold even these malcontents together, they are the glue.
Cause money talks (that evil by-product of Capitalism) These malcontents. These hy-po-crits. They CAN be bought. Methinks they DO protest way TOO much.
And crammed and jammed amongst the glut of tents and mounds are the ever faithful working groups.
PR Table taking a REST
Class War Camp (Eating the Rich) Ooh yummy. Can't Wait.
The Facilitators, just hangin'
Wow. They've even got their own banner (made from the stolen police netting)
So many working (or just hanging) but they have their INDIVIDUAL spots (even if they can't SPELL)
Everything is FREE. So RISE UP. Celebrate. It's FREE!
However, the kitchen area didn't seem so wonderful. Maybe that's why the BUMS are threatening the local merchants for that FREE food....
Maybe I'm not so hungry after all....
Free Books. Free shoes. Free Coats. Free Beds. Free Blankets. FREE CIGARETTES (Needs FREE PVC Pipe on one sign) And...oh my....Women's hygene? This is getting a tad ridiculous.
What? No. We're doing important 'work' here.
Let the idiots working some 'meaningless' job...making some 'corporate monster' RICH...let them GIVE and GIVE and GIVE to US. Help Keep the Occupation Alive! DONATE so we can get MORE COMRADES. Please!
Later, after serenading this guy with "Get a Job"....
I called these loosers a Bunch of Bums...and the BUMS... didn't like it. ..
FREE FREE FREE....That's the ticket to the NEW World Order. And also remember, while storming the local sandwich job for Free Food, To Be A Good Neighbor!
Perhaps we should STOP and just THINK about this at "The Think Tank"
Intellectuals working the passersby with propaganda on the East side and the not-so-bright begging for money... for everything...on the West Side. BUT, as you pass thru the middle of the helpful! So many arrows. Every which way to INFINITY!
But, YOU are not doing ENOUGH to Save The World. Smile. You're Amazing! You Are Part of History. Particularly, if you get RID of Fox Noose. can ... really smile!
Life is Good In Liberty Village. At least we've got Toilet Paper...and even an ... ironing board??
And helpful suggestions for a bathroom (damn those nasty banks)
Remember, it's "THEM against US" so we have a Live Stream Feed, just to show you how much 'we' are sacrificing to be here! Get your News right here.
NOT HERE. No News here (so they say)
BTW- These signs opposing the Police presence are posted in PLAIN SIGHT for all to see. Helpful advisories ( click pictures to enlarge for easier reading)
Hard to believe, but BLOOMBERG and OBAMA support this anarchy. Bloomberg by his inaction and Obama? Guess THIS is his Utopia of Change we've been hearing about..
I spied a Special of Saul Alinsky's chums...
And lest we forget it was really the JOOOS that caused all of this trouble. They FORCED this Occupation because of their love of MONEY (and war)
Wikileaks is there 24/7 it seems, to keep things covered! That purveyor of honest journalism....
The Security Patrol. The Sanitation Patrol. All have been given (by someone) the power to maintain Control of the Park. Supposedly to make it SAFE from Pigs. Yeah, that's right, Let's Keep the PIGS out.
But there is more to come.The inner sanctum at Zuccotti-ville, the Speakers Circle (which has more power than the Peoples General Assembly) have Big Plans.
Safety. Security from ...Perverts. The women (and transgenders) are being sequestered to protect them from sexual assaults. The 'Occupation" claims the police are ignoring them. Don't care about them. The police they bully and insult on a daily basis are now, ignoring them? So the Collective is choosing (or forced) to handle their internal problems without the police.
The GAMES Bloomberg and Obama Play are encouraging this insurgency to grow. Shutting down Oakland should have been enough to turn the tide against these abuses of the First Amendment
No generators. Making electric and heat are harder to come by. Who Cares. Not the Occupation. Let's go Back to the Future with Generators powered by Cyclists.
No toilets but the teachers union is offering port-o-johns a couple of blocks away. Trinity Episcopal lets them shower etc and the Library's bathrooms are only a few blocks away. But, why walk a few blocks when there are all these money grubbing businesses right here around the park.
DEMAND YOUR RIGHTS! Meaning, they have trashed and threatened all the local merchants for FREE bathrooms, electric, food and water. It's their RIGHT, Damn It! Feed the Beast or you DIE
The police have been neutered so why not send them back to their neighborhood patrols? Nope, Bloomberg still has them encircling the park earning lots of overtime. Watching from a distance
The Educated Masses smile, nod their heads in agreement and eagerly offer them money... for ...whatever...
Teaching Empathy....that white 'black" widow on his cap sure makes me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. Trusting. Can't wait to FEEL some of that non-violent EMPATHY...
Families passing by. Smiling. Telling their children how exciting this all is. That they are watching history being made. Teaching the little children about Peace and Love:
Useful Idiots.
Flyers telling us who they are. Why they are here and how long they intend to stay . ( click flyers for better reading)
Signs encouraging us to JOIN the Occupation
and attitude. Wow. Can you feel the love....
This Commie Sloth, DEMANDED 50 cents for her Marxist periodical, so I let it FLY thru the air on it's way back to her clutches...
Hard at Work? I don't think so....
Knitting Circle, though, seemed "Hard at Work"
And Ribbon Duty, "Hard at Work"
Do you really want this Brave New World?
PEACE symbol being flown by the Anarchists Camp (within a Camp)
The DRUMMERS! Not really so Peaceful. Just ask this drummer what he thinks of this latest incarnation of the Occupation and you'll get an earful of complaints.
Heard this guy above going on about how the drummers used to be able to play the drums, a lot! There had been HAPPY people dancing and twirling in the plaza but, NOW it's all covered with tents. No dancing. Less drums. He's NOT happy. This guy below is now haging out it what was once Pulse Plaza... Oh ... the Horror....
BTW- Did a search on one particular song (just curious) and it really is a Commie Indoctrination Song. "This Land is My Land"
No WONDER the COMMIES don't sing God Bless America. The overt patriotism and God must really offend them. Instead they sing this Communist Ode to America. An Anthem for the Disgruntled:
BE SURE To Follow the Bouncing Ball during the Community Sing a Long
And then of course there's the odd co-opting of religion with this "religious" choice of, "We're on our way ....". We're ON OUR WAY to OCCUPY EVERYTHING!
Have Globe. Will Travel
He looks ready to travel (to Miami Beach)
He even has a lock on his TENT
This lock is a bit more primitive. Guess, it's the THOUGHT that counts...
And Now.... the VIDEOS
Part 1
Part 2
It's all Free man! Everything. Except the commie paper. Everything else: Free Food.
Free Coats. Free Money! Join the "occupation". It's FREE . And remember to SMILE cause, after all, you're amazing...
Part 3
Bloomie and Zero, what a team. Everyone come out to 'play' while we deconstruct America. Listening to this one fellow explain why they aren't in yadayadayadaya and then... there was the American Indian contingent with recap of our favorite Commie Ode to Joy.
Wrapping things up with this cocky Little Tool...
He represents an attitude. Whether sitting around ( or standing) They are Occupying a Space. Going nowhere and doing nothing. So, are they really "Winning"? Perhaps they are and we're only just now 'getting it' .
As long as they continue to break the law unchallenged, yeah, sure looks like "Winning".
It is now Day 53 and counting....Are you mad enough yet to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS OUTRAGE?
Slideshow includes a few more pictures of OWS Day 50 with the Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists and their minions. Trashing a park. Trashing a community and planning to TRASH America, One PARK, One Occupation at a time: Winning?
UPDATE: November 6, 2011. “Freedom's Highway. The Road to Socialism." ZUCCOTTI PARK. (aka Liberty Park)
Please scroll down for videos
A cooperative "planned economy", one that could meet people’s needs directly and foster meaningful social, economic, and racial equality. They're here to show us 'how it's done'.
Need a bogeyman, that evil corporate WAR machine aka AMERIKA to STAND together as ONE.
YET, all is not well in Who-ville. It's devolving. The 'People' do not ALL get along.
A stroll thru the park is a glimpse at their future. Our future. The one they want to force on US. (Three to a PUP tent hovel) Oh yeah...can't wait...
The Anarchistsseem to have their OWN Camp....
But Papa George (Soros') money and ACORN and the Working Families Party.. If anybody can hold even these malcontents together, they are the glue.
Cause money talks (that evil by-product of Capitalism) These malcontents. These hy-po-crits. They CAN be bought. Methinks they DO protest way TOO much.
And crammed and jammed amongst the glut of tents and mounds are the ever faithful working groups.
PR Table taking a REST
Class War Camp (Eating the Rich) Ooh yummy. Can't Wait.
The Facilitators, just hangin'
Wow. They've even got their own banner (made from the stolen police netting)
So many working (or just hanging) but they have their INDIVIDUAL spots (even if they can't SPELL)
Everything is FREE. So RISE UP. Celebrate. It's FREE!
However, the kitchen area didn't seem so wonderful. Maybe that's why the BUMS are threatening the local merchants for that FREE food....
Maybe I'm not so hungry after all....
Free Books. Free shoes. Free Coats. Free Beds. Free Blankets. FREE CIGARETTES (Needs FREE PVC Pipe on one sign) And...oh my....Women's hygene? This is getting a tad ridiculous.
What? No. We're doing important 'work' here.
Let the idiots working some 'meaningless' job...making some 'corporate monster' RICH...let them GIVE and GIVE and GIVE to US. Help Keep the Occupation Alive! DONATE so we can get MORE COMRADES. Please!
Later, after serenading this guy with "Get a Job"....
I called these loosers a Bunch of Bums...and the BUMS... didn't like it. ..
FREE FREE FREE....That's the ticket to the NEW World Order. And also remember, while storming the local sandwich job for Free Food, To Be A Good Neighbor!
Perhaps we should STOP and just THINK about this at "The Think Tank"
Intellectuals working the passersby with propaganda on the East side and the not-so-bright begging for money... for everything...on the West Side. BUT, as you pass thru the middle of the helpful! So many arrows. Every which way to INFINITY!
But, YOU are not doing ENOUGH to Save The World. Smile. You're Amazing! You Are Part of History. Particularly, if you get RID of Fox Noose. can ... really smile!
Life is Good In Liberty Village. At least we've got Toilet Paper...and even an ... ironing board??
And helpful suggestions for a bathroom (damn those nasty banks)
Remember, it's "THEM against US" so we have a Live Stream Feed, just to show you how much 'we' are sacrificing to be here! Get your News right here.
NOT HERE. No News here (so they say)
BTW- These signs opposing the Police presence are posted in PLAIN SIGHT for all to see. Helpful advisories ( click pictures to enlarge for easier reading)
Hard to believe, but BLOOMBERG and OBAMA support this anarchy. Bloomberg by his inaction and Obama? Guess THIS is his Utopia of Change we've been hearing about..
I spied a Special of Saul Alinsky's chums...
And lest we forget it was really the JOOOS that caused all of this trouble. They FORCED this Occupation because of their love of MONEY (and war)
Wikileaks is there 24/7 it seems, to keep things covered! That purveyor of honest journalism....
The Security Patrol. The Sanitation Patrol. All have been given (by someone) the power to maintain Control of the Park. Supposedly to make it SAFE from Pigs. Yeah, that's right, Let's Keep the PIGS out.
But there is more to come.The inner sanctum at Zuccotti-ville, the Speakers Circle (which has more power than the Peoples General Assembly) have Big Plans.
CHECK POINTS to enter the park. A series of questions that would have to be answered before permitted to enter. And you will be removed if THEIR security force deems YOU unacceptable.
Safety. Security from ...Perverts. The women (and transgenders) are being sequestered to protect them from sexual assaults. The 'Occupation" claims the police are ignoring them. Don't care about them. The police they bully and insult on a daily basis are now, ignoring them? So the Collective is choosing (or forced) to handle their internal problems without the police.
The GAMES Bloomberg and Obama Play are encouraging this insurgency to grow. Shutting down Oakland should have been enough to turn the tide against these abuses of the First Amendment
No generators. Making electric and heat are harder to come by. Who Cares. Not the Occupation. Let's go Back to the Future with Generators powered by Cyclists.
No toilets but the teachers union is offering port-o-johns a couple of blocks away. Trinity Episcopal lets them shower etc and the Library's bathrooms are only a few blocks away. But, why walk a few blocks when there are all these money grubbing businesses right here around the park.
DEMAND YOUR RIGHTS! Meaning, they have trashed and threatened all the local merchants for FREE bathrooms, electric, food and water. It's their RIGHT, Damn It! Feed the Beast or you DIE
The police have been neutered so why not send them back to their neighborhood patrols? Nope, Bloomberg still has them encircling the park earning lots of overtime. Watching from a distance
The Educated Masses smile, nod their heads in agreement and eagerly offer them money... for ...whatever...
Teaching Empathy....that white 'black" widow on his cap sure makes me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. Trusting. Can't wait to FEEL some of that non-violent EMPATHY...
Families passing by. Smiling. Telling their children how exciting this all is. That they are watching history being made. Teaching the little children about Peace and Love:
Useful Idiots.
Flyers telling us who they are. Why they are here and how long they intend to stay . ( click flyers for better reading)
Signs encouraging us to JOIN the Occupation
and attitude. Wow. Can you feel the love....
This Commie Sloth, DEMANDED 50 cents for her Marxist periodical, so I let it FLY thru the air on it's way back to her clutches...
Hard at Work? I don't think so....
Knitting Circle, though, seemed "Hard at Work"
And Ribbon Duty, "Hard at Work"
Do you really want this Brave New World?
PEACE symbol being flown by the Anarchists Camp (within a Camp)
The DRUMMERS! Not really so Peaceful. Just ask this drummer what he thinks of this latest incarnation of the Occupation and you'll get an earful of complaints.
Heard this guy above going on about how the drummers used to be able to play the drums, a lot! There had been HAPPY people dancing and twirling in the plaza but, NOW it's all covered with tents. No dancing. Less drums. He's NOT happy. This guy below is now haging out it what was once Pulse Plaza... Oh ... the Horror....
BTW- Did a search on one particular song (just curious) and it really is a Commie Indoctrination Song. "This Land is My Land"
From Wikipedia: "This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent.
Tired of hearing Kate Smith sing it on the radio, he wrote a response originally called "God Blessed America for Me".[1] Guthrie varied the lyrics over time, sometimes including more overtly political verses in line with his sympathetic views of communism,[2] than appear in recordings or publications."
No WONDER the COMMIES don't sing God Bless America. The overt patriotism and God must really offend them. Instead they sing this Communist Ode to America. An Anthem for the Disgruntled:
As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
BE SURE To Follow the Bouncing Ball during the Community Sing a Long
In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?
Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.
I see my people,
And some are grumblin',
And some are wonderin',
If this land's still made for you and me.
And then of course there's the odd co-opting of religion with this "religious" choice of, "We're on our way ....". We're ON OUR WAY to OCCUPY EVERYTHING!
Have Globe. Will Travel
He looks ready to travel (to Miami Beach)
He even has a lock on his TENT
This lock is a bit more primitive. Guess, it's the THOUGHT that counts...
And Now.... the VIDEOS
Part 1
Tripping ( and pedaling) backwards in time.... Socialists, Marxists and their minions.
Part 2
It's all Free man! Everything. Except the commie paper. Everything else: Free Food.
Free Coats. Free Money! Join the "occupation". It's FREE . And remember to SMILE cause, after all, you're amazing...
Part 3
Bloomie and Zero, what a team. Everyone come out to 'play' while we deconstruct America. Listening to this one fellow explain why they aren't in yadayadayadaya and then... there was the American Indian contingent with recap of our favorite Commie Ode to Joy.
Wrapping things up with this cocky Little Tool...
He represents an attitude. Whether sitting around ( or standing) They are Occupying a Space. Going nowhere and doing nothing. So, are they really "Winning"? Perhaps they are and we're only just now 'getting it' .
As long as they continue to break the law unchallenged, yeah, sure looks like "Winning".
It is now Day 53 and counting....Are you mad enough yet to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS OUTRAGE?
Slideshow includes a few more pictures of OWS Day 50 with the Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists and their minions. Trashing a park. Trashing a community and planning to TRASH America, One PARK, One Occupation at a time: Winning?
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